植物生态学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 249-261.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00022
所属专题: 青藏高原植物生态学:群落生态学
郭彦龙1,2, 卫海燕1,*(), 路春燕1,3, 张海龙1, 顾蔚2,4,*(
GUO Yan-Long1,2, WEI Hai-Yan1,*(), LU Chun-Yan1,3, ZHANG Hai-Long1, GU Wei2,4,*(
WEI Hai-Yan,GU Wei
桃儿七(Sinopodophyllum hexandrum)为小檗科多年生草本植物, 是我国濒危传统藏药, 预测气候变化对该物种分布范围的影响对于其保护和资源可持续利用具有重要意义。该文利用获得的桃儿七136个地理分布记录和21个气候环境图层, 通过MaxEnt模型分析桃儿七在我国西部七省的潜在地理分布, 并基于该模型预测政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)发布的SRES-A1B、SRES-A2和SRES-B1气候情景下21世纪20、50和80年代桃儿七分布范围。结果表明: 最热季平均温度、年降水量、温度季节性变动系数和等温性是影响桃儿七分布的主要气候因子; 在当前气候条件下, 桃儿七适宜的生境面积占研究区总面积的11.71%, 主要集中在青藏高原东缘的四川、甘肃、青海境内次生植被丰富、地形复杂的高海拔地区, 低适宜生境与不适宜生境分别占研究区总面积的15.86%与72.43%。由模型预测可知, 在SRES-A1B、SRES-A2和SRES-B1三种情景下, 桃儿七在研究区低适宜生境的数量相对变化较小, 在适宜生境先大幅减少后又缓慢增加。研究结果同时表明, 在未来气候变化条件下, 桃儿七的适宜生境平均海拔将逐渐升高, 范围以及几何重心极有可能先向北移, 然后再向西延伸至青藏高原内部较高海拔的山区。
郭彦龙, 卫海燕, 路春燕, 张海龙, 顾蔚. 气候变化下桃儿七潜在地理分布的预测. 植物生态学报, 2014, 38(3): 249-261. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00022
GUO Yan-Long, WEI Hai-Yan, LU Chun-Yan, ZHANG Hai-Long, GU Wei. Predictions of potential geographical distribution of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum under climate change. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, 38(3): 249-261. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00022
数据简称 Code | 中文名称 Chinese name | 英文名称 English name |
Bio1 | 年平均气温 | Annual mean air temperature |
Bio2 | 平均气温日较差 (平均每月最高气温-平均每月最低气温) | Mean diurnal air temperature range (Mean of monthly (maximum air temperature-minimum air temperature)) |
Bio3 | 等温性 | Isothermality |
Bio4 | 气温季节性变动系数 | Air temperature seasonality |
Bio5 | 最热月的最高气温 | Max air temperature of the warmest month |
Bio6 | 最冷月的最低气温 | Min air temperature of the coldest month |
Bio7 | 气温年较差 | Air temperature annual range |
Bio8 | 最湿季平均气温 | Mean air temperature of the wettest quarter |
Bio9 | 最干季平均气温 | Mean air temperature of the driest quarter |
Bio10 | 最热季平均气温 | Mean air temperature of the warmest quarter |
Bio11 | 最冷季平均气温 | Mean air temperature of the coldest quarter |
Bio12 | 年降水量 | Annual precipitation |
Bio13 | 最湿月降水量 | Precipitation of the wettest month |
Bio14 | 最干月降水量 | Precipitation of the driest month |
Bio15 | 降水量的季节性变化(变异系数) | Precipitation seasonality (coefficient of variation) |
Bio16 | 最干季降水量 | Precipitation of the driest quarter |
Bio17 | 最湿季降水量 | Precipitation of the wettest quarter |
Bio18 | 最热季降水量 | Precipitation of the warmest quarter |
Bio19 | 最冷季降水量 | Precipitation of the coldest quarter |
ATG | 生长期平均气温* | Average air temperature of growth period* |
PG | 生长期降水量* | Precipitation of growth period* |
表1 桃儿七潜在地理分布评价指标
Table 1 Climatic variables used for predicting potential geographic distribution of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum
数据简称 Code | 中文名称 Chinese name | 英文名称 English name |
Bio1 | 年平均气温 | Annual mean air temperature |
Bio2 | 平均气温日较差 (平均每月最高气温-平均每月最低气温) | Mean diurnal air temperature range (Mean of monthly (maximum air temperature-minimum air temperature)) |
Bio3 | 等温性 | Isothermality |
Bio4 | 气温季节性变动系数 | Air temperature seasonality |
Bio5 | 最热月的最高气温 | Max air temperature of the warmest month |
Bio6 | 最冷月的最低气温 | Min air temperature of the coldest month |
Bio7 | 气温年较差 | Air temperature annual range |
Bio8 | 最湿季平均气温 | Mean air temperature of the wettest quarter |
Bio9 | 最干季平均气温 | Mean air temperature of the driest quarter |
