植物生态学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 68-79.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0120  cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0120

所属专题: 植被生态学

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈昭铨1,2,3, 王明慧1,3, 胡子涵1,3, 郎学东1,3, 何云琼4, 刘万德1,3,*()   

  1. 1中国林业科学研究院高原林业研究所, 昆明 650224
    2南京林业大学风景园林学院, 南京 210037
    3国家林业和草原局云南普洱森林生态系统国家定位观测研究站, 普洱森林生态系统云南省野外科学观测研究站, 云南普洱 665000
    4云南省科研机构联合会, 昆明 650228
  • 收稿日期:2023-05-04 接受日期:2023-11-09 出版日期:2024-01-20 发布日期:2023-11-09
  • 通讯作者: (liuwande@126.com)
  • 基金资助:

Mechanisms of seedling community assembly in a monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest in Pu’er, Yunnan, China

CHEN Zhao-Quan1,2,3, WANG Ming-Hui1,3, HU Zi-Han1,3, LANG Xue-Dong1,3, HE Yun-Qiong4, LIU Wan-De1,3,*()   

  1. 1Institute of Highland Forest Science, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650224, China
    2College of Landscape Architecture, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
    3Pu'er Forest Ecosystem Research Station, National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China; Pu’er Forest Ecosystem Observation and Research Station of Yunnan Province, Pu'er, Yunnan 665000, China
    4Yunnan Association of Scientific Research Institutes, Kunming 650228, China
  • Received:2023-05-04 Accepted:2023-11-09 Online:2024-01-20 Published:2023-11-09
  • Contact: (liuwande@126.com)
  • Supported by:
    Yunnan Fundamental Research Projects(202001AS070005)


幼苗是森林生物多样性保育的重点关注对象, 以往研究对云南普洱季风常绿阔叶林幼苗的关注较少。为探究该地幼苗的群落构建机制, 该研究利用30 hm2季风常绿阔叶林动态监测样地野外幼苗调查数据, 分析幼苗的物种组成, 划分不同优势种样方, 根据逐步群落构建模型分析群落构建机制, 进一步分析幼苗的群落功能性状。结果表明: 季风常绿阔叶林幼苗以短刺锥(Castanopsis echidnocarpa)和枹丝锥(C. calathiformis)为优势种, 根据优势种是否出现将样方划分为4种类型: 短刺锥样方、枹丝锥样方、混合优势种样方及非优势种样方。幼苗的群落构建过程均包含随机扩散构建(贡献率43.1%-61.3%)、生境过滤(贡献率27.4%-33.9%)及限制相似性(贡献率5.7%-27.2%)机制。短刺锥样方和枹丝锥样方以确定过程为主, 贡献率分别为56.9%和54.6%, 而混合优势种样方及非优势种样方则以随机过程为主, 贡献率分别为60.4%和61.3%。在非优势种样方中Rao二次熵(Rao’Q)最高, 而在混合优势种样方中最低。短刺锥样方具有最低的比叶面积和较高的叶厚度、比茎长度、根质量分数及潜在株高, 而枹丝锥样方及非优势种样方有更大的比叶面积。不同幼苗样方中, 比茎长度和潜在株高变异系数较大, 而其他功能性状变异水平较低。多元回归分析显示, 不同幼苗样方中, 比叶面积和潜在株高均和Rao’Q显著正相关, 除了非优势种样方外, 其他样方叶厚度和生活型均与Rao’Q显著正相关。因此, 季风常绿阔叶林幼苗的群落构建同时包含随机过程和确定过程, 两种过程的贡献率随群落类型的不同而不同。

关键词: 群落构建, 优势种, 功能性状, 功能多样性, 季风常绿阔叶林


Aims Seedlings play a crucial role in the conservation of forest biodiversity. Previous studies have paid little attention to seedling communities in monsoon broadleaf evergreen forests in Pu’er, Yunnan. Our aim was to investigate the mechanisms of seedling community assembly there.

Methods We analyzed the species composition of the seedling community based on the seedling survey in a 30 hm2 forest dynamics plot. Seedling plots are divided into different groups according to the dominant species. The stepwise community assembly model (STEPCAM) was used to investigate the mechanisms of community assembly and to further analyze the functional traits of seedling communities.

<strong>Important findings</strong> Castanopsis echidnocarpa and C. calathiformis are the dominant seedling species in the monsoon broadleaf evergreen forest. Four plot types (i.e., C. echidnocarpa plot, C. calathiformis plot, mixed-dominant species plot, non-dominant species plot) were classified according to the presence or absence of dominant species. The seedling community assembly processes included: a) random dispersal assembly (with contribution rate 43.1%-61.3%); b) habitat filtering (with contribution rate 27.4%-33.9%); and c) limiting similarity (with contribution rate 5.7%-27.2%). The C. echidnocarpa and C. calathiformis plots were dominated by deterministic processes, with 56.9% and 54.6% contributions respectively, whereas the mixed-dominant and non-dominant species plots were dominated by stochastic processes, with 60.4% and 61.3% contributions respectively. Rao’s quadratic entropy (Rao’Q) was highest in the non-dominant species plot and lowest in the mixed-dominant species plot. The C. echidnocarpa plot has the lowest specific leaf area (SLA) and higher leaf thickness (LT), specific stem length (SSL), root mass fraction (RMF) and a maximum potential plant height (PPH), while the C. calathiformis plot and non-dominant species plot have a higher SLA. Among different seedling plots, the coefficients of variation for SSL and PPH were higher, while the coefficients of variation for other functional traits were lower. Multiple regression analysis showed that SLA and PPH were significantly and positively correlated with Rao’Q in different seedling plots. LT and life form were significantly and positively correlated with Rao’Q in other three types of plots, except for the non-dominant species plot. Thus, seedling community assembly in the monsoon broadleaf evergreen forest is driven by both stochastic and deterministic processes, and the contribution of the two processes varies with the type of seedling communities.

Key words: community assembly, dominant species, functional trait, functional diversity, monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest