植物生态学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (9): 1084-1094.DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2010.09.009
所属专题: 生物多样性
* E-mail: louanru@bnu.edu.com
ZHANG Yun-Hong, HOU Yan, LOU An-Ru*()
利用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)标记, 对分布于华北地区5个山脉的25个小丛红景天(Rhodiola dumulosa)自然种群的776个样品进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构的研究。结果表明: 华北地区小丛红景天种群具有较高的遗传多样性, 4对选择扩增引物共扩增出398条清晰的条带, 其中多态带312条, 种群的平均多态位点百分率为78.46%, 种群总的Nei’s基因多样性为0.364 9, 总Shannon多态性信息指数为0.542 2。华北地区小丛红景天种群间的遗传分化系数Gst = 0.150 7, 基因流Nm = 2.817 9, 表明种群间遗传分化较低, 有一定的基因交流。AMOVA分析结果也表明: 华北地区小丛红景天的遗传变异主要存在于种群内, 地理单元间有一定的遗传分化, 而种群间的遗传分化较低。STRUCTURE的分析和UPGMA聚类分析结果一致, 结果显示地理分布距离相近的种群优先聚在一起。Mantel检验也进一步证实, 华北地区小丛红景天种群的遗传距离与地理距离间呈显著的正相关关系(r = 0.512 9, p < 0.001)。种群的遗传多样性与海拔呈显著的负相关关系(p < 0.05), 而与坡向没有显著相关性。用Dfdist软件分析海拔对遗传多样性的影响, 结果表明没有显著的受选择位点。
张云红, 侯艳, 娄安如. 华北地区小丛红景天种群的AFLP遗传多样性. 植物生态学报, 2010, 34(9): 1084-1094. DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2010.09.009
ZHANG Yun-Hong, HOU Yan, LOU An-Ru. Population genetic diversity of Rhodiola dumulosa in Northern China inferred from AFLP makers. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2010, 34(9): 1084-1094. DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2010.09.009
样地 Sampling site | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 纬度 Latitude (N) | 经度 Longitude (E) | 坡向 Slope aspect | |
山西 Shanxi | 荷叶坪1 Heyeping1 (HYP-1) | 2 709 | 38.722° | 111.837° | 北偏西40° North by west 40° |
荷叶坪2 Heyeping2 (HYP-2) | 2 596 | 38.729° | 111.862° | 南偏西10° South by west 10° | |
荷叶坪3 Heyeping3 (HYP-3) | 2 504 | 38.729° | 111.874° | 南偏西10° South by west 10° | |
荷叶坪4 Heyeping4 (HYP-4) | 2 435 | 38.730° | 111.885° | 南偏西10° South by west 10° | |
芦芽山1 Luyashan1 (LYS-1) | 2 701 | 38.750° | 111.926° | 西偏南30° West by south 30° | |
芦芽山2 Luyashan2 (LYS-2) | 2 580 | 38.744° | 111.926° | 南偏西10° South by west 10° | |
关帝山 Guandishan (GDS) | 2 557 | 37.895° | 111.518° | 北坡 North slope | |
五台山中台顶 Wutaishanzhongtaiding (WTZ) | 2 895 | 39.047° | 113.531° | 南坡 South slope | |
五台山西台顶 Wutaishanxitaiding (WTX) | 2 783 | 39.037° | 113.492° | 北偏东2.5° North by east 2.5° | |
五台山北台顶1 Wutaishanbeitaiding1 (WTB-1) | 3 066 | 39.080° | 113.568° | 东偏北3° East by north 3° | |
