植物生态学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (2): 207-212.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0196
所属专题: 植被生态学
• 数据论文 • 上一篇
钏会艳1,2, 贾东瑞1, 浦江1,2, 张翠萍2, 李淑英2, 周元清2,*()
CHUAN Hui-Yan1,2, JIA Dong-Rui1, PU Jiang1,2, ZHANG Cui-Ping2, LI Shu-Ying2, ZHOU Yuan-Qing2,*()
ZHOU Yuan-Qing
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摸清珍稀濒危抗旱植物铁坚油杉(Keteleeria davidiana)的种群数量及其分布情况, 能够为珍稀濒危物种保护工作提供基础数据。该文对云南省新平县6个乡镇铁坚油杉群落进行样方调查分析, 每个乡镇设置3个样方, 样方面积为20 m × 20 m, 记录样方生境信息、统计群落物种组成及其数量特征, 对群落类型及其结构特征进行了统计和分析。主要结果: (1)在调查样地内, 共有维管束植物163种, 隶属于58科131属; (2)植物群落区系分布类型有12种, 以热带成分和中国特有种为主, 热带成分占优势; (3)群落内乔木和灌木植物最多, 占62.58%, 其次是多年生草本植物; (4)按照建群种和生活型, 可将18组植被样方数据划分为3个群系17个群落类型; (5)年龄结构不合理, 铁坚油杉种群结构呈衰退趋势, 自然居群已成为小种群。如果铁坚油杉群落没有足够的幼苗进行更新和补充, 铁坚油杉将退出当前的群落。
钏会艳, 贾东瑞, 浦江, 张翠萍, 李淑英, 周元清. 云南新平铁坚油杉森林群落结构特征. 植物生态学报, 2021, 45(2): 207-212. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0196
CHUAN Hui-Yan, JIA Dong-Rui, PU Jiang, ZHANG Cui-Ping, LI Shu-Ying, ZHOU Yuan-Qing. Structural characteristics of Keteleeria davidiana forest communities in Xinping, Yunnan. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2021, 45(2): 207-212. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0196
类别 Category | 物种组成(比例) Species composition (percentage, %) | 各生活型数量(比例) No. of life-forms (percentage, %) | ||||||
科 Family | 属 Genus | 种 Species | 乔木 Tree | 灌木 Shrub | 藤本 Vine | 一年生草本 Annual herb | 多年生草本 Perennial herb | |
蕨类 Pteridophytes | 5 (8.62) | 5 (3.82) | 6 (3.68) | - | - | - | - | 6 (3.68) |
裸子植物 Gymnosperms | 1 (1.73) | 2 (1.52) | 2 (1.22) | 2 (1.23) | - | - | - | - |
被子植物 Angiosperms | 52 (89.65) | 124 (94.66) | 155 (95.10) | 63 (38.65) | 37 (22.70) | 10 (6.13) | 13 (7.98) | 32 (19.63) |
单子叶植物 Monocotyledons | 6 (10.34) | 20 (15.27) | 22 (13.50) | 1 (0.61) | - | 1 (0.61) | 5 (3.07) | 15 (9.20) |
双子叶植物 Dicotyledons | 46 (79.31) | 104 (79.39) | 133 (81.60) | 62 (38.04) | 37 (22.70) | 9 (5.52) | 8 (4.91) | 17 (10.43) |
合计 Total | 58 | 131 | 163 | 65 (39.88) | 37 (22.70) | 10 (6.13) | 13 (7.98) | 38 (23.31) |
表1 云南新平铁坚油杉森林群落物种组成及生活型
Table 1 Species composition and life-forms in Keteleeria davidiana forest communities in Xinping, Yunnan
类别 Category | 物种组成(比例) Species composition (percentage, %) | 各生活型数量(比例) No. of life-forms (percentage, %) | ||||||
科 Family | 属 Genus | 种 Species | 乔木 Tree | 灌木 Shrub | 藤本 Vine | 一年生草本 Annual herb | 多年生草本 Perennial herb | |
蕨类 Pteridophytes | 5 (8.62) | 5 (3.82) | 6 (3.68) | - | - | - | - | 6 (3.68) |
裸子植物 Gymnosperms | 1 (1.73) | 2 (1.52) | 2 (1.22) | 2 (1.23) | - | - | - | - |
被子植物 Angiosperms | 52 (89.65) | 124 (94.66) | 155 (95.10) | 63 (38.65) | 37 (22.70) | 10 (6.13) | 13 (7.98) | 32 (19.63) |
单子叶植物 Monocotyledons | 6 (10.34) | 20 (15.27) | 22 (13.50) | 1 (0.61) | - | 1 (0.61) | 5 (3.07) | 15 (9.20) |
