植物生态学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (10): 1041-1052.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00098
所属专题: 生态化学计量
胡伟芳1,2, 章文龙1,2, 张林海1,2, 陈晓艳1, 林伟1, 曾从盛1,2,*(), 仝川1,2
* E-mail: cszeng@fjnu.edu.cn基金资助:
HU Wei-Fang1,2, ZHANG Wen-Long1,2, ZHANG Lin-Hai1,2, CHEN Xiao-Yan1, LIN Wei1, ZENG Cong-Sheng1,2,*(), TONG Chuan1,2
ZENG Cong-Sheng
研究湿地植物氮(N)和磷(P)的生态化学计量学特征对揭示植物与生境的耦合关系具有重要意义。通过收集中国52个采样区湿地植物不同器官和全株样本的N和P含量, 对其进行分类和统计分析, 探讨植物器官、生长期、植物类型、湿地类型和气候带对湿地植物N和P生态化学计量学特征的影响。结果表明: 1)湿地植物各器官N、P和N:P的几何平均值均表现为叶片(N, 16.07 mg·g-1; P, 1.85 mg·g-1; N:P, 8.67) >地上部分(N, 13.54 mg·g-1; P, 1.72 mg·g-1; N:P, 7.96) >茎(N, 7.86 mg·g-1; P, 1.71 mg·g-1; N:P, 4.58); 2)叶片N含量随时间变化呈现“三峰”型变化, 峰值分别出现在5月、7月和9月; 茎的N含量随时间变化表现为“双峰”型, 峰值出现在5月和9月; 成熟期之前, 植物叶片的N:P与N趋同波动, N:P主要受N含量控制; 衰老期N:P受P含量控制。3)湿地类型是影响植物叶片N和P生态化学计量特征的关键因素, N和P含量最高值出现在河流, 最低值出现在沼泽湿地, N:P的变化趋势大致与之相反。4)植物叶片N、P和N:P的几何平均值都表现为热带>温带>亚热带, 但总体差异不显著(p > 0.05)。5)中国大部分湿地植物叶片N:P < 14, 表现为N限制。
胡伟芳, 章文龙, 张林海, 陈晓艳, 林伟, 曾从盛, 仝川. 中国主要湿地植被氮和磷生态化学计量学特征. 植物生态学报, 2014, 38(10): 1041-1052. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00098
HU Wei-Fang, ZHANG Wen-Long, ZHANG Lin-Hai, CHEN Xiao-Yan, LIN Wei, ZENG Cong-Sheng, TONG Chuan. Stoichiometric characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in major wetland vegetation of China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, 38(10): 1041-1052. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00098
采样点 Sampling site | 经度 Longitude (E) | 纬度 Latitude (N) | 采样点 Sampling site | 经度 Longitude (E) | 纬度 Latitude (N) | |
海南青澜港 Qinlan Harbor, Hainan | 110.73° | 19.46° | 浙江杭州湾 Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang | 121.15° | 30.31° | |
海南河港村 Hegang Village, Hainan | 110.40° | 19.85° | 湖北三峡水库 Three Gorges Reservoir, Hubei | 108.85° | 30.33° | |
海南东寨港 Dongzhai Harbor, Hainan | 110.40° | 19.85° | 湖北青菱湖 Qingling Lake, Hubei | 114.23° | 30.40° | |
广西北海 Beihai, Guangxi | 109.23° | 21.43° | 湖北南湖 Nanhu Lake, Hubei | 114.37° | 30.48° | |
广西英罗湾 Yingluo Bay,Guangxi | 109.72° | 21.47° | 湖北三角湖 Sanjiao Lake, Hubei | 114.17° | 30.52° | |
广西山口 Shankou, Guangxi | 109.74° | 21.53° | 湖北墨水湖 Moshui Lake, Hubei | 114.23° | 30.53° | |
广西茅尾海 Maowei Lake, Guangxi | 108.54° | 21.83° | 湖北龙阳湖 Longyang Lake, Hubei | 114.18° | 30.55° | |
广东福田 Futian, Guangdong | 114.07° | 22.53° | 湖北后宫湖 Hougong Lake, Hubei | 114.32° | 30.55° | |
广东太平 Taiping, Guangdong | 113.73° | 22.77° | 湖北陶家大湖 Taojia Great Lake, Hubei | 114.60° | 30.65° | |
广西南宁 Nanning, Guangxi | 108.27° | 22.83° | 湖北涨渡湖 Zhangdu Lake, Hubei | 114.70° | 30.65° | |
广东广州 Guangzhou, Guangdong | 113.33° | 23.13° | 上海沙田湖 Shatian Lake, Shanghai | 120.92° | 31.12° | |
