植物生态学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 453-465.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0044
所属专题: 生态化学计量
李单凤1,2, 于顺利1*(), 王国勋1,3, 方伟伟2,4
LI Dan-Feng1,2, YU Shun-Li1,*(), WANG Guo-Xun1,3, FANG Wei-Wei2,4
Shun-Li YU
About author:
# Co-first authors
为了探究黄土高原灌丛群落中优势物种的根、茎和叶等营养器官之间碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)及其比值等化学计量特征的环境分异性及其与土壤养分的耦合性, 在甘肃省和宁夏回族自治区境内的3个灌丛集中分布区(甘肃南部、宁夏北部和甘肃西部)沿水热梯度选取41个样点进行样地调查。结果显示: 1)甘肃、宁夏灌丛群落的有机物质含量及P资源相对匮乏, 而N资源相对丰富。2)从甘肃南部、宁夏北部到甘肃西部, 生长季温度递增、年降水量递减, 与此耦合, 土壤养分也逐级递减, 沿着土壤养分梯度, 黄土高原优势灌丛根、茎和叶的C、N、P储量减少, 根和茎的C:N下降, 根、茎和叶的N:P上升, 但在宁夏北部和甘肃西部间差异不显著。同时, 3个优势灌丛分布区的优势灌丛各器官间营养元素的分配格局不同。3)土壤养分相对较高的区域优势灌丛间各器官营养元素储量无差异, 而土壤养分较低区域亲缘关系较远的优势灌丛间各器官的营养元素储量差异显著, 而亲缘关系较近的优势灌丛各器官营养元素储量差异不显著。黄土高原优势灌丛各器官C、N、P化学计量特征是植物体与土壤中化学元素耦合的结果, 当土壤养分逐渐升高时, 植物体内的化学元素储量也逐渐增多。该研究不仅有助于认识黄土高原优势灌丛化学计量环境分异规律, 而且有助于洞察不同土壤条件下C、N、P在优势灌丛营养器官间的分配格局和植物资源分配策略, 并为黄土高原植被的管理和恢复提供一定的理论基础。
李单凤, 于顺利, 王国勋, 方伟伟. 黄土高原优势灌丛营养器官化学计量特征的环境分异和机制. 植物生态学报, 2015, 39(5): 453-465. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0044
LI Dan-Feng,YU Shun-Li,WANG Guo-Xun,FANG Wei-Wei. Environmental heterogeneity and mechanism of stoichiometry properties of vegetative organs in dominant shrub communities across the Loess Plateau. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015, 39(5): 453-465. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0044
器官 Organs | n | C (mg·g-1) | N (mg·g-1) | P (mg·g-1) | C:N | C:P | N:P |
叶 Leaf | 101 | 421.40 ± 46.66c | 23.43 ± 8.00a | 1.20 ± 0.50a | 20.23 ± 7.62b | 411.46 ± 194.76b | 20.81 ± 6.15a |
茎 Stem | 125 | 459.55 ± 24.50a | 10.58 ± 3.79b | 0.56 ± 0.21b | 51.22 ± 24.13a | 922.88 ± 353.36a | 20.06 ± 8.04a |
根 Root | 129 | 444.87 ± 29.13b | 11.40 ± 4.85b | 0.57 ± 0.29b | 48.68 ± 26.05a | 974.25 ± 472.28a | 22.54 ± 10.33a |
表1 黄土高原优势灌丛植物营养器官的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)浓度及其比值(平均值±标准偏差)
Table 1 Concentrations of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) of plant vegetative organs in the dominant shrubs communities across the Loess Plateau (mean ± SD)
器官 Organs | n | C (mg·g-1) | N (mg·g-1) | P (mg·g-1) | C:N | C:P | N:P |
叶 Leaf | 101 | 421.40 ± 46.66c | 23.43 ± 8.00a | 1.20 ± 0.50a | 20.23 ± 7.62b | 411.46 ± 194.76b | 20.81 ± 6.15a |
茎 Stem | 125 | 459.55 ± 24.50a | 10.58 ± 3.79b | 0.56 ± 0.21b | 51.22 ± 24.13a | 922.88 ± 353.36a | 20.06 ± 8.04a |
根 Root | 129 | 444.87 ± 29.13b | 11.40 ± 4.85b | 0.57 ± 0.29b | 48.68 ± 26.05a | 974.25 ± 472.28a | 22.54 ± 10.33a |
图1 黄土高原优势灌丛的各营养器官分配的C、N、P量(A)及C:P、C:P、N:P占总量的比例(B)(平均值±标准偏差)。不同小写字母表示差异显著(p < 0.05)。
Fig. 1 Percentage content allocated to each vegetative organ of C, N, P (A) and C:N, C:P, N:P in dominant shrub communities (B) across the Loess Plateau (mean ± SD). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).