五台山北台顶2 Wutaishanbeitaiding2 (WTB-2) | 3 066 | 39.080° | 113.568° | 南偏北 South by north | |
河北 Hebei | 白石山 Baishishan (BSS) | 1 940 | 39.208° | 114.698° | 南偏西25° South by west 25° |
雾灵山 Wulingshan (WLS) | 1 939 | 40.577° | 117.461° | 东坡 East slope | |
小五台山B Xiaowutaishan B (XWTB) | 2 500 | 39.945° | 115.061° | 东偏北5.7° East by north 5.7° | |
小五台山C Xiaowutaishan C (XWTC) | 2 706 | 39.943° | 115.047° | 东偏北5.7° East by north 5.7° | |
小五台山A Xiaowutaishan A (XWTA) | 2 480 | 39.912° | 114.968° | 西偏南8.9° West by south 8.9° | |
北京 Beijing | 百花山 Baihuashan (BHS) | 2 033 | 39.813° | 115.582° | 西坡 West slope |
东灵山1 Donglingshan1 (DLS-1) | 2 303 | 40.031° | 115.454° | 西偏南30° West by south 30° | |
东灵山2 Donglingshan2 (DLS-2) | 2 202 | 40.031° | 115.462° | 东偏南30° East by south 30° | |
东灵山3 Donglingshan3 (DLS-3) | 2 160 | 40.029° | 115.451° | 西坡 West slope | |
东灵山4 Donglingshan4 (DLS-4) | 2 106 | 40.034° | 115.471° | 西偏南15° East by south 15° | |
东灵山5 Donglingshan5 (DLS-5) | 2 018 | 40.033° | 115.475° | 东偏北40° East by north 40° | |
内蒙古 Inner Mongolia | 大青山 Daqingshan (DQS) | 2 068 | 40.838° | 111.259° | 北偏西30° North by west 30° |
宁夏 Ningxia | 贺兰山1 Helanshan 1 (HLS-1) | 3 428 | 38.838° | 105.944° | 西坡 West slope |
贺兰山2 Helanshan 2 (HLS-2) | 2 900 | 38.846° | 105.944° | 北坡 North slope |
表1 小丛红景天种群采样地位置和生境
Table 1 Habitats and localities of the sampled Rhodiola dumulosa populations in this study
样地 Sampling site | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 纬度 Latitude (N) | 经度 Longitude (E) | 坡向 Slope aspect | |
山西 Shanxi | 荷叶坪1 Heyeping1 (HYP-1) | 2 709 | 38.722° | 111.837° | 北偏西40° North by west 40° |
荷叶坪2 Heyeping2 (HYP-2) | 2 596 | 38.729° | 111.862° | 南偏西10° South by west 10° | |
荷叶坪3 Heyeping3 (HYP-3) | 2 504 | 38.729° | 111.874° | 南偏西10° South by west 10° | |
荷叶坪4 Heyeping4 (HYP-4) | 2 435 | 38.730° | 111.885° | 南偏西10° South by west 10° | |
芦芽山1 Luyashan1 (LYS-1) | 2 701 | 38.750° | 111.926° | 西偏南30° West by south 30° | |
芦芽山2 Luyashan2 (LYS-2) | 2 580 | 38.744° | 111.926° | 南偏西10° South by west 10° | |
关帝山 Guandishan (GDS) | 2 557 | 37.895° | 111.518° | 北坡 North slope | |
五台山中台顶 Wutaishanzhongtaiding (WTZ) | 2 895 | 39.047° | 113.531° | 南坡 South slope | |
五台山西台顶 Wutaishanxitaiding (WTX) | 2 783 | 39.037° | 113.492° | 北偏东2.5° North by east 2.5° | |
