植物生态学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (3): 404-417.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0321
赵小宁1, 田晓楠1, 李新2, 李广德3, 郭有正1, 贾黎明1, 段劼1, 席本野1,**()
** 席本野: ORCID:0000-0003-4730-6384 (benyexi@bjfu.edu.cn)*同等贡献
ZHAO Xiao-Ning1, TIAN Xiao-Nan1, LI Xin2, LI Guang-De3, GUO You-Zheng1, JIA Li-Ming1, DUAN Jie1, XI Ben-Ye1,**()
XI Ben-Ye
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First author contact:*Contributed equally to this work
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热扩散探针(TDP)在林木蒸腾研究中应用极广, 其测定数据的计算精度直接影响对林木和林分耗水的精准定量。Granier原始公式(Fd = 0.0119K1.231, Fd为液流速率(cm·s-1), K为温差系数)是计算TDP测定数据的标准方法, 但其准确性备受质疑。为系统了解Granier原始公式的适用性和明确对其校正的必要性, 该研究以毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)为实验材料, 采用室内茎段法和整树容器法, 针对不同型号的TDP探针评估Granier原始公式的精度, 并对比不同方法校正公式的应用效果。与茎段法实测值相比, Granier原始公式计算的液流速率平均低估52.3%-61.4%。通过茎段法和整树容器法得到的校正公式分别为Fd = 0.0362K1.870和Fd = 0.0105K0.976; 且一种方法下得到的校正公式, 在其他方法条件下应用时存在较大偏差。与Granier原始公式相比, 整树容器法校正公式计算的大田生长状态下的7株林木的平均液流速率没有显著变化, 但茎段法和其他研究中得到的毛白杨校正公式的计算结果均显著变大。以整树容器法做对比, Granier原始公式的精度明显高于其他校正公式, 其相对平均绝对误差和均方根误差分别为10%和0.000 5 cm·s-1。此外, 校正公式的系数在不同林木间存在较大差异, 但其数值与导水边材中探针长度所占比例呈显著负相关关系。综上, 利用TDP测定液流时, 可能有必要对Granier原始公式进行校正, 但不同方法校正公式的应用效果差异巨大, 表明以往研究中得到的校正公式具有很大局限性。同时, 该研究未找到充足证据支撑“有必要采用校正公式以精确估算毛白杨液流速率”的观点, 尤其是考虑到整树容器法校正公式对大田栽植的毛白杨的液流速率估算结果与Granier原始公式并无显著差异, 因此建议继续对该树种延用Granier原始公式。
赵小宁, 田晓楠, 李新, 李广德, 郭有正, 贾黎明, 段劼, 席本野. Granier原始公式计算树干液流速率的适用性分析——以毛白杨为例. 植物生态学报, 2023, 47(3): 404-417. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0321
ZHAO Xiao-Ning, TIAN Xiao-Nan, LI Xin, LI Guang-De, GUO You-Zheng, JIA Li-Ming, DUAN Jie, XI Ben-Ye. Analysis of applicability of Granier’s original equation for calculating the stem sap flux density—Take Populus tomentosa as an example. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2023, 47(3): 404-417. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0321
茎段编号 Stem number | 直径 Diameter (cm) | 安装探针类型 Sensor type | 圆盘面积 Disc area (cm2) | 平均边材厚度 Average sapwood depth (cm) | 具有导水能力的边材面积 Area of water conducting sapwood (cm2) |
1 | 9.80 | TDP-20, TDP-30 | 72.7 | 1.2 | 32.5 |
2 | 10.50 | TDP-20, TDP-30 | 86.1 | 0.9 | 25.4 |
3 | 10.20 | TDP-20, TDP-30 | 87.2 | 1.5 | 43.8 |
4 | 10.91 | TDP-20, TDP-30 | 97.6 | 1.9 | 54.8 |
5 | 11.20 | TDP-20, TDP-30 | 103.3 | 1.2 | 38.9 |
6 | 12.00 | TDP-20, TDP-30 | 111.9 | 1.1 | 36.6 |
7 | 11.80 | TDP-30 | 106.8 | 0.8 | 25.0 |
表1 室内茎段法实验中各茎段及其液流测定处圆盘的基本信息
Table 1 Basic information on the stems and their discs where the sap flux density was measured in the stem-weighing method experiment
茎段编号 Stem number | 直径 Diameter (cm) | 安装探针类型 Sensor type | 圆盘面积 Disc area (cm2) | 平均边材厚度 Average sapwood depth (cm) | 具有导水能力的边材面积 Area of water conducting sapwood (cm2) |
1 | 9.80 | TDP-20, TDP-30 | 72.7 | 1.2 | 32.5 |
2 | 10.50 | TDP-20, TDP-30 | 86.1 | 0.9 | 25.4 |
3 | 10.20 | TDP-20, TDP-30 | 87.2 | 1.5 | 43.8 |
