植物生态学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (7): 943-953.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0067
所属专题: 植物功能性状
代景忠1, 白玉婷2, 卫智军3, 张楚4, 辛晓平4, 闫玉春4, 闫瑞瑞4,*()
DAI Jing-Zhong1, BAI Yu-Ting2, WEI Zhi-Jun3, ZHANG Chu4, XIN Xiao-Ping4, YAN Yu-Chun4, YAN Rui-Rui4,*()
*YAN Rui-Rui(Supported by:
研究不同施肥水平下羊草(Leymus chinensis)功能性状的变化规律和响应机制以及影响羊草单株质量的主要表型驱动因子, 可为干扰状态下植物功能性状响应环境变化及天然草场植物种群恢复的研究提供理论依据和参考。该研究以呼伦贝尔固定草场的羊草为研究对象, 首先用9QP-830型草地破土切根机对草地进行切根处理, 然后施用不同水平的氮磷混合肥料, 最后分期测定羊草营养生长期内单株高度、叶长、自然叶宽、展开叶宽、茎宽、茎长、叶质量、茎质量、单株质量等多个功能性状, 并对施肥前后羊草功能性状的动态变化进行分析。结果显示: (1)施肥显著地提高了羊草营养生长后期的单株质量, 增加了株高、叶长、自然叶宽、展开叶宽、叶面积、茎长、茎宽和茎质量, 降低了叶干物质含量和茎干物质含量。(2)施肥改变了羊草营养时期内各功能性状的变化趋势。随施肥水平的提高, 羊草株高、叶长、自然叶宽、展开叶宽、叶面积、比叶面积、茎长、茎宽、茎质量由先增后减的变化趋势变成逐渐增加, 而叶干物质含量、茎干物质含量则由先减后增的变化趋势变成逐渐减少。(3)羊草表型性状和质量性状关系密切, 叶面积与单株质量、茎干物质含量呈正相关关系, 与叶干物质含量呈负相关关系。(4)施肥改变了羊草营养生长期内表型性状对单株质量的贡献率, 施肥后羊草表型性状权重由“集中—分散—集中—分散—集中”式变为“分散—集中—分散—集中—分散”式。羊草营养生长过程中, 株高对施肥响应最为敏感, 它也是影响羊草单株质量的主要表型驱动因子。
代景忠, 白玉婷, 卫智军, 张楚, 辛晓平, 闫玉春, 闫瑞瑞. 羊草功能性状对施肥的动态响应. 植物生态学报, 2023, 47(7): 943-953. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0067
DAI Jing-Zhong, BAI Yu-Ting, WEI Zhi-Jun, ZHANG Chu, XIN Xiao-Ping, YAN Yu-Chun, YAN Rui-Rui. Dynamic response of functional traits to fertilization in Leymus chinensis. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2023, 47(7): 943-953. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0067
图1 不同施肥处理下羊草叶功能性状的变化趋势。ALW, 展开叶宽; LA, 展叶面积; LDMC, 叶干物质含量; LL, 叶长; NLW, 自然叶宽; SLA, 比叶面积。R2, 决定系数; p, 显著水平; ns, 拟合效果不显著。CK, 对照; HF, 高水平施肥; LF, 低水平施肥; MF, 中水平施肥。
Fig. 1 Dynamics of leaf functional traits of Leymus chinensis under different fertilization treatments. ALW, unfolded leaf width; LA, leaf area; LDMC, leaf dry matter content; LL, average leaf length; NLW, natural leaf width; SLA, specific leaf area. R2, coefficient of determination; p, significant level; ns, fitting effect is not significant. CK, control; HF, high level of fertilization; LF, low level of fertilization; MF, medium level of fertilization.
图2 不同施肥处理下羊草茎功能性状的变化趋势。SDMC, 茎干物质含量; SL, 茎长; SM, 茎质量; SW, 茎宽。R2, 决定系数; p, 显著性水平; ns, 拟合效果不显著。CK, 对照; HF, 高水平施肥; LF, 低水平施肥; MF, 中水平施肥。
Fig. 2 Dynamics of stem functional traits of Leymus chinensis under different fertilization treatments. SDMC, stem dry matter content; SL, stem length; SM, stem mass; SW, stem width. R2, coefficient of determination; p, significant level; ns, fitting effect is not significant. CK, control; HF, high level of fertilization; LF, low level of fertilization; MF, medium level of fertilization.
图3 不同施肥处理下羊草植株功能性状的变化趋势。AB, 单株质量; PH, 株高。R2, 决定系数; p, 显著性水平; ns, 拟合效果不显著。CK, 对照; HF, 高水平施肥; LF, 低水平施肥; MF, 中水平施肥。
Fig. 3 Dynamics of plant functional traits of Leymus chinensis under different fertilization treatments. AB, aboveground biomass; PH, plant height. R2, coefficient of determination; p, significant level; ns, fitting effect is not significant. CK, control; HF, high level of fertilization; LF, low level of fertilization; MF, medium level of fertilization.
功能性状 Functional trait | 典型相关系数 Canonical correlation coefficient | 典型变量 Canonical variable | 性状系数 Coefficient of trait | ||||||
表型性状 Phenotypic trait | 0.97** | U1 | LL | NLW | ALW | LA | SL | SW | PH |
-1.19 | -0.22 | -2.41 | 4.76 | 0.91 | 0.17 | -1.02 | |||
质量性状 Mass trait | V1 | AB | LDMC | SDMC | |||||
0.82 | 0.06 | -0.31 | |||||||
表型性状 Phenotypic trait | 0.85* | U2 | LL | NLW | ALW | LA | SL | SW | PH |
-5.99 | -1.49 | -10.24 | 16.53 | -0.31 | 1.18 | -0.22 | |||
质量性状 Mass trait | V2 | AB | LDMC | SDMC | |||||
0.57 | -1.00 | 1.15 |
表2 羊草表型性状与质量性状之间的典型相关分析
Table 2 Canonical correlation analysis between phenotypic traits and quality traits in Leymus chinensis
功能性状 Functional trait | 典型相关系数 Canonical correlation coefficient | 典型变量 Canonical variable | 性状系数 Coefficient of trait | ||||||
表型性状 Phenotypic trait | 0.97** | U1 | LL | NLW | ALW | LA | SL | SW | PH |
-1.19 | -0.22 | -2.41 | 4.76 | 0.91 | 0.17 | -1.02 | |||
质量性状 Mass trait | V1 | AB | LDMC | SDMC | |||||
0.82 | 0.06 | -0.31 | |||||||
表型性状 Phenotypic trait | 0.85* | U2 | LL | NLW | ALW | LA | SL | SW | PH |
-5.99 | -1.49 | -10.24 | 16.53 | -0.31 | 1.18 | -0.22 | |||
质量性状 Mass trait | V2 | AB | LDMC | SDMC | |||||
0.57 | -1.00 | 1.15 |
图4 不同施肥处理下羊草表型性状对单株质量的贡献率。A, 对照。B, 低水平施肥。C, 中水平施肥。D, 高水平施肥。ALW, 展开叶宽; LA, 展叶面积; LL, 叶长; NLW, 自然叶宽; PH, 株高; SL, 茎长; SW, 茎宽。
Fig. 4 Contribution of phenotypic traits to individual plant quality of Leymus chinensis under different fertilization treatments. A, control. B, Low level of fertilization. C, Medium level of fertilization. D, High level of fertilization. ALW, unfolded leaf width; LA, spread leaf area; LL, average leaf length; NLW, natural leaf width; PH, plant height; SL, stem length; SW, stem width.
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