双子叶植物 Dicotyledons | 46 (79.31) | 104 (79.39) | 133 (81.60) | 62 (38.04) | 37 (22.70) | 9 (5.52) | 8 (4.91) | 17 (10.43) |
合计 Total | 58 | 131 | 163 | 65 (39.88) | 37 (22.70) | 10 (6.13) | 13 (7.98) | 38 (23.31) |
种分布区类型 Zonal types of species | 种数 No. of Species | 比例 Percentage (%) |
世界广布 Cosmoplitan | 9 | 5.52 |
泛热带 Pantropic | 3 | 1.84 |
东亚(热带和亚热带)及热带南美间断 East Asia (Tropical and Subtropical) and Tropical South America disjuncted | 5 | 3.07 |
旧世界热带 Old World Tropics | 2 | 1.23 |
热带亚洲至热带大洋洲 Tropical Asia to Tropical Australasia Oceania | 5 | 3.07 |
热带亚洲至非洲 Tropical Asia to Tropical Africa | 4 | 2.45 |
热带亚洲 Tropical Asia | 80 | 49.08 |
北温带 North Temperate | 1 | 0.61 |
旧世界温带 Old World Temperate | 1 | 0.61 |
地中海区、西亚至中亚 Mediterranean area, West Asia to Central Asia | 9 | 5.52 |
东亚(东喜马拉雅至日本) East Asia (East Himalaya to Japan) | 12 | 7.36 |
中国特有 Endemic to China | 32 | 19.64 |
表2 云南新平铁坚油杉森林群落的种分布区类型组成
Table 2 Composition of zonal types of species in Keteleeria davidiana forest communities in Xinping, Yunnan
种分布区类型 Zonal types of species | 种数 No. of Species | 比例 Percentage (%) |
世界广布 Cosmoplitan | 9 | 5.52 |
泛热带 Pantropic | 3 | 1.84 |
东亚(热带和亚热带)及热带南美间断 East Asia (Tropical and Subtropical) and Tropical South America disjuncted | 5 | 3.07 |
旧世界热带 Old World Tropics | 2 | 1.23 |
热带亚洲至热带大洋洲 Tropical Asia to Tropical Australasia Oceania | 5 | 3.07 |
热带亚洲至非洲 Tropical Asia to Tropical Africa | 4 | 2.45 |
热带亚洲 Tropical Asia | 80 | 49.08 |
北温带 North Temperate | 1 | 0.61 |
旧世界温带 Old World Temperate | 1 | 0.61 |
地中海区、西亚至中亚 Mediterranean area, West Asia to Central Asia | 9 | 5.52 |
东亚(东喜马拉雅至日本) East Asia (East Himalaya to Japan) | 12 | 7.36 |
中国特有 Endemic to China | 32 | 19.64 |
图2 铁坚油杉种群径级结构。I, 高度(H) < 33 cm; II, H ≥ 33 cm, 胸径(DBH) < 2.5 cm; III, 2.5 cm ≤ DBH < 7.5 cm; IV, 7.5 cm ≤ DBH < 22.5 cm; V, DBH ≥ 22.5 cm。
Fig. 2 Class structures of diameter at breast height (DBH) in Keteleeria davidiana populations. I, height (H) < 33 cm; II, H ≥ 33 cm, DBH < 2.5 cm; III, 2.5 cm ≤ DBH < 7.5 cm; IV, 7.5 cm ≤ DBH < 22.5 cm; V, DBH ≥ 22.5 cm。
群系 Alliance | 群落 Community | 样地编号 Plot number | 种数 Species number |
铁坚油杉林 Keteleeria davidiana Forest Alliance | 铁坚油杉-绒毛叶杭子梢-刚莠竹 Keteleeria davidiana - Campylotropis pinetorum subsp. Velutina - Microstegium ciliatum | G2 | 37 |
铁坚油杉-巴豆藤-荩草 Keteleeria davidiana - Craspedolobium unijugum - Arthraxon hispidus | S1, L1 | 42, 52 | |
铁坚油杉-羊耳菊-假杜鹃 Keteleeria davidiana- Duhaldea cappa - Barleria cristata | L2 | 23 | |
铁坚油杉-斜叶黄檀-芸香草 Keteleeria davidiana - Dalbergia pinnata - Cymbopogon distans | L3 | 33 | |
铁坚油杉-巴豆藤-柳叶箬 Keteleeria davidiana - Craspedolobium unijugum - Isachne globosa | Z1 | 39 | |
铁坚油杉-巴豆藤-刚莠竹 Keteleeria davidiana - Craspedolobium unijugum - Microstegium ciliatum | Z2 | 41 | |
铁坚油杉-巴豆藤-石芒草 Keteleeria davidiana - Craspedolobium unijugum - Arundinella nepalensis | M1 | 28 | |
铁坚油杉-巴豆藤-浆果薹草 Keteleeria davidiana - Craspedolobium unijugum - Carex baccans | M2 | 39 | |