云南长桥海 Changqiao Lake, Yunnan | 103.35° | 23.43° | 上海九段沙 Jiuduansha, Shanghai | 121.98° | 31.17° | |
云南杞麓湖 Qilu Lake, Yunnan | 102.75° | 24.13° | 上海柒湖 Qihu Lake, Shanghai | 112.60° | 31.18° | |
云南星云湖 Xingyun Lake, Yunnan | 102.75° | 24.28° | 上海梦清园 Mengqing Garden, Shanghai | 121.43° | 31.23° | |
福建九龙江 Jiulong River, Fujian | 117.38° | 24.40° | 江苏太湖 Taihu Lake, Jiangsu | 120.24° | 31.24° | |
福建九龙江 Jiulong River, Fujian | 117.92° | 24.40° | 江苏太湖 Taihu Lake, Jiangsu | 122.37° | 31.45° | |
云南抚仙湖 Fuxian Lake, Yunnan | 102.88° | 24.48° | 江苏五里湖 Wuli Lake, Jiangsu | 120.25° | 31.50° | |
云南贡县 Gong County, Yunnan | 102.80° | 24.83° | 上海崇明 Chongming, Shanghai | 121.75° | 31.50° | |
云南阳宗海 Yangzong Lake, Yunnan | 102.98° | 24.85° | 江苏南京 Nanjing, Jiangsu | 118.85° | 32.02° | |
云南清水海 Qingshui Lake, Yunnan | 103.12° | 25.60° | 江苏北固山 Beigu Moutain, Jiangsu | 119.47° | 32.25° | |
浙江西湖 Xihu Lake, Zhejiang | 100.20° | 25.72° | 江苏盐城 Yancheng, Jiangsu | 120.37° | 33.52° | |
云南洱海 Erhai Lake, Yunnan | 100.18° | 25.78° | 江苏骆马湖 Luoma Lake, Jiangsu | 118.20° | 34.12° | |
云南弥苴河 Miju River, Yunnan | 100.13° | 25.93° | 江苏徐州 Xuzhou, Jiangsu | 117.13° | 34.22° | |
福建闽江口 Min River Estuary, Fujian | 119.63° | 26.03° | 山东济南 Jinan, Shandong | 117.01° | 36.67° | |
云南茈碧湖 Cibi Lake, Yunnan | 99.95° | 26.13° | 江苏盐城 Yancheng, Jiangsu | 120.60° | 36.90° | |
云南剑湖 Hoa kiem Lake, Yunnan | 99.92° | 26.48° | 山东莱州湾 Laizhou Bay, Shandong | 119.02° | 37.20° | |
贵州百花湖 Baihua Lake, Guizhou | 106.51° | 26.64° | 山东黄河口 Yellow River Estuary, Shandong | 119.25° | 37.72° | |
澳门路氹 Dsome sort ofg, Macao | 113.56° | 27.14° | 山东黄河口 Yellow River Estuary, Shandong | 118.60° | 38.07° | |
湖南株洲 Zhuzhou, Hunan | 113.10° | 27.92° | 山东贝壳堤岛 Beikedi Ialand, Shandong | 117.94° | 38.20° | |
湖南长沙 Changsha, Hunan | 113.32° | 28.55° | 河北白洋淀 Baiyangdian Lake, Heibei | 115.88° | 38.88° | |
江西南昌 Nanchang, Jiangxi | 115.83° | 28.77° | 甘肃张掖 Zhangye, Gansu | 100.45° | 39.00° | |
湖南洞庭湖 Dongting Lake, Hunan | 112.58° | 28.88° | 天津 Tianjin | 117.15° | 39.10° | |
采样点 Sampling site | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | 采样点 Sampling site | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | |
江西南矶山 Nanji Mountain, Jiangxi | 116.37° | 28.92° | 天津 Tianjin | 117.17° | 39.10° | |
江西鄱阳湖 Poyang Lake, Jiangxi | 116.28° | 28.98° | 天津大黄堡 Dahuangbao, Tianjin | 117.27° | 39.43° | |
湖北老江河 Laojiang River, Hubei | 113.05° | 29.58° | 辽宁双台子河口 Shuangtaizi Estuary, Liaoning | 121.83° | 40.86° | |
湖北洪湖 Honghu Lake, Hubei | 113.47° | 29.80° | 内蒙古乌梁素海 Ulansuhai Nur, Nei Mongol | 108.85° | 40.90° | |
