Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2005, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 479-486.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2005.0064
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Changes during restoration | Effects on ecosystem structure and function | Restoration strategy | |
Soil organic matter (SOM) | Increase in primary succession types of restoration. Minor change in secondary succession scenarios. | Improves soil texture, micro_structure, pH, bulk density, water holding capacity, etc. Reduces soil erosion and increases nutrient retention. Benefits soil microbial growth and the accumulation of N capital. Benefits plant growth and the accumulation of organic carbon. | Establish pioneering plants. Establish microbial symbiotic relationship (N fixation, mycorrhizae) with plants. Fertilizing to increase primary production. Amending organic carbon through top_soil transfer, mulching, and sluggish addition. |
Soil nutrients | Limited in the early stages of primary succession scenarios. Nutrient cycling/input ratios increase. Usually not limited in 2nd succession scenarios. | Enhances ecosystem production. Enhances carbon and nitrogen accumulation and cycling. Affects species interactions including mutualistic symbiotic relationships. | Apply inorganic fertilizers. Apply organic nutrients. Establish N_fixing plants. Establish mycorrhizal symbionts to enhance nutrient uptake by plants. Add high C∶N material (like woodchips) to assimilate excess nutrients. |
Soil organisms | Increase in biomass and composition in primary succession scenarios. Composition changes in 2nd succession scenarios. | Forms mutualistic or symbiotic relationships with plants. Increases ecosystem complexity. Increases nutrient turnover. Increases nutrient retention. | Inoculate commercially produced beneficial microbial species. Transfer top_soil from mature ecosystems. Increase plant diversity to boost microbial diversity. |
Table 1 Key soil indices and their changes during restoration
Changes during restoration | Effects on ecosystem structure and function | Restoration strategy | |
Soil organic matter (SOM) | Increase in primary succession types of restoration. Minor change in secondary succession scenarios. | Improves soil texture, micro_structure, pH, bulk density, water holding capacity, etc. Reduces soil erosion and increases nutrient retention. Benefits soil microbial growth and the accumulation of N capital. Benefits plant growth and the accumulation of organic carbon. | Establish pioneering plants. Establish microbial symbiotic relationship (N fixation, mycorrhizae) with plants. Fertilizing to increase primary production. Amending organic carbon through top_soil transfer, mulching, and sluggish addition. |
Soil nutrients | Limited in the early stages of primary succession scenarios. Nutrient cycling/input ratios increase. Usually not limited in 2nd succession scenarios. | Enhances ecosystem production. Enhances carbon and nitrogen accumulation and cycling. Affects species interactions including mutualistic symbiotic relationships. | Apply inorganic fertilizers. Apply organic nutrients. Establish N_fixing plants. Establish mycorrhizal symbionts to enhance nutrient uptake by plants. Add high C∶N material (like woodchips) to assimilate excess nutrients. |
Soil organisms | Increase in biomass and composition in primary succession scenarios. Composition changes in 2nd succession scenarios. | Forms mutualistic or symbiotic relationships with plants. Increases ecosystem complexity. Increases nutrient turnover. Increases nutrient retention. | Inoculate commercially produced beneficial microbial species. Transfer top_soil from mature ecosystems. Increase plant diversity to boost microbial diversity. |
Fig.2 Changes of soil properties in a natural restoration in the Himalaya landslide sites, described as a function of site age in years MF:Mature reference forest Created based on the data inSingh et al.(2001) Certain soil parameters expressed with adjusted scales
Fig.3 Accumulation and transformations of soil N in the forest floor (FF) and mineral soil (MS) in a primary succession series in Alaska floodplain The age (year) of the succession is shown in parenthesis after the dominant plant type.Created based on the data in van Cleve et al.(1993)
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