五台山北台顶1 Wutaishanbeitaiding1 (WTB-1) | 3 066 | 39.080° | 113.568° | 东偏北3° East by north 3° | |
五台山北台顶2 Wutaishanbeitaiding2 (WTB-2) | 3 066 | 39.080° | 113.568° | 南偏北 South by north | |
河北 Hebei | 白石山 Baishishan (BSS) | 1 940 | 39.208° | 114.698° | 南偏西25° South by west 25° |
雾灵山 Wulingshan (WLS) | 1 939 | 40.577° | 117.461° | 东坡 East slope | |
小五台山B Xiaowutaishan B (XWTB) | 2 500 | 39.945° | 115.061° | 东偏北5.7° East by north 5.7° | |
小五台山C Xiaowutaishan C (XWTC) | 2 706 | 39.943° | 115.047° | 东偏北5.7° East by north 5.7° | |
小五台山A Xiaowutaishan A (XWTA) | 2 480 | 39.912° | 114.968° | 西偏南8.9° West by south 8.9° | |
北京 Beijing | 百花山 Baihuashan (BHS) | 2 033 | 39.813° | 115.582° | 西坡 West slope |
东灵山1 Donglingshan1 (DLS-1) | 2 303 | 40.031° | 115.454° | 西偏南30° West by south 30° | |
东灵山2 Donglingshan2 (DLS-2) | 2 202 | 40.031° | 115.462° | 东偏南30° East by south 30° | |
东灵山3 Donglingshan3 (DLS-3) | 2 160 | 40.029° | 115.451° | 西坡 West slope | |
东灵山4 Donglingshan4 (DLS-4) | 2 106 | 40.034° | 115.471° | 西偏南15° East by south 15° | |
东灵山5 Donglingshan5 (DLS-5) | 2 018 | 40.033° | 115.475° | 东偏北40° East by north 40° | |
内蒙古 Inner Mongolia | 大青山 Daqingshan (DQS) | 2 068 | 40.838° | 111.259° | 北偏西30° North by west 30° |
宁夏 Ningxia | 贺兰山1 Helanshan 1 (HLS-1) | 3 428 | 38.838° | 105.944° | 西坡 West slope |
贺兰山2 Helanshan 2 (HLS-2) | 2 900 | 38.846° | 105.944° | 北坡 North slope |
种群 Population | 样本数 Sample size | 多态位点数 No. of polymorphic bands | 多态位点百分率 PPL (%) | Nei’s基因多样性 H | Shannon多态性信息指数 I |
荷叶坪1 Heyeping1 (HYP-1) | 32 | 331 | 83.17 | 0.241 8 (0.186 7) | 0.369 3 (0.256 4) |
荷叶坪2 Heyeping2 (HYP-2) | 32 | 338 | 84.92 | 0.266 6 (0.177 1) | 0.405 6 (0.242 3) |
荷叶坪3 Heyeping3 (HYP-3) | 32 | 335 | 84.17 | 0.272 2 (0.179 4) | 0.411 5 (0.246 5) |
荷叶坪4 Heyeping4 (HYP-4) | 32 | 333 | 83.67 | 0.278 2 (0.179 9) | 0.419 0 (0.246 4) |
芦芽山1 Luyashan1 (LYS-1) | 31 | 328 | 82.41 | 0.264 0 (0.180 0) | 0.400 3 (0.2485) |
芦芽山2 Luyashan2 (LYS-2) | 32 | 309 | 77.64 | 0.240 2 (0.188 1) | 0.365 5 (0.260 7) |
关帝山 Guandishan (GDS) | 32 | 367 | 92.21 | 0.303 6 (0.174 4) | 0.455 1 (0.231 1) |
五台山中台顶 Wutaishanzhongtaiding (WTZ) | 30 | 293 | 73.62 | 0.249 5 (0.190 8) | 0.374 7 (0.268 7) |
五台山中台顶 Wutaishanxitaiding (WTX) | 29 | 309 | 77.64 | 0.258 2 (0.193 1) | 0.386 9 (0.268 1) |
五台山北台顶1 Wutaishanbeitaiding1 (WTB-1) | 31 | 290 | 72.86 | 0.233 7 (0.191 3) | 0.353 6 (0.269 1) |