浙江宁波 Ningbo, Zhejiang | 121.70° | 29.82° | 辽宁双台子河口 Shuangtaizi Estuary, Liaoning | 121.91° | 41.03° | |
湖北梁子湖 Liangzi Lake, Hubei | 112.36° | 30.20° | 辽宁浑河 Hunhe River, Liaoning | 124.46° | 41.99° | |
湖北红星湖 Hongxing Lake, Hubei | 114.72° | 30.20° | 黑龙江松嫩平原 Songnen Plain, Heilongjiang | 123.52° | 44.55° | |
浙江西溪湿地 Xixi Wetland, Zhejiang | 120.07° | 30.21° | 黑龙江松嫩平原 Songnen Plain, Heilongjiang | 125.22° | 45.77° | |
浙江杭州湾 Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang | 121.13° | 30.22° | 黑龙江松嫩平原 Songnen Plain, Heilongjiang | 124.19° | 46.51° | |
湖北保安湖 Bao’an Lake, Hubei | 114.73° | 30.23° | 黑龙江三江平原 Three River Plain, Heilongjiang | 133.50° | 47.58° | |
浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang | 120.18° | 30.27° | 黑龙江三江平原 Sanjiang Plain, Heilongjiang | 133.52° | 47.58° | |
浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang | 120.20° | 30.27° |
表1 样点分布
Table 1 Distribution of sampling sites
采样点 Sampling site | 经度 Longitude (E) | 纬度 Latitude (N) | 采样点 Sampling site | 经度 Longitude (E) | 纬度 Latitude (N) | |
海南青澜港 Qinlan Harbor, Hainan | 110.73° | 19.46° | 浙江杭州湾 Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang | 121.15° | 30.31° | |
海南河港村 Hegang Village, Hainan | 110.40° | 19.85° | 湖北三峡水库 Three Gorges Reservoir, Hubei | 108.85° | 30.33° | |
海南东寨港 Dongzhai Harbor, Hainan | 110.40° | 19.85° | 湖北青菱湖 Qingling Lake, Hubei | 114.23° | 30.40° | |
广西北海 Beihai, Guangxi | 109.23° | 21.43° | 湖北南湖 Nanhu Lake, Hubei | 114.37° | 30.48° | |
广西英罗湾 Yingluo Bay,Guangxi | 109.72° | 21.47° | 湖北三角湖 Sanjiao Lake, Hubei | 114.17° | 30.52° | |
广西山口 Shankou, Guangxi | 109.74° | 21.53° | 湖北墨水湖 Moshui Lake, Hubei | 114.23° | 30.53° | |
广西茅尾海 Maowei Lake, Guangxi | 108.54° | 21.83° | 湖北龙阳湖 Longyang Lake, Hubei | 114.18° | 30.55° | |
广东福田 Futian, Guangdong | 114.07° | 22.53° | 湖北后宫湖 Hougong Lake, Hubei | 114.32° | 30.55° | |
广东太平 Taiping, Guangdong | 113.73° | 22.77° | 湖北陶家大湖 Taojia Great Lake, Hubei | 114.60° | 30.65° | |
广西南宁 Nanning, Guangxi | 108.27° | 22.83° | 湖北涨渡湖 Zhangdu Lake, Hubei | 114.70° | 30.65° | |
广东广州 Guangzhou, Guangdong | 113.33° | 23.13° | 上海沙田湖 Shatian Lake, Shanghai | 120.92° | 31.12° | |
云南长桥海 Changqiao Lake, Yunnan | 103.35° | 23.43° | 上海九段沙 Jiuduansha, Shanghai | 121.98° | 31.17° | |
云南杞麓湖 Qilu Lake, Yunnan | 102.75° | 24.13° | 上海柒湖 Qihu Lake, Shanghai | 112.60° | 31.18° | |
云南星云湖 Xingyun Lake, Yunnan | 102.75° | 24.28° | 上海梦清园 Mengqing Garden, Shanghai | 121.43° | 31.23° | |
福建九龙江 Jiulong River, Fujian | 117.38° | 24.40° | 江苏太湖 Taihu Lake, Jiangsu | 120.24° | 31.24° | |
福建九龙江 Jiulong River, Fujian | 117.92° | 24.40° | 江苏太湖 Taihu Lake, Jiangsu | 122.37° | 31.45° | |