4 | 10.91 | TDP-20, TDP-30 | 97.6 | 1.9 | 54.8 |
5 | 11.20 | TDP-20, TDP-30 | 103.3 | 1.2 | 38.9 |
6 | 12.00 | TDP-20, TDP-30 | 111.9 | 1.1 | 36.6 |
7 | 11.80 | TDP-30 | 106.8 | 0.8 | 25.0 |
图2 毛白杨不同茎段染色后的横截面。图中红色区域为导水边材。
Fig. 2 Cross-section of different stem segments after dyeing of Populus tomentosa. The red area in the cross sections indicates the water-conducting sapwood.
图3 Granier原始公式液流速率计算值与室内茎段法液流速率真实值对比。不同颜色R2和p值代表对应颜色茎段的线性回归结果。
Fig. 3 Comparison between the calculated sap flux density by Granier’s original equation and the actual sap flux density measured with the stem-weighing method. R2 and p values represent the linear regression results of stems with data points having corresponding color.
图4 Granier原始公式液流速率估算值较室内茎段法真实值的低估程度。
Fig. 4 Degree of underestimation for sap flux density predicted with Granier’s original equation and compared with the actual value measured by the stem-weighing method.
图7 Granier原始公式校正系数与导水边材中探针长度所占比例的关系。
Fig. 7 Relationship between the calibrated parameters of Granier’s original equation and the proportion of probe inserted into water-conducting sapwood.
图8 利用室内茎段法实验数据验证Granier原始公式和不同的毛白杨校正公式。M1, Granier原始公式; M2, 茎段法校正公式; M3, 整树容器法校正公式; M4, 马玉洁等(2020)校正公式; M5, Xie和Wan (2018)校正公式。
Fig. 8 Verification of Granier’s original equation and other calibrated equations of Populus tomentosa using the data of the stem-weighing method. M1, Granier’s original equation; M2, calibrated equation of stem-weighing method; M3, calibrated equation of whole-tree potometer method; M4, calibrated equation of Ma et al. (2020); M5, calibrated equation of Xie & Wan (2018).
图9 利用整树容器法数据验证Granier原始公式和不同的毛白杨液流速率校正公式。M1, Granier原始公式; M2, 茎段法校正公式; M3, 整树容器法校正公式; M4, 马玉洁等(2020)校正公式; M5, Xie和Wan (2018)校正公式。
Fig. 9 Verification of Granier’s original equation and other calibrated equations of Populus tomentosa using the data of the whole-tree potometer method. M1, Granier’s original equation; M2, calibrated equation of stem-weighing method; M3, calibrated equation of whole-tree potometer method; M4, calibrated equation of Ma et al. (2020); M5, calibrated equation of Xie & Wan (2018).
图10 Granier原始公式和其他校正公式估算的大田栽植的毛白杨液流速率对比(平均值±标准误)。图中不同小写字母表示差异显著(p < 0.05),检验方法为Turkey检验。M1, Granier原始公式; M2, 茎段法校正公式; M3, 整树容器法校正公式; M4, 马玉洁等(2020)校正公式; M5, Xie和Wan (2018)校正公式。
Fig. 10 Comparison of sap flux density predicted with Granier’s original equation and other calibrated equations for field grown Populus tomentosa (mean ± SE). Different lowercase letters indicate a significant difference at p <0.05, according to Tukey’s test. M1, Granier’s original equation; M2, calibrated equation of stem-weighing method; M3, calibrated equation of whole-tree potometer method; M4, calibrated equation of Ma et al. (2020); M5, calibrated equation of Xie & Wan (2018).
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