植物生态学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (12): 1693-1707.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0301

所属专题: 植物功能性状

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安凡1, 李宝银1,2,*(), 钟全林1,2, 程栋梁1,2, 徐朝斌1, 邹宇星1, 张雪1, 邓兴宇1, 林秋燕1   

  1. 1福建师范大学地理科学学院, 福州 350007
    2湿润亚热带山地生态国家重点实验室培育基地, 福建师范大学福建省植物生理生态重点实验室, 福州 350007
  • 收稿日期:2022-07-20 接受日期:2023-01-31 出版日期:2023-12-20 发布日期:2023-02-03
  • 通讯作者: *(liby@fjnu.edu.cn)
  • 基金资助:

Nitrogen addition affects growth and functional traits of Machilus pauhoi seedlings from different provenances

AN Fan1, LI Bao-Yin1,2,*(), ZHONG Quan-Lin1,2, CHENG Dong-Liang1,2, XU Chao-Bin1, ZOU Yu-Xing1, ZHANG Xue1, DENG Xing-Yu1, LIN Qiu-Yan1   

  1. 1College of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China
    2State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Humid Subtropical Mountain Ecology, Fujian Province Key Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China
  • Received:2022-07-20 Accepted:2023-01-31 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2023-02-03
  • Contact: *(liby@fjnu.edu.cn)
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31971643);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32071555);Industry-University Cooperation Project of Fujian Science and Technology Department(2019N5009);Industry-University Cooperation Project of Fujian Science and Technology Department(2020N5008)


氮是影响植物生长的重要营养物质元素, 生物量分配模式和功能性状反映植物在不同环境中的适应性策略, 揭示不同种源个体对氮沉降的生态响应, 有助于阐明植物对氮沉降的适应机制。该研究以刨花楠(也称刨花润楠, Machilus pauhoi)典型分布区福建万木林、福建茫荡山、江西遂川、浙江建德、湖南茶陵、江西安福6个种源地的刨花楠苗木为对象, 通过设置施肥和不施肥处理, 探讨氮添加、种源及其交互作用对刨花楠苗木生物量分配与功能性状的影响。结果表明: 1)氮添加会显著促进刨花楠苗木的生物量累积及其相对生长速率, 建德种源苗木在施氮处理后长势最好; 氮添加对各种源苗木生物量分配的影响表现不同, 添加氮会显著增加建德和安福种源苗木叶质量分数及万木林和安福种源苗木的叶茎比。2)氮添加对各种源苗木叶性状的影响存在差异; 施氮会显著降低建德、茶陵和安福种源苗木的比叶面积, 增加茶陵种源苗木的叶面积及叶片氮磷比。3)各种源苗木细根主要功能性状对氮添加的响应也存在差异; 施氮会显著降低建德种源苗木的细根平均直径及遂川、建德和安福种源苗木的根组织密度, 但却会增加万木林种源苗木根组织密度、茫荡山和建德种源苗木的比根长及遂川和建德种源苗木的细根比表面积; 氮添加显著增加安福种源苗木的细根氮含量, 降低万木林、茫荡山和遂川种源苗木的细根磷含量, 并使各种源苗木细根氮磷比均显著高于对照。4)不同种源间刨花楠苗木细根和与生物量分配相关的表型可塑性相对高于叶片表型可塑性, 其中建德种源苗木的表型可塑性最高, 遂川种源苗木表型可塑性最低。5)结构方程模型表明, 种源与氮添加对刨花楠苗木生长影响显著, 氮添加通过影响叶茎比和叶片氮磷比进而对生长产生影响, 种源则通过影响其比叶面积与细根比表面积进而影响其生长。不同种源间刨花楠苗木生长、生物量分配及主要功能性状对氮添加的生态适应策略具有差异性, 其中建德种源苗木更适应外界环境的变化, 这是其长期适应种源地环境的结果。研究结果可为我国受氮沉降影响的亚热带区域开展刨花楠优良种源选择等提供理论依据。

关键词: 种源, 氮添加, 功能性状, 生长, 刨花楠


Aims Nitrogen (N) is an important nutrient element affecting plant growth, biomass allocation and functional trait strategies. Revealing the ecological responses of different provenances to N deposition can help elucidate the adaptation mechanisms of plant species.
Methods In this study, Machilus pauhoi seedlings from 6 provenances in Wanmulin, Fujian Province (WML), Mangdang Mountain, Fujian Province (MDS), Suichuan, Jiangxi Province (SC), Jiande, Zhejiang Province (JD), Chaling, Hunan Province (CL) and Anfu, Jiangxi Province (AF) were selected as our study objects. By setting two treatments of fertilization and no fertilization, we investigated the effects of N addition, provenance and their interactions on biomass allocation and functional traits of M. pauhoi seedlings.
Important findings 1) Nitrogen addition significantly promoted total biomass accumulation and the relative growth rate of M. pauhoi seedlings, with the greatest response observed for JD seedlings. However, the effect of N addition on biomass allocation varied by provenance, with JD and AF seeding showing increased leaf mass fraction, and WML and AF seedlings showing increased leaf stem ratio. 2) The effects of N addition on leaf traits of seedlings also varied by provenance. N application significantly reduced the specific leaf area of JD, CL and AF seedlings, but increased the leaf area and leaf N:phosphorus (P) of CL seedling. 3) The response of major functional traits of fine roots to N addition also varied by provenance. N addition significantly decreased the average root diameter and root tissue density of SC, JD and AF seedlings, but increased the root tissue density of WML seedling, the specific root length of MDS and JD seedlings, and the specific surface area of SC and JD seedlings. N addition significantly increased the fine root N content of AF seedling, but decreased the fine root P content of WML, MDS and SC seedlings, and the fine root N:P of all provenances were significantly higher in fertilization treatments than in the control. 4) We observed higher phenotypic plasticity in fine root and biomass-related phenotypes than in leaf traits among different provenances, with the highest phenotypic plasticity in the JD seedling and the lowest phenotypic plasticity in the SC seedling. 5) Structural equation modeling showed that N addition and provenance had significant effects on the growth of M. pauhoi seedlings, with N addition influencing growth by affecting leaf stem ratio and leaf N:P, and provenance influencing growth by affecting specific leaf area and fine root surface area. The growth, biomass and functional traits of M. pauhoi seedlings from different provenances have different ecological adaptation strategies to N addition. Among them, JD seedlings is more adaptable to changes in the external environment, which may account for its long-term adaptation to the provenance environment. Our results provide a theoretical basis for the selection of optimal provenance of M. pauhoi in subtropical regions of China that affected by N deposition.

Key words: provenances, nitrogen addition, functional trait, growth, Machilus pauhoi