植物生态学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (7): 767-775.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00072
熊淑萍1,*(), 王静1, 王小纯2, 丁世杰1, 马新明1,**()
** E-mail: xinmingma@126.com基金资助:
XIONG Shu-Ping1,*(), WANG Jing1, WANG Xiao-Chun2, DING Shi-Jie1, MA Xin-Ming1,**()
XIONG Shu-Ping,MA Xin-Ming
为明确砂姜黑土区小麦(Triticum aestivum)产量和品质形成的耕作方式及施氮量最优组合, 在大田试验条件下, 以深松、旋耕和常规耕作3种耕作方式为主区, 0、120、225、330 kg·hm-2 4个施氮量为副区, 研究了不同耕作方式及施氮量组合对小麦拔节后氮代谢、籽粒产量和蛋白质含量的影响。结果表明, 随着生育期的推进, 叶片谷氨酰胺合成酶活性、游离氨基酸含量和可溶性蛋白含量均呈先升后降的趋势, 深松方式配合中高氮处理的峰值在花后10天, 而常规耕作和旋耕的4个施氮处理以及深松的低氮处理峰值多在开花期。与常规耕作和旋耕相比, 深松耕作显著降低了10-40 cm的土壤容重, 提高了土壤总空隙度和根干质量, 有利于中后期根系氮素吸收。耕作方式和施氮量对籽粒产量和蛋白质含量影响显著, 均以深松方式最高。3种耕作方式下小麦产量和蛋白质含量均随施氮量增加而增加, 籽粒产量以深松方式配合330 kg·hm-2施氮量最高, 而常规耕作和旋耕方式的产量在施氮量为225 kg·hm-2时达到最大。3种耕作方式下籽粒蛋白质含量均以施氮225 kg·hm-2最高。因此, 在砂姜黑土区宜采用深松耕作方式配合适宜的施氮量, 以改善土壤条件, 促进根系氮素吸收, 延长叶片功能期, 达到产量与蛋白品质提升之目的。
熊淑萍, 王静, 王小纯, 丁世杰, 马新明. 耕作方式及施氮量对砂姜黑土区小麦氮代谢及籽粒产量和蛋白质含量的影响. 植物生态学报, 2014, 38(7): 767-775. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00072
XIONG Shu-Ping, WANG Jing, WANG Xiao-Chun, DING Shi-Jie, MA Xin-Ming. Effects of tillage and nitrogen addition rate on nitrogen metabolism, grain yield and protein content in wheat in lime concretion black soil region. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, 38(7): 767-775. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00072
图1 不同耕作方式及施氮处理小麦功能叶的谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性(平均值±标准误差)。AF1, 花后10天; AF2, 花后20天; AF3, 花后30天; FS, 开花期; JS, 拔节期。CT, 常规耕作; RT, 旋耕; ST, 深松。N0, 不施氮; N120, 施氮120 kg·hm-2; N225, 施氮225 kg·hm-2; N330, 施氮330 kg·hm-2。
Fig. 1 Glutamine synthetase (GS) activity in functional leaves of wheat plants under different tillage methods and N application rates (mean ± SE). AF1, 10 days after flowering; AF2, 20 days after flowering; AF3, 30 days after flowering; FS, flowering stage; JS, jointing stage. CT, conventional tillage; RT, rotary tillage; ST, subsoiling. N0, no nitrogen addition; N120, 120 kg·hm-2 nitrogen addition; N225, 225 kg·hm-2 nitrogen addition; N330, 330 kg·hm-2 nitrogen addition.
图2 不同耕作方式及施氮处理小麦功能叶的游离氨基酸含量(平均值±标准误差)。AF1, 花后10天; AF2, 花后20天; AF3, 花后30天; FS, 开花期; JS, 拔节期。CT, 常规耕作; RT, 旋耕; ST, 深松。N0、N120、N225、N330同图1。
Fig. 2 Free amino acid content in functional leaves of wheat plants under different tillage methods and N application rates (mean ± SE). AF1, 10 days after flowering; AF2, 20 days after flowering; AF3, 30 days after flowering; FS, flowering stage; JS, jointing stage. CT, conventional tillage; RT, rotary tillage; ST, subsoiling. N0, N120, N225, N330, see Fig. 1.