云南抚仙湖 Fuxian Lake, Yunnan | 102.88° | 24.48° | 江苏五里湖 Wuli Lake, Jiangsu | 120.25° | 31.50° | |
云南贡县 Gong County, Yunnan | 102.80° | 24.83° | 上海崇明 Chongming, Shanghai | 121.75° | 31.50° | |
云南阳宗海 Yangzong Lake, Yunnan | 102.98° | 24.85° | 江苏南京 Nanjing, Jiangsu | 118.85° | 32.02° | |
云南清水海 Qingshui Lake, Yunnan | 103.12° | 25.60° | 江苏北固山 Beigu Moutain, Jiangsu | 119.47° | 32.25° | |
浙江西湖 Xihu Lake, Zhejiang | 100.20° | 25.72° | 江苏盐城 Yancheng, Jiangsu | 120.37° | 33.52° | |
云南洱海 Erhai Lake, Yunnan | 100.18° | 25.78° | 江苏骆马湖 Luoma Lake, Jiangsu | 118.20° | 34.12° | |
云南弥苴河 Miju River, Yunnan | 100.13° | 25.93° | 江苏徐州 Xuzhou, Jiangsu | 117.13° | 34.22° | |
福建闽江口 Min River Estuary, Fujian | 119.63° | 26.03° | 山东济南 Jinan, Shandong | 117.01° | 36.67° | |
云南茈碧湖 Cibi Lake, Yunnan | 99.95° | 26.13° | 江苏盐城 Yancheng, Jiangsu | 120.60° | 36.90° | |
云南剑湖 Hoa kiem Lake, Yunnan | 99.92° | 26.48° | 山东莱州湾 Laizhou Bay, Shandong | 119.02° | 37.20° | |
贵州百花湖 Baihua Lake, Guizhou | 106.51° | 26.64° | 山东黄河口 Yellow River Estuary, Shandong | 119.25° | 37.72° | |
澳门路氹 Dsome sort ofg, Macao | 113.56° | 27.14° | 山东黄河口 Yellow River Estuary, Shandong | 118.60° | 38.07° | |
湖南株洲 Zhuzhou, Hunan | 113.10° | 27.92° | 山东贝壳堤岛 Beikedi Ialand, Shandong | 117.94° | 38.20° | |
湖南长沙 Changsha, Hunan | 113.32° | 28.55° | 河北白洋淀 Baiyangdian Lake, Heibei | 115.88° | 38.88° | |
江西南昌 Nanchang, Jiangxi | 115.83° | 28.77° | 甘肃张掖 Zhangye, Gansu | 100.45° | 39.00° | |
湖南洞庭湖 Dongting Lake, Hunan | 112.58° | 28.88° | 天津 Tianjin | 117.15° | 39.10° | |
采样点 Sampling site | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | 采样点 Sampling site | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | |
江西南矶山 Nanji Mountain, Jiangxi | 116.37° | 28.92° | 天津 Tianjin | 117.17° | 39.10° | |
江西鄱阳湖 Poyang Lake, Jiangxi | 116.28° | 28.98° | 天津大黄堡 Dahuangbao, Tianjin | 117.27° | 39.43° | |
湖北老江河 Laojiang River, Hubei | 113.05° | 29.58° | 辽宁双台子河口 Shuangtaizi Estuary, Liaoning | 121.83° | 40.86° | |
湖北洪湖 Honghu Lake, Hubei | 113.47° | 29.80° | 内蒙古乌梁素海 Ulansuhai Nur, Nei Mongol | 108.85° | 40.90° | |
浙江宁波 Ningbo, Zhejiang | 121.70° | 29.82° | 辽宁双台子河口 Shuangtaizi Estuary, Liaoning | 121.91° | 41.03° | |
湖北梁子湖 Liangzi Lake, Hubei | 112.36° | 30.20° | 辽宁浑河 Hunhe River, Liaoning | 124.46° | 41.99° | |
湖北红星湖 Hongxing Lake, Hubei | 114.72° | 30.20° | 黑龙江松嫩平原 Songnen Plain, Heilongjiang | 123.52° | 44.55° | |
浙江西溪湿地 Xixi Wetland, Zhejiang | 120.07° | 30.21° | 黑龙江松嫩平原 Songnen Plain, Heilongjiang | 125.22° | 45.77° | |
浙江杭州湾 Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang | 121.13° | 30.22° | 黑龙江松嫩平原 Songnen Plain, Heilongjiang | 124.19° | 46.51° | |
