植物生态学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (8): 635-647.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0076
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王传宽 ORCID:0000-0003-3513-5426
李志民: ORCID: 0000-0002-1885-6523
WANG Chuan-Kuan ORCID:0000-0003-3513-5426
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冻融栓塞在中高纬度地区木本植物中普遍存在。抗冻融栓塞能力对在寒冷环境中木本植物的生长和安全越冬十分关键, 这直接决定植物分布范围。冻融栓塞是由于冰中气体溶解度低, 木质部水分在低温下冷冻, 使之前水中溶解的气体逸出到导管中, 随后木质部中的冰融化又使气泡扩张而引发的栓塞现象。木质部解剖结构的差异会影响植物的抗冻融栓塞能力, 植物还可以通过调节木质部正压、代谢耗能等方式主动修复冻融栓塞, 也可通过增加树液溶质含量等逃避冷冻, 以减少低温损伤。然而, 与干旱栓塞相比, 目前对木质部冻融栓塞的形成以及植物响应和调节机制的理解不足。为此, 该文首先综述了木质部冻融栓塞的形成机制和植物的逃避、忍耐、修复等3种冻融栓塞的应对策略, 然后总结了木质部抗低温胁迫能力的生理表现、影响因子和评价指标, 并在此基础上讨论了低温抗性、干旱抗性和水力效率之间的多元权衡关系, 最后提出今后该领域中的5个优先研究问题: (1)不同植物冰冻的最低温度阈值; (2)是否存在应对低温胁迫的水力脆弱性分割机制; (3)冻融栓塞修复与代谢消耗的关系; (4)低温抗性、干旱抗性和水力效率之间的权衡关系; (5)抗冻融栓塞性状是否能够纳入经济性状谱系。
李志民, 王传宽. 木本植物木质部的冻融栓塞应对研究进展. 植物生态学报, 2019, 43(8): 635-647. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0076
LI Zhi-Min, WANG Chuan-Kuan. Research progress on responses of xylem of woody plants to freeze-thaw embolism. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2019, 43(8): 635-647. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0076
图2 主要植被类型低温抗性、干旱抗性和水力效率之间多元权衡的概念图。高(低)水力效率和低(高)低温抗性相关联, 但主动修复可影响该权衡, 低温还可影响植物的冷冻疲劳; 高(低)水力效率与低(高)干旱抗性相关联, 几乎不存在同时高水力效率和高干旱抗性的植物, 但具有低水力效率和低干旱抗性的植物; 干旱胁迫可增加低温抗性(不同时), 反之亦然, 干旱和低温同时发生增加水力导度丢失量, 但两者对水力系统的影响并不相关。
Fig. 2 A conceptual diagram of multiple trade-offs among low-temperature resistance, drought resistance and hydraulic efficiency of the major vegetation types in the world. High (low) hydraulic efficiency is associated with weak (strong) low-temperature resistance, but the capacity of positive refilling embolism may influence the trade-off between hydraulic efficiency and low-temperature resistance, and low-temperature also affects the plant’s frost fatigue. High (low) hydraulic efficiency is associated with weak (strong) drought resistance, but many species have both low hydraulic efficiency and drought resistance rather than high hydraulic efficiency and drought resistance. Drought stress may increase low-temperature resistance (asynchronous), and vice versa; concomitant drought and low-temperature stresses aggravate the loss of hydraulic conductance, but there are no related impacts of drought and low-temperature stresses on the hydraulic system.
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