植物生态学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (10): 1064-1073.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00100
* E-mail: jhzhang@ceode.ac.cn基金资助:
MENG Fan-Chao1,2, ZHANG Jia-Hua2,*(), YAO Feng-Mei3
关于[CO2]升高和降水变化等多因子共同作用对植物的影响报道较少, 制约着人们对植物对全球气候变化响应的认识和预测。玉米(Zea mays)作为重要的C4植物, 受[CO2]和降水影响显著, 但鲜有[CO2]升高和降水增加协同作用对其产量及生长发育影响的报道。该研究利用开顶式生长箱模拟[CO2]升高(390 (环境)、450和550 μmol·mol-1), 降水增加量设置为增加自然降水量的15% (以试验地锦州1981-2010年6至8月月平均降水量为基准), 从而形成6个处理: C550W+15%、C550W0、C450W+15%、C450W0、C390W+15%和C390W0。试验材料选用玉米品种‘丹玉39’。结果表明: [CO2]升高和降水增加的协同作用在玉米的籽粒产量和生物产量上均达到了显著水平(p< 0.05), 二因子均起正作用, 使籽粒产量和生物产量均升高。籽粒产量在[CO2] 390、450和550 μmol·mol-1水平下的降水增加处理较自然降水处理分别增加15.94%、9.95%和9.45%, 而生物产量分别增加13.06%、8.13%和6.49%。因为籽粒产量的增幅略大于生物产量的增幅, 所以促进了经济系数的升高。穗部性状变化显著, 其中, 穗粒数、穗粒重、穗长和穗粗等性状值均随[CO2]升高而升高, 且各[CO2]水平下均表现为降水增加处理>自然降水处理, 而瘪粒数相反。但是, [CO2]升高和降水增加的协同作用也促进了轴粗的升高, 对玉米产量的增加起着限制作用。二因子协同作用在净光合速率(Pn)和叶面积上达到了极显著水平(p< 0.01), 而在株高和干物质积累量上达到了显著水平(p< 0.05)。二因子协同作用使玉米叶片的Pn升高, 植株高度升高, 穗位高升高, 茎粗增加, 叶面积变大, 从而促进了干物质积累量的升高, 为玉米增产打下了良好的基础。这表明: 在未来[CO2]升高条件下, 一定程度的降水增加对玉米的产量具有正向促进作用。
孟凡超, 张佳华, 姚凤梅. CO2浓度升高和降水增加协同作用对玉米产量及生长发育的影响. 植物生态学报, 2014, 38(10): 1064-1073. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00100
MENG Fan-Chao, ZHANG Jia-Hua, YAO Feng-Mei. Interactive effects of elevated CO2 concentration and increasing precipitation on yield and growth development in maize. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, 38(10): 1064-1073. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00100
图2 CO2浓度升高和降水增加协同作用下各处理土壤相对含水量的变化(平均值±标准偏差, n = 3)。 C550W+15%, CO2浓度550 μmol·mol-1和降水量增加15%; C550W0, CO2浓度550 μmol·mol-1和自然降水量; C450W+15%, CO2浓度450 μmol·mol-1和降水量增加15%; C450W0, CO2浓度450 μmol·mol-1和自然降水量; C390W+15%, CO2浓度390 μmol·mol-1和降水量增加15%; C390W0, CO2浓度390 μmol·mol-1和自然降水量。
Fig. 2 Relative soil moisture under treatments with three CO2 concentration levels and two precipitation levels (means ± SD, n = 3). C550W+15%, CO2 concentration 550 μmol·mol-1 and precipitation +15%; C550W0, CO2 concentration 550 μmol·mol-1 and natural precipitation; C450W+15%, CO2 concentration 450 μmol·mol-1 and precipitation +15%; C450W0, CO2 concentration 450 μmol·mol-1 and natural precipitation; C390W+15%, CO2 concentration 390 μmol·mol-1 and precipitation +15%; C390W0, CO2 concentration 390 μmol·mol-1 and natural precipitation.