湖北保安湖 Bao’an Lake, Hubei | 114.73° | 30.23° | 黑龙江三江平原 Three River Plain, Heilongjiang | 133.50° | 47.58° | |
浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang | 120.18° | 30.27° | 黑龙江三江平原 Sanjiang Plain, Heilongjiang | 133.52° | 47.58° | |
浙江杭州 Hangzhou, Zhejiang | 120.20° | 30.27° |
植物器官 Plant organ | N (mg·g-1) | P (mg·g-1) | N:P | |||||||||||
样本 数 n | 几何 平均值 Geometric mean | 标准 误差 SE | 变化范围 Variation range | 样本 数 n | 几何 平均值 Geometric mean | 标准 误差 SE | 变化范围 Variation range | 样本 数 n | 几何 平均值 Geometric mean | 标准 误差 SE | 变化范围 Variation range | |||
叶片 Leaves | 242 | 16.07 | 1.03 | 1.77-45.06 | 209 | 1.85 | 0.13 | 0.13-9.89 | 217 | 8.67 | 0.59 | 1.82-43.01 | ||
茎 Stems | 121 | 7.86 | 0.71 | 1.80-26.37 | 121 | 1.71 | 0.16 | 0.17-10.45 | 121 | 4.58 | 0.42 | 0.92-26.68 | ||
地上部分 Aboveground organs | 252 | 13.54 | 0.85 | 1.08-40.99 | 252 | 1.72 | 0.11 | 0.11-13.64 | 268 | 7.96 | 0.49 | 1.02-26.72 |
表2 湿地植物不同器官N、P和N:P的几何平均值
Table 2 Geometric means of N, P and N:P in different organs of wetland plants
植物器官 Plant organ | N (mg·g-1) | P (mg·g-1) | N:P | |||||||||||
样本 数 n | 几何 平均值 Geometric mean | 标准 误差 SE | 变化范围 Variation range | 样本 数 n | 几何 平均值 Geometric mean | 标准 误差 SE | 变化范围 Variation range | 样本 数 n | 几何 平均值 Geometric mean | 标准 误差 SE | 变化范围 Variation range | |||
叶片 Leaves | 242 | 16.07 | 1.03 | 1.77-45.06 | 209 | 1.85 | 0.13 | 0.13-9.89 | 217 | 8.67 | 0.59 | 1.82-43.01 | ||
茎 Stems | 121 | 7.86 | 0.71 | 1.80-26.37 | 121 | 1.71 | 0.16 | 0.17-10.45 | 121 | 4.58 | 0.42 | 0.92-26.68 | ||
地上部分 Aboveground organs | 252 | 13.54 | 0.85 | 1.08-40.99 | 252 | 1.72 | 0.11 | 0.11-13.64 | 268 | 7.96 | 0.49 | 1.02-26.72 |
图3 湿地植物叶片和茎的N、P与N:P时间动态(几何平均值±标准误差)。
Fig. 3 Temporal dynamics of N and P contents and the N:P in leaves and stems of wetland plants (geometric mean ± SE).
图4 不同植物生活型植物N和P生态化学计量值(几何平均值±标准误差)。 E, 挺水植物; F, 浮叶植物; H, 湿生草本; S, 沉水植物; W, 湿生木本。不同小写字母表示差异显著(p < 0.05)。
Fig. 4 Stoichiometric values of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in wetland plants with different life forms (geometric mean ± SE). E, emergent aquatic plant; F, floating-leaved plant; H, wet unripe herbaceous; S, submerged plant; W, wet unripe woody. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).
图5 主要湿地植物叶片的N、P和N:P气候带分布。 相同小写字母表示差异不显著(p > 0.05)。
Fig. 5 Distribution of leaf N, P and N:P in major wetland plants of different climate zones. The same lowercase letters indicate no significant differences (p > 0.05).
图6 不同湿地类型植物叶片的N、P及N:P的分布。 不同小写字母表示差异显著(p < 0.05)。
Fig. 6 Distribution of leaf N, P and N:P in plants of different wetlands. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).