依变量 Dependent variable | 自变量 Independent variable | 回归系数 Regression coefficient | p |
土壤全碳 Soil total carbon | 生长季气温 Growing season temperature | -0.89 | 0.028* |
年降水量 Annual precipitation | 5.04 | 0.009** | |
生长季降水量 Growing season precipitation | -5.32 | 0.01* | |
土壤全氮 Soil total nitrogen | 生长季气温 Growing season temperature | -1.33 | 0.03* |
年降水量 Annual precipitation | 0.64 | 0.000*** | |
土壤全磷 Soil total phosphorous | 生长季气温 Growing season temperature | -0.63 | 0.007** |
年降水量 Annual precipitation | 0.13 | 0.01* |
表2 黄土高原优势灌丛分布区土壤养分与气候因子逐步回归分析表
Table 2 Stepwise regression analysis of soil nutrients and climate factors in the dominant shrub communities across the Loess Plateau
依变量 Dependent variable | 自变量 Independent variable | 回归系数 Regression coefficient | p |
土壤全碳 Soil total carbon | 生长季气温 Growing season temperature | -0.89 | 0.028* |
年降水量 Annual precipitation | 5.04 | 0.009** | |
生长季降水量 Growing season precipitation | -5.32 | 0.01* | |
土壤全氮 Soil total nitrogen | 生长季气温 Growing season temperature | -1.33 | 0.03* |
年降水量 Annual precipitation | 0.64 | 0.000*** | |
土壤全磷 Soil total phosphorous | 生长季气温 Growing season temperature | -0.63 | 0.007** |
年降水量 Annual precipitation | 0.13 | 0.01* |
图2 3个优势灌丛分布区优势灌丛各器官间元素储量的差异(平均值±标准偏差)。GN, 甘肃南部; GX, 甘肃西部; NB, 宁夏北部。不同小写字母表示差异显著(p < 0.05)。
Fig. 2 Differences of element storage among plant organs in shrubs from the three dominant shrub regions (mean ± SD). GN, southern Gansu; GX, western Gansu; NB, northern Ningxia. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).
养分 Nutrients | n | 甘肃南部 Southern Gansu | 宁夏北部 Northern Ningxia | 甘肃西部 Western Gansu |
土壤全碳 Soil total carbon (mg·g-1) | 39 | 3.35 ± 2.03a | 1.24 ± 0.55b | 1.48 ± 0.27b |
土壤全氮 Soil total nitrogen (mg·g-1) | 51 | 0.230 ± 0.17a | 0.074 ± 0.06b | 0.024 ± 0.01b |
土壤全磷 Soil total phosphorous (mg·g-1) | 33 | 0.73 ± 0.16a | 0.46 ± 0.16b | 0.43 ± 0.14b |
表3 黄土高原优势灌丛分布区间的土壤养分差异(平均值±标准偏差)
Table 3 Differences of soil nutrients in the dominant shrub communities across the Loess Plateau (mean ± SD)
养分 Nutrients | n | 甘肃南部 Southern Gansu | 宁夏北部 Northern Ningxia | 甘肃西部 Western Gansu |
土壤全碳 Soil total carbon (mg·g-1) | 39 | 3.35 ± 2.03a | 1.24 ± 0.55b | 1.48 ± 0.27b |
土壤全氮 Soil total nitrogen (mg·g-1) | 51 | 0.230 ± 0.17a | 0.074 ± 0.06b | 0.024 ± 0.01b |
土壤全磷 Soil total phosphorous (mg·g-1) | 33 | 0.73 ± 0.16a | 0.46 ± 0.16b | 0.43 ± 0.14b |
图3 3个优势灌丛分布区优势灌丛各器官间元素比的差异(平均值±标准偏差)。GN, 甘肃南部; GX, 甘肃西部; NB, 宁夏北部。不同小写字母表示差异显著(p < 0.05)。
Fig. 3 Differences of element’ ratios among plant organs in shrubs from the three dominant shrub regions (mean ± SD). GN, southern Gansu; GX, western Gansu; NB, northern Ningxia. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).