五台山北台顶2 Wutaishanbeitaiding2 (WTB-2) | 28 | 309 | 77.64 | 0.268 1 (0.190 7) | 0.400 7 (0.264 7) |
百花山 Baihuashan (BHS) | 32 | 274 | 68.84 | 0.220 8 (0.193 3) | 0.333 9 (0.273 8) |
白石山 Baishishan (BSS) | 32 | 352 | 88.44 | 0.297 9 (0.167 3) | 0.448 7 (0.226 5) |
雾灵山 Wulingshan (WLS) | 29 | 291 | 73.12 | 0.249 0 (0.193 0) | 0.373 1 (0.272 0) |
小五台山A Xiaowutaishan A (XWTA) | 30 | 281 | 70.60 | 0.222 2 (0.189 9) | 0.337 7 (0.268 7) |
小五台山B Xiaowutaishan B (XWTB) | 30 | 246 | 61.81 | 0.202 0 (0.198 7) | 0.304 0 (0.282 3) |
小五台山C Xiaowutaishan C (XWTC) | 30 | 305 | 76.63 | 0.246 0 (0.181 4) | 0.374 1 (0.256 0) |
东灵山1 Donglingshan1 (DLS-1) | 32 | 273 | 68.59 | 0.224 2 (0.194 4) | 0.338 3 (0.274 9) |
东灵山2 Donglingshan2 (DLS-2) | 32 | 298 | 74.87 | 0.245 9 (0.189 3) | 0.370 6 (0.266 7) |
东灵山3 Donglingshan3 (DLS-3) | 32 | 310 | 77.89 | 0.254 7 (0.182 7) | 0.385 8 (0.255 7) |
东灵山4 Donglingshan4 (DLS-4) | 32 | 352 | 88.44 | 0.284 8 (0.170 3) | 0.431 9 (0.229 6) |
东灵山5 Donglingshan5 (DLS-5) | 32 | 319 | 80.15 | 0.250 4 (0.182 7) | 0.380 6 (0.254 7) |
大青山 Daqingshan (DQS) | 32 | 325 | 81.66 | 0.277 4 (0.185 1) | 0.415 6 (0.255 0) |
贺兰山1 Helanshan1 (HLS-1) | 30 | 321 | 80.65 | 0.283 1 (0.186 2) | 0.422 1 (0.257 0) |
贺兰山2 Helanshan2 ( HLS-2) | 30 | 318 | 79.90 | 0.266 5 (0.186 4) | 0.400 5 (0.258 3) |
种群水平 Population level | 0.256 0 (0.185 3) | 0.384 6 (0.257 3) | |||
物种水平 Species level | 776 | 312 | 78.46 | 0.364 9 (0.122 9) | 0.542 2 (0.146 8) |
表2 小丛红景天25个种群的AFLP条带多态性和遗传多样性水平
Table 2 Polymorphism of AFLP bands and genetic diversity of the twenty-five populations of Rhodiola dumulosa
种群 Population | 样本数 Sample size | 多态位点数 No. of polymorphic bands | 多态位点百分率 PPL (%) | Nei’s基因多样性 H | Shannon多态性信息指数 I |
荷叶坪1 Heyeping1 (HYP-1) | 32 | 331 | 83.17 | 0.241 8 (0.186 7) | 0.369 3 (0.256 4) |
荷叶坪2 Heyeping2 (HYP-2) | 32 | 338 | 84.92 | 0.266 6 (0.177 1) | 0.405 6 (0.242 3) |
荷叶坪3 Heyeping3 (HYP-3) | 32 | 335 | 84.17 | 0.272 2 (0.179 4) | 0.411 5 (0.246 5) |
荷叶坪4 Heyeping4 (HYP-4) | 32 | 333 | 83.67 | 0.278 2 (0.179 9) | 0.419 0 (0.246 4) |
芦芽山1 Luyashan1 (LYS-1) | 31 | 328 | 82.41 | 0.264 0 (0.180 0) | 0.400 3 (0.2485) |
芦芽山2 Luyashan2 (LYS-2) | 32 | 309 | 77.64 | 0.240 2 (0.188 1) | 0.365 5 (0.260 7) |
