植物生态学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 41-55.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0397 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2022.0397
吴瀚1,2,3, 白洁1,3,*(), 李均力1,3, 古丽•加帕尔1,3, 包安明1,3
WU Han1,2,3, BAI Jie1,3,*(), LI Jun-Li1,3, Guli JIAPAER1,3, BAO An-Ming1,3
(Supported by:
新疆作为我国西北生态安全屏障的核心区域, 生态环境状况和质量的格局变化和影响机制一直备受关注。该研究基于2003-2020年MODIS地表反照率数据集(MOD09 A1), 利用改进的三梯度差法获取植被覆盖度(FVC), 运用线性回归、偏相关分析、Tukey检验等多种统计方法, 探讨新疆地区FVC时空变化规律及定量温度、降水量与地下水储量对其的贡献。主要结果: (1)近18年新疆地区平均FVC由20.08%提高到21.76%, 整体呈增长趋势(增速为0.19%·a-1), 且2008年以后呈快速增长阶段; 其中, 耕地增速最大(0.66%·a-1), 稀疏草地增速最慢(0.11%·a-1)。(2)温度是新疆生长季FVC的重要影响因素, 温度对FVC影响集中在春季和秋季; 而降水量和地下水储量是夏季FVC的主要影响因素。(3)夏季地下水储量是灌丛和耕地FVC的最主要影响因素; 夏季降水量对草地FVC的影响最大, 而夏季地下水储量对稀疏草地FVC的影响较大。(4)温度对新疆FVC的影响随湿润程度增加而减弱, 而降水量的影响则随之增强; 地下水储量影响随湿润程度增加呈先增加后减少趋势。该研究结果可为新疆生态恢复和建设提供科学理论依据, 对于推动新疆的生态文明建设和绿色可持续发展具有重要意义。
吴瀚, 白洁, 李均力, 古丽•加帕尔, 包安明. 新疆地区植被覆盖度时空变化及其影响因素分析. 植物生态学报, 2024, 48(1): 41-55. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0397
WU Han, BAI Jie, LI Jun-Li, Guli JIAPAER, BAO An-Ming. Study of spatio-temporal variation in fractional vegetation cover and its influencing factors in Xinjiang, China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2024, 48(1): 41-55. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0397
土地利用类型 Land use type | 主要组成 Main components |
林地 Forestland | 常绿针叶林 Evergreen coniferous forest |
落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest | |
落叶针叶林 Deciduous coniferous forest | |
乔木园地 Tree orchard | |
乔木绿地 Tree garden | |
稀疏林 Sparse forest | |
灌丛 Shrubland | 落叶阔叶灌木林 Deciduous broadleaf shrub forest |
常绿针叶灌木林 Evergreen coniferous shrub forest | |
灌木园地 Shrub orchard | |
灌木绿地 Shrub garden | |
稀疏灌木林 Sparse shrub forest | |
草地 Grassland | 草甸 Meadow |
草原 Steppe | |
草本绿地 Lawn | |
稀疏草地 Sparse grassland | 稀疏草地 Sparse grassland |
耕地 Cropland | 旱地 Dry farmland |
水田 Paddy field | |
水体 Waterbody | 河流 River |
湖泊 Lake | |
水库/坑塘 Reservoir/pond | |
运河/水渠 Canal/channel | |
冰川 Glacier | 冰川/永久积雪 Permanent ice/snow |
人工地表 Built-up land | 采矿场 Mining field |
工业用地 Industrial field | |
交通用地 Transportation field | |
居住地 Settlement | |
裸地 Bare land | 裸土 Bare soil |
裸岩 Bare rock | |
沙漠/沙地 Desert | |
盐碱地 Salina |
表1 新疆主要土地利用类型及其主要组成
Table 1 Main land use types in Xinjiang and their main components
土地利用类型 Land use type | 主要组成 Main components |
林地 Forestland | 常绿针叶林 Evergreen coniferous forest |
落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broadleaf forest | |
落叶针叶林 Deciduous coniferous forest | |
乔木园地 Tree orchard | |
乔木绿地 Tree garden | |
稀疏林 Sparse forest | |
灌丛 Shrubland | 落叶阔叶灌木林 Deciduous broadleaf shrub forest |
常绿针叶灌木林 Evergreen coniferous shrub forest | |
灌木园地 Shrub orchard | |
灌木绿地 Shrub garden | |
稀疏灌木林 Sparse shrub forest | |
草地 Grassland | 草甸 Meadow |
草原 Steppe | |
草本绿地 Lawn | |
稀疏草地 Sparse grassland | 稀疏草地 Sparse grassland |
耕地 Cropland | 旱地 Dry farmland |
水田 Paddy field | |
水体 Waterbody | 河流 River |
湖泊 Lake | |
水库/坑塘 Reservoir/pond | |
运河/水渠 Canal/channel | |
冰川 Glacier | 冰川/永久积雪 Permanent ice/snow |
人工地表 Built-up land | 采矿场 Mining field |
工业用地 Industrial field | |
交通用地 Transportation field | |
居住地 Settlement | |
裸地 Bare land | 裸土 Bare soil |
裸岩 Bare rock | |
沙漠/沙地 Desert | |
盐碱地 Salina |
图2 植被覆盖度观测值与拟合值比较。RMSE, 均方根误差。
Fig. 2 Comparison of fractional vegetation cover between observed data and modelled data. RMSE, root mean square error.