图4 黄土高原3个优势灌丛区同区内优势物种不同属间各营养器官C、N、P储量的差异(平均值)。A, 甘肃南部优势物种各器官的C储量。B, 甘肃南部优势物种各器官的N储量。C, 甘肃南部优势物种各器官的P储量。D, 宁夏北部优势物种各器官的C储量。E, 宁夏北部优势物种各器官的N储量。F, 宁夏北部优势物种各器官的P储量。G, 甘肃西部优势物种各器官的C储量。H, 甘肃西部优势物种各器官的N储量。I, 甘肃西部优势物种各器官的P储量。
Fig. 4 Difference of vegetable organs’ C, N and P storages among genus from the three shrub regions across Loess Plateau (mean). A, C storage in plant organs in Southern Gansu; B, N storage in plant organs in Southern Gansu; C, P storage in plant organs in Southern Gansu. D, C storage in plant organs in Northern Ningxia; E, N storage in plant organs in Northern Ningxia; F, P storage in plant organs in Northern Ningxia. G, C storage in plant organs in Western Gansu; H, N storage in plant organs in Western Gansu; I, P storage in plant organs in Western Gansu.
地点 Site | 优势物种 Dominant species | 纬度 Latitude (°) | 经度 Longitude (°) | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 年平均气温 Mean annual air temperature (℃) | 年降水量Annual precipitation (mm) | 生长季温度 Growing season temperature (℃) | 生长季降水量Growing season precipitation (mm) |
甘肃南部 Southern Gansu | ||||||||
礼县 Li County | 虎榛子 Ostryopsis davidiana | 34.32 | 105.25 | 1 591 | 9.8 | 606 | 18.6 | 313 |
礼县 Li County | 蔷薇-栒子 Rosa prattii - Cotoneaster acutifolius | 34.43 | 105.23 | 1 811 | 8.4 | 613 | 17.1 | 317 |
舟曲县 Zhouqu County | 荆条-杠柳 Vitex negundo - Periploca sepium | 33.78 | 104.33 | 1 430 | 10.5 | 568 | 18.6 | 288 |
宕昌县 Dangchang County | 虎榛子 Ostryopsis davidiana | 34.08 | 104.28 | 1 964 | 7.7 | 613 | 15.9 | 309 |
岷县 Min County | 秦岭小檗 Berberis circumserrata | 34.44 | 103.97 | 2 356 | 6.9 | 597 | 15.3 | 307 |
卓尼县 Zhuoni County | 水栒子 Cotoneaster multiflorus | 34.58 | 103.50 | 2 635 | 3.6 | 605 | 11.9 | 315 |
武山县 Wushan County | 沙棘 Hippophae rhamnoides | 34.44 | 105.05 | 2 228 | 7.0 | 625 | 15.6 | 321 |
徽县 Hui County | 黄栌 Cotinus coggygria | 33.74 | 106.10 | 861 | 13.0 | 682 | 21.9 | 369 |
徽县 Hui County | 白刺花 Sophora davidii | 33.85 | 106.21 | 1 030 | 12.8 | 681 | 21.8 | 367 |
成县 Cheng County | 马桑 Coriaria nepalensis | 33.53 | 105.82 | 1 107 | 13.3 | 673 | 21.9 | 366 |
临夏县 Linxia County | 箭叶锦鸡儿 Caragana jubata | 35.57 | 102.98 | 2 181 | 5.4 | 507 | 14.5 | 279 |
临夏县 Linxia County | 吉拉柳 Salix gilashanica | 35.56 | 102.85 | 2 605 | 3.4 | 524 | 12.2 | 288 |
临夏县 Linxia County | 硬叶柳 Salix sclerophylla | 35.55 | 102.55 | 2 508 | 1.6 | 592 | 6.7 | 331 |
甘肃西部 Western Gansu | ||||||||
瓜州县 Guazhou County | 西伯利亚白刺 Nitraria sibirica | 40.31 | 94.80 | 1 063 | 10.0 | 37 | 24.1 | 24 |