关帝山 Guandishan (GDS) | 32 | 367 | 92.21 | 0.303 6 (0.174 4) | 0.455 1 (0.231 1) |
五台山中台顶 Wutaishanzhongtaiding (WTZ) | 30 | 293 | 73.62 | 0.249 5 (0.190 8) | 0.374 7 (0.268 7) |
五台山中台顶 Wutaishanxitaiding (WTX) | 29 | 309 | 77.64 | 0.258 2 (0.193 1) | 0.386 9 (0.268 1) |
五台山北台顶1 Wutaishanbeitaiding1 (WTB-1) | 31 | 290 | 72.86 | 0.233 7 (0.191 3) | 0.353 6 (0.269 1) |
五台山北台顶2 Wutaishanbeitaiding2 (WTB-2) | 28 | 309 | 77.64 | 0.268 1 (0.190 7) | 0.400 7 (0.264 7) |
百花山 Baihuashan (BHS) | 32 | 274 | 68.84 | 0.220 8 (0.193 3) | 0.333 9 (0.273 8) |
白石山 Baishishan (BSS) | 32 | 352 | 88.44 | 0.297 9 (0.167 3) | 0.448 7 (0.226 5) |
雾灵山 Wulingshan (WLS) | 29 | 291 | 73.12 | 0.249 0 (0.193 0) | 0.373 1 (0.272 0) |
小五台山A Xiaowutaishan A (XWTA) | 30 | 281 | 70.60 | 0.222 2 (0.189 9) | 0.337 7 (0.268 7) |
小五台山B Xiaowutaishan B (XWTB) | 30 | 246 | 61.81 | 0.202 0 (0.198 7) | 0.304 0 (0.282 3) |
小五台山C Xiaowutaishan C (XWTC) | 30 | 305 | 76.63 | 0.246 0 (0.181 4) | 0.374 1 (0.256 0) |
东灵山1 Donglingshan1 (DLS-1) | 32 | 273 | 68.59 | 0.224 2 (0.194 4) | 0.338 3 (0.274 9) |
东灵山2 Donglingshan2 (DLS-2) | 32 | 298 | 74.87 | 0.245 9 (0.189 3) | 0.370 6 (0.266 7) |
东灵山3 Donglingshan3 (DLS-3) | 32 | 310 | 77.89 | 0.254 7 (0.182 7) | 0.385 8 (0.255 7) |
东灵山4 Donglingshan4 (DLS-4) | 32 | 352 | 88.44 | 0.284 8 (0.170 3) | 0.431 9 (0.229 6) |
东灵山5 Donglingshan5 (DLS-5) | 32 | 319 | 80.15 | 0.250 4 (0.182 7) | 0.380 6 (0.254 7) |
大青山 Daqingshan (DQS) | 32 | 325 | 81.66 | 0.277 4 (0.185 1) | 0.415 6 (0.255 0) |
贺兰山1 Helanshan1 (HLS-1) | 30 | 321 | 80.65 | 0.283 1 (0.186 2) | 0.422 1 (0.257 0) |
贺兰山2 Helanshan2 ( HLS-2) | 30 | 318 | 79.90 | 0.266 5 (0.186 4) | 0.400 5 (0.258 3) |
种群水平 Population level | 0.256 0 (0.185 3) | 0.384 6 (0.257 3) | |||
物种水平 Species level | 776 | 312 | 78.46 | 0.364 9 (0.122 9) | 0.542 2 (0.146 8) |
图1 东灵山的种群(A)和荷叶坪的种群(B)的Dfdist分析结果。 散点图是以海拔分组估计Fst与杂合度之间的关系; 每个点表示AFLP分子标记的一个位点; 低、中、高线分别代表5%、50%和95%的置信区间; 可能受选择的位点用数字标识。
Fig. 1 Analysis results of Dfdist of Donglingshan population (A) and Heyeping population (B). The plot of Fst values against heterozigosity estimates for the populations grouped by altitude. Each dot indicates an AFLP maker. The lower, intermediate, and higher lines represent the 5%, 50% and 95% confidence intervals, respectively. Outlier loci are referred to by numbers.