图3 2003-2020年新疆植被区植被覆盖度(FVC)时空变化。绿色代表FVC呈增加趋势, 红色代表FVC呈减少趋势, *代表变化趋势通过了p < 0.05的显著性水平检验。NA, 非植被覆盖区或未通过显著性检验。
Fig. 3 Spatio-temporal variation of fractional vegetation cover (FVC) in the vegetation covered area of Xinjiang from 2003 to 2020. Green pixels represent the increasing area of FVC, red pixels represent the decreasing area of FVC, and * represent the trend has passed the significance test of p < 0.05. NA, no vegetation covered area or area that fails the significance test.
图4 2003-2020年新疆草地(A)、稀疏草地(B)、灌丛(C)和耕地(D)的植被覆盖度(FVC)变化。
Fig. 4 Fractional vegetation cover (FVC) variation of grassland (A), sparse grassland (B), shrubland (C) and cropland (D) in Xinjiang from 2003 to 2020.
图5 2003-2020年新疆植被区植被覆盖度与温度(A)、降水量(B)和地下水储量(C)的偏相关系数。*代表变化趋势通过了p < 0.05的显著性水平检验。NA, 非植被覆盖区或未通过显著性检验。
Fig. 5 Partial correlation coefficient between fractional vegetation cover and temperature (A), precipitation (B) and groundwater storage (C) in the vegetation covered area of Xinjiang from 2003 to 2020. * represent the trend has passed the significance test of p < 0.05. NA, no vegetation covered area or area that fails the significance test.
图6 2003-2020年新疆不同时期内植被覆盖度变化的主要环境影响因子的空间分布及占比饼图。A、E, 生长季(4-10月)。B、F, 春季(4-5月)。C、G, 夏季(6-8月)。D、H, 秋季(9-10月)。彩色覆盖区域代表某种环境影响因子与植被覆盖度的偏相关系数绝对值大于0.5。GWS, 地下水储量; MIX, 没有主导的影响因子(即: 3种因子与植被覆盖度的偏相关系数绝对值均小于0.5); NA, 非植被覆盖区或未通过显著性检验; PRE, 降水量; TMP, 温度。
Fig. 6 Spatial distribution and proportion of main influencing factors of fractional vegetation cover change in different periods of Xinjiang from 2003 to 2020. A, E, Growing season (Apr. to Oct.). B, F, Spring (Apr. to May). C, G, Summer (June to Aug.). D, H, Autumn (Sept. to Oct.). The colored area represents that the absolute value of partial correlation coefficient between one type of influencing factor and fractional vegetation cover is greater than 0.5. GWS, groundwater storage; MIX, no dominant influencing factor (that is, the absolute value of partial correlation coefficient is less than 0.5); NA, no vegetation covered area or area that fails the significance test; PRE, precipitation; TMP, temperature.
图7 2003-2020年新疆不同土地利用类型植被覆盖度变化的环境影响因子面积占比。A, 生长季(4-10月)。B, 春季(4-5月)。C, 夏季(6-8月)。D, 秋季(9-10月)。GWS, 地下水储量; MIX, 没有主导的影响因子; PRE, 降水量; TMP, 温度。
Fig. 7 Proportion of main influencing factors of changes in fractional vegetation cover of vegetation types in Xinjiang from 2003 to 2020. A, Growing season (Apr. to Oct.). B, Spring (Apr. to May). C, Summer (June to Aug.). D, Autumn (Sept. to Oct.). GWS, underground water reserves; MIX, no dominant impact factors; PRE, precipitation; TMP, temperature.
图8 2003-2020年新疆春季、夏季、秋季环境影响因子与植被覆盖度(FVC)偏相关系数(R)的绝对值(平均值±标准差)。A, 温度(TMP)。B, 降水量(PRE)。C, 地下水储量(GWS)。不同小写字母表示各种土地利用类型间差异显著(p < 0.05)。
Fig. 8 Absolute mean value of partial correlation coefficient (R) between environmental factors and fractional vegetation cover (FVC) in spring, summer and autumn of Xinjiang from 2003 to 2020 (mean ± SD). A, Temperature (TMP). B, Precipitation (PRE). C, Groundwater storage (GWS). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different land use types (p < 0.05).
图9 2003-2020年降水量对新疆草地(A)、稀疏草地(B)、灌丛(C)和耕地(D)植被覆盖度(FVC)的影响与年降水量关系图。RFVC-PRE,植被覆盖度与降水量的偏相关系数。
Fig. 9 Relationship between mean annual precipitation and the influence of precipitation on fractional vegetation cover (FVC) of grassland (A), sparse grassland (B), shrubland (C) and cropland (D) in Xinjiang from 2003 to 2020. RFVC-PRE, the partial correlation coefficient between FVC and precipitation.
图10 2003-2020年新疆主要土地利用类型植被覆盖度(FVC)温度(A)、降水量(B)、地下水储量(C)的影响与干旱指数的关系图(平均值±标准差)。黑色线表示3种土地利用类型(草地、灌丛、耕地)的拟合结果, 红色表示4种土地利用类型(草地、稀疏草地、灌丛、耕地)的拟合结果。
Fig. 10 Relationship between fractional vegetation cover (FVC) influencing factors of main vegetation types in Xinjiang and aridity index from 2003 to 2020 (mean ± SD). A, Temperature. B, Precipitation. C, Groundwater storage. RFVC-TMP, RFVC-PRE and RFVC-GWS represent the partial correlation coefficient between fractional vegetation cover and temperature, precipitation and groundwater storage, respectively. The black curve represents the fitting results of three vegetation types (grassland, shrubland, cropland), and the red curve represents the fitting results of four vegetation types (grassland, sparse grassland, shrubland, cropland).
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