瓜州县 Guazhou County | 刚毛柽柳 Tamarix hispida | 40.29 | 94.78 | 1 060 | 10.0 | 37 | 24.0 | 24 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 泡泡刺 Nitraria sphaerocarpa | 40.15 | 94.91 | 1 082 | 10.1 | 41 | 24.2 | 26 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 蒙古沙拐枣 Calligonum mongolicum | 40.14 | 94.92 | 1 080 | 10.1 | 41 | 24.3 | 26 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 膜果麻黄 Ephedra przewalskii | 40.00 | 94.28 | 1 327 | 9.1 | 34 | 22.7 | 22 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 泡泡刺 Nitraria sphaerocarpa | 40.27 | 93.93 | 1 044 | 10.2 | 28 | 24.3 | 18 |
阿克塞县 Aksay County | 沙拐枣 Calligonum mongolicum | 39.64 | 94.36 | 1 677 | 7.7 | 32 | 21.1 | 22 |
阿克塞县 Aksay County | 红砂 Reaumuria soongarica | 39.66 | 94.37 | 1 646 | 7.7 | 32 | 21.1 | 22 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 梭梭 Haloxylon ammodendron | 39.69 | 94.35 | 1 589 | 7.8 | 33 | 21.3 | 22 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 膜果麻黄 Ephedra przewalskii | 39.69 | 94.35 | 1 602 | 7.8 | 33 | 21.3 | 22 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 塔里木沙拐枣 Calligonum roborowskii | 39.76 | 94.36 | 1 518 | 8.3 | 33 | 21.8 | 22 |
金塔县 Jinta County | 红砂 Reaumuria soongarica | 39.86 | 98.66 | 1 391 | 8.2 | 85 | 21.3 | 51 |
金塔县 Jinta County | 多花柽柳 Tamarix hohenackeri | 39.93 | 98.87 | 1 287 | 8.6 | 80 | 21.9 | 48 |
肃南县 Sunan County | 红砂 Reaumuria soongarica | 39.65 | 98.32 | 1 786 | 6.6 | 105 | 19.5 | 66 |
酒泉市 Jiuquan City | 膜果麻黄 Ephedra przewalskii | 39.49 | 98.96 | 1 528 | 7.6 | 103 | 20.4 | 62 |
高台县 Gaotai County | 盐爪爪 Kalidium foliatum | 39.29 | 99.29 | 1 728 | 6.5 | 126 | 19.1 | 78 |
金塔县 Jinta County | 大白刺 Nitraria roborowskii | 39.98 | 98.30 | 1 492 | 8.5 | 87 | 21.9 | 53 |
宁夏北部 Northern Ningxia | ||||||||
西夏区 Xixia District | 刺旋花 Convolvulus tragacanthoides | 38.62 | 105.96 | 1 376 | 8.5 | 197 | 20.3 | 120 |
西夏区 Xixia District | 麻黄 Ephedra sinica | 38.59 | 105.97 | 1 260 | 8.5 | 197 | 20.3 | 120 |
贺兰县 Helan County | 细叶锦鸡儿 Caragana stenophylla | 38.73 | 106.01 | 1 388 | 7.8 | 203 | 19.6 | 124 |
灵武市 Lingwu City | 尖叶盐爪爪 Kalidium cuspidatum | 38.33 | 106.42 | 1 153 | 8.4 | 213 | 20.0 | 131 |
灵武市 Lingwu City | 刺叶柄棘豆 Oxytropis aciphylla | 38.11 | 106.49 | 1 237 | 8.4 | 229 | 19.8 | 139 |
灵武市 Lingwu City | 红砂 Reaumuria soongarica | 38.09 | 106.48 | 1 246 | 8.4 | 229 | 19.8 | 139 |
陶乐县 Taole County | 西伯利亚白刺 Nitraria sibirica | 38.42 | 106.55 | 1 205 | 8.5 | 213 | 20.1 | 130 |
平罗县 Pingluo County | 酸枣 Ziziphus jujuba | 38.87 | 106.18 | 1 230 | 8.8 | 180 | 20.7 | 111 |