图2 小丛红景天华北种群基于AFLP分析的UPGMA聚类图。 种群名称同表2。
Fig. 2 Dendrogram of UPGMA of Rhodiola dumulosa populations in northern China based on AFLP data. Population names are the same as in Table 2.
图3 小丛红景天华北种群基于AFLP分子标记的STRUC- TURE分析结果。种群名称同表2。
Fig. 3 STRUCTURE analysis results of Rhodiola dumulosa populations in northern China based on AFLP data.
分组 Group | 变异来源 Source of variation | 自由度 df | 平方和 Sum of squares | 方差分量 Variance components | 方差分量百分率 Percentage of variation (%) | F 统计值 F statistics |
所有种群为一组 All populations were divided into one group | 种群间 | 24 | 18 857.993 | 23.700 46 | 32.10 | 0.321 00* |
Among populations | ||||||
种群内 | 751 | 37 649.060 | 50.131 90 | 67.90 | ||
Within populations | ||||||
基于UPGMA分两组Two groups based on UPGMA | 地理单元间 | 1 | 6 111.456 | 17.509 04 | 20.87 | 0.208 71* |
Among geographic units | ||||||
地理单元内 | 23 | 12 746.537 | 16.249 94 | 19.37 | 0.244 79* | |
Among populations within geographic unit | ||||||
种群内 | 751 | 37 649.060 | 50.131 9 | 59.76 | 0.402 42* | |
Within populations | ||||||
基于山脉分五组 Five groups based on the mountains | 地理单元间 | 4 | 9 597.026 | 16.750 0 | 20.90 | 0.208 98* |
Among geographic units | ||||||
地理单元内 | 20 | 9260.967 | 13.270 7 | 16.56 | 0.209 31* | |
Among populations within geographic unit | ||||||
种群内 | 751 | 37 649.060 | 50.131 9 | 62.55 | 0.374 54* | |
Within populations |
表3 华北地区小丛红景天基于398个AFLP条带的AMOVA分析结果
Table 3 The results of AMOVA for individuals of Rhodiola dumulosa populations in northern China using 398 AFLP markers
分组 Group | 变异来源 Source of variation | 自由度 df | 平方和 Sum of squares | 方差分量 Variance components | 方差分量百分率 Percentage of variation (%) | F 统计值 F statistics |
所有种群为一组 All populations were divided into one group | 种群间 | 24 | 18 857.993 | 23.700 46 | 32.10 | 0.321 00* |
Among populations | ||||||
种群内 | 751 | 37 649.060 | 50.131 90 | 67.90 | ||
Within populations | ||||||
基于UPGMA分两组Two groups based on UPGMA | 地理单元间 | 1 | 6 111.456 | 17.509 04 | 20.87 | 0.208 71* |
Among geographic units | ||||||
地理单元内 | 23 | 12 746.537 | 16.249 94 | 19.37 | 0.244 79* | |
Among populations within geographic unit | ||||||
种群内 | 751 | 37 649.060 | 50.131 9 | 59.76 | 0.402 42* | |
Within populations | ||||||
基于山脉分五组 Five groups based on the mountains | 地理单元间 | 4 | 9 597.026 | 16.750 0 | 20.90 | 0.208 98* |
Among geographic units | ||||||
地理单元内 | 20 | 9260.967 | 13.270 7 | 16.56 | 0.209 31* | |
Among populations within geographic unit | ||||||
种群内 | 751 | 37 649.060 | 50.131 9 | 62.55 | 0.374 54* | |
Within populations |
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