类型 Types | N (mg·g-1) | P (mg·g-1) | N:P | 文献 References | |||||
平均值 Mean | 样本数 n | 平均值 Mean | 样本数 n | 平均值 Mean | 样本数 n | ||||
中国陆生植物 Terrestrial plants of China | 18.6 | 554 | 1.21 | 745 | 14.4 | 547 | Han et al., | ||
中国陆生植物 Terrestrial plants of China | 17.55 | 654 | 1.28 | 654 | 13.5 | 654 | Ren et al., | ||
全球植物 Global plants | 18.3 | 1 251 | 1.42 | 923 | 11.8 | 894 | Reich & Oleksyn, | ||
全球植物 Global plants | 17.7 | 398 | 1.58 | 406 | 11 | 325 | Elser et al., | ||
全球植物(衰老叶片) Global plants (senesced leaf) | 10 | 1 089 | 0.7 | 625 | 19.2 | 500 | Yuan & Chen, | ||
德国湿地植物 Wetland plants of Germany | 17.7 | 242 | 1.87 | 242 | 10.0 | 242 | Minden & Kleyer, | ||
中国湿地植物 Wetland plants of China | 16.07 | 242 | 1.85 | 209 | 8.67 | 217 | 本研究 This study |
表3 大尺度的植物叶片N和P生态化学计量特征对比
Table 3 Comparison of large-scale leaf N and P ecological stoichiometric characteristics of plants
类型 Types | N (mg·g-1) | P (mg·g-1) | N:P | 文献 References | |||||
平均值 Mean | 样本数 n | 平均值 Mean | 样本数 n | 平均值 Mean | 样本数 n | ||||
中国陆生植物 Terrestrial plants of China | 18.6 | 554 | 1.21 | 745 | 14.4 | 547 | Han et al., | ||
中国陆生植物 Terrestrial plants of China | 17.55 | 654 | 1.28 | 654 | 13.5 | 654 | Ren et al., | ||
全球植物 Global plants | 18.3 | 1 251 | 1.42 | 923 | 11.8 | 894 | Reich & Oleksyn, | ||
全球植物 Global plants | 17.7 | 398 | 1.58 | 406 | 11 | 325 | Elser et al., | ||
全球植物(衰老叶片) Global plants (senesced leaf) | 10 | 1 089 | 0.7 | 625 | 19.2 | 500 | Yuan & Chen, | ||
德国湿地植物 Wetland plants of Germany | 17.7 | 242 | 1.87 | 242 | 10.0 | 242 | Minden & Kleyer, | ||
中国湿地植物 Wetland plants of China | 16.07 | 242 | 1.85 | 209 | 8.67 | 217 | 本研究 This study |
类型 Types | 条件 Conditions | 文献 References |
湿地草本植物 Herb of wetland | N限制 N limitation (N:P < 14) P限制 P limitation (N:P > 16) | Verhoeven et al., Koerselman & Meuleman, |
欧洲低地沼泽 European lowland fens | N限制 N limitation (N:P < 8-15) P限制 P limitation (N:P > 23-31 | Boeye et al., |
波兰、比利时和荷兰湿地 Poland, Belgium and the Dutch wetlands | N限制 N limitation (N:P < 14.5) | Olde et al., |
荷兰与加拿大沼泽湿地 Dutch and Canada marshes | N限制 N limitation (N:P < 10) P限制 P limitation (N:P > 20) N和P共同限制 N-P co-limitation (10 < N:P < 20) | Güsewellet al., Wang & Moore, |
荷兰草原 The Dutch grassland | N限制 N limitation (N:P < 10 and N < 20 mg·g-1) | Braakhekke & Hooftman, |
沼泽湿地 Marsh wetland | N限制 N limitation (N:P < 14) | Bott et al., |
表4 湿地植物叶片N:P与N限制和P限制的判断
Table 4 Judgment on leaf N:P and N limitations as well as P limitation in wetland plants
类型 Types | 条件 Conditions | 文献 References |
湿地草本植物 Herb of wetland | N限制 N limitation (N:P < 14) P限制 P limitation (N:P > 16) | Verhoeven et al., Koerselman & Meuleman, |
欧洲低地沼泽 European lowland fens | N限制 N limitation (N:P < 8-15) P限制 P limitation (N:P > 23-31 | Boeye et al., |
波兰、比利时和荷兰湿地 Poland, Belgium and the Dutch wetlands | N限制 N limitation (N:P < 14.5) | Olde et al., |
荷兰与加拿大沼泽湿地 Dutch and Canada marshes | N限制 N limitation (N:P < 10) P限制 P limitation (N:P > 20) N和P共同限制 N-P co-limitation (10 < N:P < 20) | Güsewellet al., Wang & Moore, |
荷兰草原 The Dutch grassland | N限制 N limitation (N:P < 10 and N < 20 mg·g-1) | Braakhekke & Hooftman, |
沼泽湿地 Marsh wetland | N限制 N limitation (N:P < 14) | Bott et al., |
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