平罗县 Pingluo County | 蒙古扁桃 Amygdalus mongolica | 38.73 | 106.14 | 1 420 | 9.0 | 185 | 20.9 | 113 |
平罗县 Pingluo County | 小果白刺 Nitraria sibirica | 38.88 | 106.66 | 1 094 | 8.8 | 190 | 20.9 | 119 |
平罗县 Pingluo County | 沙冬青 Ammopiptanthus mongolicus | 38.45 | 106.55 | 1 162 | 8.5 | 213 | 20.1 | 130 |
附录1 黄土高原优势灌丛群落样地的环境因子概况
Appendix 1 General situations of environmental factors of sample sites for the dominant shrub communities across the Loess Plateau
地点 Site | 优势物种 Dominant species | 纬度 Latitude (°) | 经度 Longitude (°) | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 年平均气温 Mean annual air temperature (℃) | 年降水量Annual precipitation (mm) | 生长季温度 Growing season temperature (℃) | 生长季降水量Growing season precipitation (mm) |
甘肃南部 Southern Gansu | ||||||||
礼县 Li County | 虎榛子 Ostryopsis davidiana | 34.32 | 105.25 | 1 591 | 9.8 | 606 | 18.6 | 313 |
礼县 Li County | 蔷薇-栒子 Rosa prattii - Cotoneaster acutifolius | 34.43 | 105.23 | 1 811 | 8.4 | 613 | 17.1 | 317 |
舟曲县 Zhouqu County | 荆条-杠柳 Vitex negundo - Periploca sepium | 33.78 | 104.33 | 1 430 | 10.5 | 568 | 18.6 | 288 |
宕昌县 Dangchang County | 虎榛子 Ostryopsis davidiana | 34.08 | 104.28 | 1 964 | 7.7 | 613 | 15.9 | 309 |
岷县 Min County | 秦岭小檗 Berberis circumserrata | 34.44 | 103.97 | 2 356 | 6.9 | 597 | 15.3 | 307 |
卓尼县 Zhuoni County | 水栒子 Cotoneaster multiflorus | 34.58 | 103.50 | 2 635 | 3.6 | 605 | 11.9 | 315 |
武山县 Wushan County | 沙棘 Hippophae rhamnoides | 34.44 | 105.05 | 2 228 | 7.0 | 625 | 15.6 | 321 |
徽县 Hui County | 黄栌 Cotinus coggygria | 33.74 | 106.10 | 861 | 13.0 | 682 | 21.9 | 369 |
徽县 Hui County | 白刺花 Sophora davidii | 33.85 | 106.21 | 1 030 | 12.8 | 681 | 21.8 | 367 |
成县 Cheng County | 马桑 Coriaria nepalensis | 33.53 | 105.82 | 1 107 | 13.3 | 673 | 21.9 | 366 |
临夏县 Linxia County | 箭叶锦鸡儿 Caragana jubata | 35.57 | 102.98 | 2 181 | 5.4 | 507 | 14.5 | 279 |
临夏县 Linxia County | 吉拉柳 Salix gilashanica | 35.56 | 102.85 | 2 605 | 3.4 | 524 | 12.2 | 288 |
临夏县 Linxia County | 硬叶柳 Salix sclerophylla | 35.55 | 102.55 | 2 508 | 1.6 | 592 | 6.7 | 331 |
甘肃西部 Western Gansu | ||||||||
瓜州县 Guazhou County | 西伯利亚白刺 Nitraria sibirica | 40.31 | 94.80 | 1 063 | 10.0 | 37 | 24.1 | 24 |
瓜州县 Guazhou County | 刚毛柽柳 Tamarix hispida | 40.29 | 94.78 | 1 060 | 10.0 | 37 | 24.0 | 24 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 泡泡刺 Nitraria sphaerocarpa | 40.15 | 94.91 | 1 082 | 10.1 | 41 | 24.2 | 26 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 蒙古沙拐枣 Calligonum mongolicum | 40.14 | 94.92 | 1 080 | 10.1 | 41 | 24.3 | 26 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 膜果麻黄 Ephedra przewalskii | 40.00 | 94.28 | 1 327 | 9.1 | 34 | 22.7 | 22 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 泡泡刺 Nitraria sphaerocarpa | 40.27 | 93.93 | 1 044 | 10.2 | 28 | 24.3 | 18 |