处理 Treatment | 平均籽粒产量 Average grain yield (g·plant-1) | 较对照增产 Increase over the CK (%) | 平均生物产量 Average biological yield (g·plant-1) | 较对照增产 Increase over the CK (%) | 经济系数 Economical coefficient |
C550W+15% | 337.73a | 9.45 | 618.31a | 6.49 | 0.546 2a |
C550W0 | 308.58b | 580.61b | 0.531 5abc | ||
C450W+15% | 313.02b | 9.95 | 585.49b | 8.13 | 0.534 6ab |
C450W0 | 284.70c | 541.46c | 0.525 9bc | ||
C390W+15% | 277.96d | 15.94 | 525.95d | 13.06 | 0.528 5bc |
C390W0(CK) | 239.74e | 465.20e | 0.515 5c |
表1 CO2浓度升高和降水增加协同作用对玉米产量的影响
Table 1 Effects of elevated CO2 concentration and increased precipitation on maize yield
处理 Treatment | 平均籽粒产量 Average grain yield (g·plant-1) | 较对照增产 Increase over the CK (%) | 平均生物产量 Average biological yield (g·plant-1) | 较对照增产 Increase over the CK (%) | 经济系数 Economical coefficient |
C550W+15% | 337.73a | 9.45 | 618.31a | 6.49 | 0.546 2a |
C550W0 | 308.58b | 580.61b | 0.531 5abc | ||
C450W+15% | 313.02b | 9.95 | 585.49b | 8.13 | 0.534 6ab |
C450W0 | 284.70c | 541.46c | 0.525 9bc | ||
C390W+15% | 277.96d | 15.94 | 525.95d | 13.06 | 0.528 5bc |
C390W0(CK) | 239.74e | 465.20e | 0.515 5c |
变量 Variable | CO2浓度 CO2 concentration | 降水量 Precipitation | 交互作用 Interaction | ||||||||
df | F | p | df | F | p | df | F | p | |||
籽粒产量 Grain yield | 2 | 629.76 | 0.000 | 1 | 455.71 | 0.000 | 2 | 4.50 | 0.035* | ||
生物产量 Biological yield | 2 | 413.79 | 0.000 | 1 | 251.51 | 0.000 | 2 | 5.27 | 0.023* | ||
净光合速率 Net photosynthetic rate | 2 | 133.12 | 0.000 | 1 | 166.57 | 0.000 | 2 | 12.87 | 0.000** | ||
株高 Plant height | 2 | 159.37 | 0.000 | 1 | 125.07 | 0.000 | 2 | 4.23 | 0.041* | ||
穗位高 Ear height | 2 | 3.12 | 0.081 | 1 | 2.10 | 0.173 | 2 | 0.07 | 0.937 | ||
茎粗 Stem diameter | 2 | 9.21 | 0.004 | 1 | 4.08 | 0.066 | 2 | 0.19 | 0.833 | ||
叶面积 Leaf area | 2 | 726.76 | 0.000 | 1 | 639.41 | 0.000 | 2 | 30.89 | 0.000** | ||
干物质积累量 Dry matter accumulation | 2 | 582.72 | 0.000 | 1 | 316.37 | 0.000 | 2 | 5.48 | 0.020* |
表2 CO2浓度升高和降水增加协同作用对玉米影响的双因子方差分析
Table 2 Two-way ANOVA on the interactive effects between elevated CO2 concentration and increased precipitation on maize
变量 Variable | CO2浓度 CO2 concentration | 降水量 Precipitation | 交互作用 Interaction | ||||||||
df | F | p | df | F | p | df | F | p | |||
籽粒产量 Grain yield | 2 | 629.76 | 0.000 | 1 | 455.71 | 0.000 | 2 | 4.50 | 0.035* | ||
生物产量 Biological yield | 2 | 413.79 | 0.000 | 1 | 251.51 | 0.000 | 2 | 5.27 | 0.023* | ||