图3 不同耕作方式及施氮处理小麦功能叶的可溶性蛋白含量(平均值±标准误差)。AF1, 花后10天; AF2, 花后20天; AF3, 花后30天; FS, 开花期; JS, 拔节期。CT, 常规耕作; RT, 旋耕; ST, 深松。N0、N120、N225、N330同图1。
Fig. 3 Soluble protein content in functional leaves of wheat plants under different tillage methods and N application rates (mean ± SE). AF1, 10 days after flowering; AF2, 20 days after flowering; AF3, 30 days after flowering; FS, flowering stage; JS, jointing stage. CT, conventional tillage; RT, rotary tillage; ST, subsoiling. N0, N120, N225, N330, see Fig. 1.
图4 不同耕作方式及施氮处理小麦功能叶的全氮含量(平均值±标准误差)。AF1, 花后10天; AF2, 花后20天; AF3, 花后30天; FS, 开花期; JS, 拔节期。CT, 常规耕作; RT, 旋耕; ST, 深松。N0、N120、N225、N330同图1。
Fig. 4 Total nitrogen content in functional leaves of wheat plants under different tillage methods and N application rates (mean ± SE). AF1, 10 days after flowering; AF2, 20 days after flowering; AF3, 30 days after flowering; FS, flowering stage; JS, jointing stage. CT, conventional tillage; RT, rotary tillage; ST, subsoiling. N0, N120, N225, N330, see Fig. 1.
土层 Soil layer (cm) | 耕作方式 Tillage method | 土壤容重 Soil bulk density (g·cm-3) | 土壤含水量 Soil water content (%) | 总孔隙度 Soil total porosity (%) | 根干质量 Root dry weight (g·10-4·cm-3) |
0-10 | 常规 CT | 1.25a | 27.34a | 47.19c | 15.45c |
深松 ST | 1.16b | 25.63b | 52.14b | 22.05b | |
旋耕 RT | 1.08c | 27.99a | 55.95a | 25.48a | |
10-20 | 常规 CT | 1.43b | 25.88b | 37.24b | 4.80b |
深松 ST | 1.36c | 26.71a | 42.26a | 11.05a | |
旋耕 RT | 1.51a | 25.72b | 31.31c | 3.50c | |
20-40 | 常规 CT | 1.44a | 30.17b | 36.29b | 4.71b |
深松 ST | 1.35bc | 30.65a | 41.33a | 7.14a | |
旋耕 RT | 1.38ab | 30.38ab | 38.63b | 2.85c |
表1 不同耕作方式下不同土层的土壤含水量、容重、总孔隙度及根干质量
Table 1 Soil water content, soil bulk density, soil total porosity and root dry mass in different soil layers under different tillage patterns
土层 Soil layer (cm) | 耕作方式 Tillage method | 土壤容重 Soil bulk density (g·cm-3) | 土壤含水量 Soil water content (%) | 总孔隙度 Soil total porosity (%) | 根干质量 Root dry weight (g·10-4·cm-3) |
0-10 | 常规 CT | 1.25a | 27.34a | 47.19c | 15.45c |
深松 ST | 1.16b | 25.63b | 52.14b | 22.05b | |
旋耕 RT | 1.08c | 27.99a | 55.95a | 25.48a | |
10-20 | 常规 CT | 1.43b | 25.88b | 37.24b | 4.80b |
深松 ST | 1.36c | 26.71a | 42.26a | 11.05a | |
旋耕 RT | 1.51a | 25.72b | 31.31c | 3.50c | |
20-40 | 常规 CT | 1.44a | 30.17b | 36.29b | 4.71b |
深松 ST | 1.35bc | 30.65a | 41.33a | 7.14a | |
旋耕 RT | 1.38ab | 30.38ab | 38.63b | 2.85c |
耕作方式 Tillage method | 施氮量 Nitrogen rate | 穗数 Spike (×104·hm-2) | 穗粒数 Number of kernels per ear | 千粒重 103 grain weight (g) | 产量 Yield (103 kg·hm-2) | 籽粒蛋白含量 Grain protein content (%) |