阿克塞县 Aksay County | 沙拐枣 Calligonum mongolicum | 39.64 | 94.36 | 1 677 | 7.7 | 32 | 21.1 | 22 |
阿克塞县 Aksay County | 红砂 Reaumuria soongarica | 39.66 | 94.37 | 1 646 | 7.7 | 32 | 21.1 | 22 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 梭梭 Haloxylon ammodendron | 39.69 | 94.35 | 1 589 | 7.8 | 33 | 21.3 | 22 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 膜果麻黄 Ephedra przewalskii | 39.69 | 94.35 | 1 602 | 7.8 | 33 | 21.3 | 22 |
敦煌市 Dunhuang City | 塔里木沙拐枣 Calligonum roborowskii | 39.76 | 94.36 | 1 518 | 8.3 | 33 | 21.8 | 22 |
金塔县 Jinta County | 红砂 Reaumuria soongarica | 39.86 | 98.66 | 1 391 | 8.2 | 85 | 21.3 | 51 |
金塔县 Jinta County | 多花柽柳 Tamarix hohenackeri | 39.93 | 98.87 | 1 287 | 8.6 | 80 | 21.9 | 48 |
肃南县 Sunan County | 红砂 Reaumuria soongarica | 39.65 | 98.32 | 1 786 | 6.6 | 105 | 19.5 | 66 |
酒泉市 Jiuquan City | 膜果麻黄 Ephedra przewalskii | 39.49 | 98.96 | 1 528 | 7.6 | 103 | 20.4 | 62 |
高台县 Gaotai County | 盐爪爪 Kalidium foliatum | 39.29 | 99.29 | 1 728 | 6.5 | 126 | 19.1 | 78 |
金塔县 Jinta County | 大白刺 Nitraria roborowskii | 39.98 | 98.30 | 1 492 | 8.5 | 87 | 21.9 | 53 |
宁夏北部 Northern Ningxia | ||||||||
西夏区 Xixia District | 刺旋花 Convolvulus tragacanthoides | 38.62 | 105.96 | 1 376 | 8.5 | 197 | 20.3 | 120 |
西夏区 Xixia District | 麻黄 Ephedra sinica | 38.59 | 105.97 | 1 260 | 8.5 | 197 | 20.3 | 120 |
贺兰县 Helan County | 细叶锦鸡儿 Caragana stenophylla | 38.73 | 106.01 | 1 388 | 7.8 | 203 | 19.6 | 124 |
灵武市 Lingwu City | 尖叶盐爪爪 Kalidium cuspidatum | 38.33 | 106.42 | 1 153 | 8.4 | 213 | 20.0 | 131 |
灵武市 Lingwu City | 刺叶柄棘豆 Oxytropis aciphylla | 38.11 | 106.49 | 1 237 | 8.4 | 229 | 19.8 | 139 |
灵武市 Lingwu City | 红砂 Reaumuria soongarica | 38.09 | 106.48 | 1 246 | 8.4 | 229 | 19.8 | 139 |
陶乐县 Taole County | 西伯利亚白刺 Nitraria sibirica | 38.42 | 106.55 | 1 205 | 8.5 | 213 | 20.1 | 130 |
平罗县 Pingluo County | 酸枣 Ziziphus jujuba | 38.87 | 106.18 | 1 230 | 8.8 | 180 | 20.7 | 111 |
平罗县 Pingluo County | 蒙古扁桃 Amygdalus mongolica | 38.73 | 106.14 | 1 420 | 9.0 | 185 | 20.9 | 113 |
平罗县 Pingluo County | 小果白刺 Nitraria sibirica | 38.88 | 106.66 | 1 094 | 8.8 | 190 | 20.9 | 119 |
平罗县 Pingluo County | 沙冬青 Ammopiptanthus mongolicus | 38.45 | 106.55 | 1 162 | 8.5 | 213 | 20.1 | 130 |
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