净光合速率 Net photosynthetic rate | 2 | 133.12 | 0.000 | 1 | 166.57 | 0.000 | 2 | 12.87 | 0.000** | ||
株高 Plant height | 2 | 159.37 | 0.000 | 1 | 125.07 | 0.000 | 2 | 4.23 | 0.041* | ||
穗位高 Ear height | 2 | 3.12 | 0.081 | 1 | 2.10 | 0.173 | 2 | 0.07 | 0.937 | ||
茎粗 Stem diameter | 2 | 9.21 | 0.004 | 1 | 4.08 | 0.066 | 2 | 0.19 | 0.833 | ||
叶面积 Leaf area | 2 | 726.76 | 0.000 | 1 | 639.41 | 0.000 | 2 | 30.89 | 0.000** | ||
干物质积累量 Dry matter accumulation | 2 | 582.72 | 0.000 | 1 | 316.37 | 0.000 | 2 | 5.48 | 0.020* |
处理 Treatment | 穗粒重 Ear kernels weight (g·ear-1) | 百粒重 100-kernel weight (g) | 穗粒数 Kernels per ear | 穗行数 Rows per ear | 行粒数 Kernels per row | ||||||||||
C550W+15% | 346.58a | 45.80a | 750.00a | 18.00a | 42.00a | ||||||||||
C550W0 | 316.34b | 44.13b | 723.67ab | 17.33a | 41.33ab | ||||||||||
C450W+15% | 319.29b | 43.93b | 726.00ab | 18.00a | 40.33ab | ||||||||||
C450W0 | 293.50bc | 43.03b | 685.00abc | 17.33a | 39.33ab | ||||||||||
C390W+15% | 275.41c | 40.67c | 680.00bc | 17.33a | 39.00ab | ||||||||||
C390W0(CK) | 246.55d | 39.20d | 629.33c | 16.67a | 37.67b | ||||||||||
处理 Treatment | 穗长 Ear length (cm) | 穗直径 Ear diameter (cm) | 穗质量 Ear mass (g) | 穗轴直径 diameter (cm) | 穗轴质量 Ear axle mass (g) | 秃尖长 Barren tip (cm) | 穗瘪粒数 Shriveled kernels per ear | ||||||||
C550W+15% | 21.83a | 6.32a | 383.78a | 3.11a | 37.20ab | 3.70ab | 2.67b | ||||||||
C550W0 | 20.48b | 6.05b | 352.27b | 3.02ab | 35.93c | 3.93a | 17.00ab | ||||||||
C450W+15% | 21.11ab | 6.04b | 356.69bc | 2.93bc | 37.40a | 3.53bc | 2.00b | ||||||||
C450W0 | 19.38c | 5.81c | 329.56cd | 2.88bc | 36.07bc | 3.92a | 27.67a | ||||||||
C390W+15% | 18.58c | 5.59d | 310.35d | 2.86c | 34.93cd | 3.31c | 3.67b | ||||||||
C390W0 | 17.34d | 5.17e | 280.92e | 2.85c | 34.37d | 3.61abc | 31.00a |
表3 CO2浓度升高和降水增加协同作用对玉米穗部性状的影响
Table 3 Interactive effects between elevated CO2 concentration and increased precipitation on ear characteristics of maize
处理 Treatment | 穗粒重 Ear kernels weight (g·ear-1) | 百粒重 100-kernel weight (g) | 穗粒数 Kernels per ear | 穗行数 Rows per ear | 行粒数 Kernels per row | ||||||||||
C550W+15% | 346.58a | 45.80a | 750.00a | 18.00a | 42.00a | ||||||||||
C550W0 | 316.34b | 44.13b | 723.67ab | 17.33a | 41.33ab | ||||||||||
C450W+15% | 319.29b | 43.93b | 726.00ab | 18.00a | 40.33ab | ||||||||||
C450W0 | 293.50bc | 43.03b | 685.00abc | 17.33a | 39.33ab | ||||||||||
C390W+15% | 275.41c | 40.67c | 680.00bc | 17.33a | 39.00ab | ||||||||||
