植物生态学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (10): 1007-1014.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0174
车俭1,3, 郑洁1,3, 蒋娅3, 金毅1,3,*(), 乙引1,2,*()
Yi Y: gzklppdr@gznu.edu.cn基金资助:
CHE Jian1,3, ZHENG Jie1,3, JIANG Ya3, JIN Yi1,3,*(), YI Yin1,2,*()
Supported by:
常绿和落叶木本被子植物是组成东亚地区亚热带阔叶林的两个主要植物类群。探索常绿和落叶木本被子植物的生态位差异, 对于推测亚热带阔叶林群落的生物多样性维持机制, 具有重要意义。该研究采用线性回归模型和Mantel检验多元回归等统计手段, 分析了中国亚热带地区8个森林动态监测样地的常绿和落叶木本被子植物谱系和生态习性差异。主要结果: (1)该研究的788个被子植物分类单元的叶习性(常绿和落叶)具有一定的谱系保守性。常绿和落叶植物对光照、温度、水分、土壤反应和土壤肥力因子的生态习性均有差异, 表现为常绿植物偏好较低的光照和土壤pH, 以及较高的温度、水分和土壤肥力; 落叶植物则相反。(2)样地内落叶较常绿植物的种间谱系散布更收敛, 但生态习性散布更发散; 样地间落叶较常绿类群的谱系组成差异更小, 但生态习性差异更大; 样地间落叶类群的谱系组成差异随年平均气温差异的增大而增大。(3)落叶/常绿植物物种数量的比例随年平均气温升高而降低, 而旱季持续时间和年降水量等因子的影响不明显。该研究证实了我国亚热带地区8个森林动态监测样地内的常绿和落叶木本被子植物在谱系和生态习性上均存在巨大差异, 生态位分化在很大程度上是促进亚热带阔叶林群落内生物多样性维持的重要机制。
车俭, 郑洁, 蒋娅, 金毅, 乙引. 中国亚热带森林动态监测样地常绿和落叶木本被子植物谱系结构及生态习性差异. 植物生态学报, 2020, 44(10): 1007-1014. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0174
CHE Jian, ZHENG Jie, JIANG Ya, JIN Yi, YI Yin. Separation of phylogeny and ecological behaviors between evergreen and deciduous woody angiosperms in the subtropical forest dynamics plots of China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2020, 44(10): 1007-1014. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0174
图1 常绿和落叶木本被子植物的各项生态习性对比(平均值±标准误差)。D, 落叶木本被子植物; E, 常绿木本被子植物。柱形上方字母不同, 说明两者间有显著差异(p < 0.05), p值由谱系线性回归模型估计(附录II)。
Fig. 1 Difference in each ecological behavior between evergreen and deciduous plants (mean ± SE). D, deciduous woody angiosperms; E, evergreen woody angiosperms. Different letters above the bars indicate significant difference (p < 0.05). p-value is estimated by the phylogenetic linear regression model (Supplement II).
图2 样地常绿和落叶物种的谱系(A)和生态习性聚集情况(B)。D, 落叶木本被子植物; E, 常绿木本被子植物。箱线图上方字母不同说明两者间有显著差异(p < 0.05, Wilcoxon符合秩检验)。
Fig. 2 Phylogenetic (A) and ecological behavior dispersions (B) of evergreen and deciduous plants of the eight plots. D, deciduous woody angiosperms; E, evergreen woody angiosperms. NRI, net relatedness index; NFRI, net functional relatedness index. Different lowercase letters above the boxes indicate significant difference (p < 0.05, Wilcoxon signed- rank test with p-value adjusted by false discovery rate).
图3 样地常绿和落叶木本被子植物类群的谱系(A)和生态习性组成差异情况(B)。D, 落叶木本被子植物; E, 常绿木本被子植物。箱线图上方字母不同说明两者间有显著差异(p < 0.05, Wilcoxon秩和检验, p值经过伪发现率法校正)。
Fig. 3 Phylogenetic (A) and ecological behavior compositional differences (B) of evergreen and deciduous woody angiosperms of the eight plots. D, deciduous woody angiosperms; E, evergreen woody angiosperms. Different letters above the boxes indicate significant difference (p < 0.05, Wilcoxon signed-rank test with p-value adjusted by false discovery rate). βNRI, inter-sample net relatedness index; βNFRI, inter-sample net functional relatedness index.
影响因子 | 落叶木本被子植物 D | 常绿木本被子植物 E | ||
Predictor variable | βNRI | βNFRI | βNRI | βNFRI |
样地面积 A | 0.225 | 0.303 | 0.063 | 0.716 |
岛屿 I | 0.211 | 0.783 | -0.617 | 2.154 |
年降水量 AP | 0.156 | 0.574 | 0.425 | -0.465 |
旱季时间 DS | 0.090 | 0.168 | -0.035 | 0.667 |
年平均气温 MAT | -0.222* | -0.217 | -0.018 | -0.332 |
表1 中国亚热带8个森林样地间常绿和落叶木本被子植物谱系组成差异指数(βNRI)和生态习性组成差异指数(βNFRI)的Mantel检验多元回归手段分析结果
Table 1 Results of the multiple regression method of Mantel test of net relatedness index among samples (βNRI) and net functional relatedness index among samples (βNFRI) of deciduous and evergreen woody angiosperms among the eight forest plots
影响因子 | 落叶木本被子植物 D | 常绿木本被子植物 E | ||
Predictor variable | βNRI | βNFRI | βNRI | βNFRI |
样地面积 A | 0.225 | 0.303 | 0.063 | 0.716 |
岛屿 I | 0.211 | 0.783 | -0.617 | 2.154 |
年降水量 AP | 0.156 | 0.574 | 0.425 | -0.465 |
旱季时间 DS | 0.090 | 0.168 | -0.035 | 0.667 |
年平均气温 MAT | -0.222* | -0.217 | -0.018 | -0.332 |
图4 落叶和常绿木本被子植物物种数比例随年平均气温的变化。BDGS, 八大公山; BSZ, 百山祖; DHS, 鼎湖山; FS, 福山; GTS, 古田山; HSD, 黑石顶; LHC, 莲花池; TT, 天童。黑色实心点表示样地, 深灰色线段表示最优线性回归模型(附录III)拟合的落叶和常绿植物丰富度比例的均值, 灰色阴影部分为均值的95%置信区间。线性回归模型的R2adj = 0.707。
Fig. 4 Variation in the ratio of deciduous: evergreen woody angiosperm richness with mean annual temperature. MAT, mean annual temperature; D:E, the ratio of deciduous and evergreen woody angiosperms in species richness. BDGS, Badagongshan; BSZ, Baishanzu; DHS, Dinghushan; FS, Fushan; GTS, Gutianshan; HSD, Heishiding; LHC, Lienhuachi; TT, Tiantong. Each soild black circle represents a plot, the dark grey line represents the mean of deciduous: evergreen plants richness ratio, and the grey area represents 95% confidence interval of the mean, as fitted by the best supported linear regression model (Supplement III). Adjusted r-square of the linear regression model is R2adj = 0.707.
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