铁坚油杉-五月茶-孩儿草 Keteleeria davidiana - Antidesma bunius - Rungia pectinata | S2 | 55 | |
铁坚油杉-巴豆藤-山菅 Keteleeria davidiana - Craspedolobium unijugum - Dianella ensifolia | S3 | 44 | |
铁坚油杉-泡腺血桐-浆果薹草 Keteleeria davidiana - Macaranga pustulata - Carex baccans | X1 | 40 | |
铁坚油杉-锥连栎-柳叶箬 Keteleeria davidiana- Quercus franchetii - Isachne globosa | X2 | 24 | |
铁坚油杉-高山锥-石芒草 Keteleeria davidiana- Castanopsis delavayi - Arundinella nepalensis | X3 | 31 | |
云南松林 Pinus yunnanensis Forest Alliance | 云南松-锥连栎-石芒草 Pinus yunnanensis - Quercus franchetii - Arundinella nepalensis | G3 | 21 |
云南松-盐肤木-破坏草 Pinus yunnanensis - Rhus chinensis - Ageratina adenophora | Z3 | 45 | |
云南松-黄毛青冈-荩草 Pinus yunnanensis- Cyclobalanopsis delavayi - Arthraxon hispidus | M3 | 40 | |
麻栎林 Quercus acutissima Forest Alliance | 麻栎-水锦树-黄茅 Quercus acutissima - Wendlandia uvariifolia - Heteropogon contortus | G1 | 18 |
表3 云南新平铁坚油杉森林群系分类
Table 3 Classification of Alliance of Keteleeria davidiana forest in Xinping, Yunnan
群系 Alliance | 群落 Community | 样地编号 Plot number | 种数 Species number |
铁坚油杉林 Keteleeria davidiana Forest Alliance | 铁坚油杉-绒毛叶杭子梢-刚莠竹 Keteleeria davidiana - Campylotropis pinetorum subsp. Velutina - Microstegium ciliatum | G2 | 37 |
铁坚油杉-巴豆藤-荩草 Keteleeria davidiana - Craspedolobium unijugum - Arthraxon hispidus | S1, L1 | 42, 52 | |
铁坚油杉-羊耳菊-假杜鹃 Keteleeria davidiana- Duhaldea cappa - Barleria cristata | L2 | 23 | |
铁坚油杉-斜叶黄檀-芸香草 Keteleeria davidiana - Dalbergia pinnata - Cymbopogon distans | L3 | 33 | |
铁坚油杉-巴豆藤-柳叶箬 Keteleeria davidiana - Craspedolobium unijugum - Isachne globosa | Z1 | 39 | |
铁坚油杉-巴豆藤-刚莠竹 Keteleeria davidiana - Craspedolobium unijugum - Microstegium ciliatum | Z2 | 41 | |
铁坚油杉-巴豆藤-石芒草 Keteleeria davidiana - Craspedolobium unijugum - Arundinella nepalensis | M1 | 28 | |
铁坚油杉-巴豆藤-浆果薹草 Keteleeria davidiana - Craspedolobium unijugum - Carex baccans | M2 | 39 | |
铁坚油杉-五月茶-孩儿草 Keteleeria davidiana - Antidesma bunius - Rungia pectinata | S2 | 55 | |
铁坚油杉-巴豆藤-山菅 Keteleeria davidiana - Craspedolobium unijugum - Dianella ensifolia | S3 | 44 | |
铁坚油杉-泡腺血桐-浆果薹草 Keteleeria davidiana - Macaranga pustulata - Carex baccans | X1 | 40 | |
铁坚油杉-锥连栎-柳叶箬 Keteleeria davidiana- Quercus franchetii - Isachne globosa | X2 | 24 | |
铁坚油杉-高山锥-石芒草 Keteleeria davidiana- Castanopsis delavayi - Arundinella nepalensis | X3 | 31 | |
云南松林 Pinus yunnanensis Forest Alliance | 云南松-锥连栎-石芒草 Pinus yunnanensis - Quercus franchetii - Arundinella nepalensis | G3 | 21 |
云南松-盐肤木-破坏草 Pinus yunnanensis - Rhus chinensis - Ageratina adenophora | Z3 | 45 | |
云南松-黄毛青冈-荩草 Pinus yunnanensis- Cyclobalanopsis delavayi - Arthraxon hispidus | M3 | 40 | |
麻栎林 Quercus acutissima Forest Alliance | 麻栎-水锦树-黄茅 Quercus acutissima - Wendlandia uvariifolia - Heteropogon contortus | G1 | 18 |
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