C390W0(CK) | 246.55d | 39.20d | 629.33c | 16.67a | 37.67b | ||||||||||
处理 Treatment | 穗长 Ear length (cm) | 穗直径 Ear diameter (cm) | 穗质量 Ear mass (g) | 穗轴直径 diameter (cm) | 穗轴质量 Ear axle mass (g) | 秃尖长 Barren tip (cm) | 穗瘪粒数 Shriveled kernels per ear | ||||||||
C550W+15% | 21.83a | 6.32a | 383.78a | 3.11a | 37.20ab | 3.70ab | 2.67b | ||||||||
C550W0 | 20.48b | 6.05b | 352.27b | 3.02ab | 35.93c | 3.93a | 17.00ab | ||||||||
C450W+15% | 21.11ab | 6.04b | 356.69bc | 2.93bc | 37.40a | 3.53bc | 2.00b | ||||||||
C450W0 | 19.38c | 5.81c | 329.56cd | 2.88bc | 36.07bc | 3.92a | 27.67a | ||||||||
C390W+15% | 18.58c | 5.59d | 310.35d | 2.86c | 34.93cd | 3.31c | 3.67b | ||||||||
C390W0 | 17.34d | 5.17e | 280.92e | 2.85c | 34.37d | 3.61abc | 31.00a |
图3 CO2浓度升高和降水增加协同作用对玉米净光合速率(Pn)的影响(平均值±标准偏差, n = 3)。 不同小写字母表示差异显著(p < 0.05)。
Fig. 3 Effects on leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of maize by interactive effects between elevated CO2 concentration and increased precipitation (mean ± SD, n = 3). Different small letters indicated significant difference (p < 0.05).
处理 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 穗位高 Ear height (cm) | 茎直径 Stem diameter (cm) | 叶面积 Leaf area (cm2·plant-1) | 干物质积累量 Dry matter accumulation (g·plant-1) |
C550W+15% | 310.28a | 149.93a | 3.18a | 10 482.65a | 459.28a |
C550W0 | 302.54b | 144.86ab | 3.08ab | 9 279.68c | 441.52b |
C450W+15% | 306.92a | 146.52ab | 2.98ab | 9 709.42b | 446.07b |
C450W0 | 293.04c | 143.79ab | 2.88bc | 8 809.41d | 421.54c |
C380W+15% | 290.79c | 141.24ab | 2.87bc | 8 538.79e | 410.55d |
C380W0(CK) | 275.88d | 136.42b | 2.69c | 8 004.22f | 382.19e |
表4 CO2浓度升高和降水增加共同作用对玉米生长发育指标的影响
Table 4 Effects on maize growth characteristics by elevated CO2 concentration and increased precipitation
处理 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 穗位高 Ear height (cm) | 茎直径 Stem diameter (cm) | 叶面积 Leaf area (cm2·plant-1) | 干物质积累量 Dry matter accumulation (g·plant-1) |
C550W+15% | 310.28a | 149.93a | 3.18a | 10 482.65a | 459.28a |
C550W0 | 302.54b | 144.86ab | 3.08ab | 9 279.68c | 441.52b |
C450W+15% | 306.92a | 146.52ab | 2.98ab | 9 709.42b | 446.07b |
C450W0 | 293.04c | 143.79ab | 2.88bc | 8 809.41d | 421.54c |
C380W+15% | 290.79c | 141.24ab | 2.87bc | 8 538.79e | 410.55d |
C380W0(CK) | 275.88d | 136.42b | 2.69c | 8 004.22f | 382.19e |
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