常规 CT | N0 | 367d | 26.6b | 39.93c | 3.31d | 10.68c |
N120 | 434c | 40.4a | 44.72b | 6.66c | 12.16b | |
N225 | 490a | 41.6a | 45.51a | 7.89a | 13.52a | |
N330 | 467b | 42.1a | 44.88b | 7.48b | 13.34a | |
平均值 Average | 439.5Bb | 37.7Bb | 43.76Aab | 6.34Bb | 12.43ABb | |
深松 ST | N0 | 380b | 27.9c | 40.38d | 3.64d | 10.98c |
N120 | 481a | 42.2b | 43.86c | 7.57c | 13.26b | |
N225 | 489a | 43.1ab | 46.16b | 8.27b | 14.00a | |
N330 | 499a | 43.9a | 47.64a | 8.87a | 13.26b | |
平均值 Average | 462.25Aa | 39.3Aa | 44.51Aa | 7.09Aa | 12.88Aa | |
旋耕 RT | N0 | 313c | 23.5c | 40.12c | 2.51d | 10.46c |
N120 | 437b | 34.4b | 43.94b | 5.61c | 11.33b | |
N225 | 458a | 42.2a | 44.99a | 7.39a | 12.13a | |
N330 | 438b | 42.9a | 43.36b | 6.93b | 11.91ab | |
平均值 Average | 412Cc | 35.75Cc | 43.10Bb | 5.61Cc | 11.46Cc | |
耕作方式 Tillage method | F值 F-value | 41.25** | 20.99** | 117.21** | 43.44** | 111.40** |
施氮水平 Nitrogen level | F值 F-value | 267.88** | 353.68** | 496.89** | 942.79** | 330.49** |
耕作×施氮 Tillage × Nitrogen | F值 F-value | 19.72** | 11.07** | 45.10** | 11.06** | 22.08** |
表2 不同耕作方式及施氮处理小麦的产量及蛋白质含量
Table 2 Grain yield and protein content in wheat plants under different tillage patterns and N application rates
耕作方式 Tillage method | 施氮量 Nitrogen rate | 穗数 Spike (×104·hm-2) | 穗粒数 Number of kernels per ear | 千粒重 103 grain weight (g) | 产量 Yield (103 kg·hm-2) | 籽粒蛋白含量 Grain protein content (%) |
常规 CT | N0 | 367d | 26.6b | 39.93c | 3.31d | 10.68c |
N120 | 434c | 40.4a | 44.72b | 6.66c | 12.16b | |
N225 | 490a | 41.6a | 45.51a | 7.89a | 13.52a | |
N330 | 467b | 42.1a | 44.88b | 7.48b | 13.34a | |
平均值 Average | 439.5Bb | 37.7Bb | 43.76Aab | 6.34Bb | 12.43ABb | |
深松 ST | N0 | 380b | 27.9c | 40.38d | 3.64d | 10.98c |
N120 | 481a | 42.2b | 43.86c | 7.57c | 13.26b | |
N225 | 489a | 43.1ab | 46.16b | 8.27b | 14.00a | |
N330 | 499a | 43.9a | 47.64a | 8.87a | 13.26b | |
平均值 Average | 462.25Aa | 39.3Aa | 44.51Aa | 7.09Aa | 12.88Aa | |
旋耕 RT | N0 | 313c | 23.5c | 40.12c | 2.51d | 10.46c |
N120 | 437b | 34.4b | 43.94b | 5.61c | 11.33b | |
N225 | 458a | 42.2a | 44.99a | 7.39a | 12.13a | |
N330 | 438b | 42.9a | 43.36b | 6.93b | 11.91ab | |
平均值 Average | 412Cc | 35.75Cc | 43.10Bb | 5.61Cc | 11.46Cc | |
耕作方式 Tillage method | F值 F-value | 41.25** | 20.99** | 117.21** | 43.44** | 111.40** |
施氮水平 Nitrogen level | F值 F-value | 267.88** | 353.68** | 496.89** | 942.79** | 330.49** |
耕作×施氮 Tillage × Nitrogen | F值 F-value | 19.72** | 11.07** | 45.10** | 11.06** | 22.08** |
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