Bio10 | 最热季平均气温 | Mean air temperature of the warmest quarter |
Bio11 | 最冷季平均气温 | Mean air temperature of the coldest quarter |
Bio12 | 年降水量 | Annual precipitation |
Bio13 | 最湿月降水量 | Precipitation of the wettest month |
Bio14 | 最干月降水量 | Precipitation of the driest month |
Bio15 | 降水量的季节性变化(变异系数) | Precipitation seasonality (coefficient of variation) |
Bio16 | 最干季降水量 | Precipitation of the driest quarter |
Bio17 | 最湿季降水量 | Precipitation of the wettest quarter |
Bio18 | 最热季降水量 | Precipitation of the warmest quarter |
Bio19 | 最冷季降水量 | Precipitation of the coldest quarter |
ATG | 生长期平均气温* | Average air temperature of growth period* |
PG | 生长期降水量* | Precipitation of growth period* |
地区 Region | 面积百分比 Percentage of area (%) | 面积 Area (km2) | |||||
适宜生境 Suitable habitat | 低适宜生境 Marginally suitable habitat | 不适宜生境 Unsuitable habitat | 适宜生境 Suitable habitat | 低适宜生境 Marginally suitable habitat | 不适宜生境Unsuitable habitat | ||
甘肃 Gansu | 20.28 | 15.13 | 64.59 | 92 152.32 | 68 750.72 | 293 496.97 | |
四川 Sichuan | 18.39 | 26.58 | 55.03 | 88 529.46 | 127 956.12 | 264 914.42 | |
西藏东部 Eastern Xizang | 16.91 | 19.47 | 63.62 | 75 533.50 | 86 968.49 | 284 177.48 | |
青海 Qinghai | 7.22 | 10.66 | 82.12 | 52 150.06 | 76 997.18 | 593 152.75 | |
宁夏 Ningxia | 13.32 | 22.09 | 64.59 | 8 844.48 | 14 667.76 | 42 887.76 | |
云南 Yunnan | 1.54 | 12.22 | 86.24 | 5 902.82 | 46 839.26 | 330 557.91 | |
陕西 Shaanxi | 0.10 | 7.57 | 92.33 | 205.60 | 15 563.92 | 189 830.49 | |
总计 Total | 11.71 | 15.86 | 72.43 | 323 318.24 | 437 743.45 | 1 999 017.78 |
表2 研究区各省、自治区桃儿七不同等级适生区面积及其百分比
Table 2 Areas and percentage of areas of habitat suitability distribution of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum in different provinces and autonomous regions
地区 Region | 面积百分比 Percentage of area (%) | 面积 Area (km2) | |||||
适宜生境 Suitable habitat | 低适宜生境 Marginally suitable habitat | 不适宜生境 Unsuitable habitat | 适宜生境 Suitable habitat | 低适宜生境 Marginally suitable habitat | 不适宜生境Unsuitable habitat | ||
甘肃 Gansu | 20.28 | 15.13 | 64.59 | 92 152.32 | 68 750.72 | 293 496.97 | |
四川 Sichuan | 18.39 | 26.58 | 55.03 | 88 529.46 | 127 956.12 | 264 914.42 | |
西藏东部 Eastern Xizang | 16.91 | 19.47 | 63.62 | 75 533.50 | 86 968.49 | 284 177.48 | |
青海 Qinghai | 7.22 | 10.66 | 82.12 | 52 150.06 | 76 997.18 | 593 152.75 | |
宁夏 Ningxia | 13.32 | 22.09 | 64.59 | 8 844.48 | 14 667.76 | 42 887.76 | |
云南 Yunnan | 1.54 | 12.22 | 86.24 | 5 902.82 | 46 839.26 | 330 557.91 | |
陕西 Shaanxi | 0.10 | 7.57 | 92.33 | 205.60 | 15 563.92 | 189 830.49 | |
总计 Total | 11.71 | 15.86 | 72.43 | 323 318.24 | 437 743.45 | 1 999 017.78 |
图3 影响研究区桃儿七地理分布的主导气候因子与桃儿七存在概率的关系。
Fig. 3 Probability relationships between dominant climate factors and geographical distribution of Sinopodophullum hexandrum.
气候变化情景 Climate change scenario | 年 Year | 年降水量范围 Range of annual precipitation (mm) | 年降水量 Annual precipitation (mm) | 年平均气温范围 Range of annual mean air temperature (℃) | 年平均气温(℃) Annual mean air temperature |
当前 Current | 1950-2000 | 16 - 4 107 | 596.41 | -16.2 - 25.1 | 5.2 |
A1B气候情景 SRES-A1B | 2020-2029 | 30 - 4 233 | 591.90 | -15.3 - 25.8 | 6.2 |
2050-2059 | 47 - 4 285 | 642.52 | -14.4 - 26.9 | 7.2 | |
2080-2089 | 46 - 4 337 | 684.50 | -13.3 - 27.8 | 8.1 | |
A2气候情景 SRES-A2 | 2020-2029 | 20 - 4 200 | 584.86 | -15.3 - 26.0 | 6.2 |
2050-2059 | 46 - 4 239 | 638.94 | -14.4 - 26.6 | 7.0 | |
2080-2089 | 56 - 4 284 | 666.36 | -12.8 - 28.0 | 8.6 | |
B1气候情景 SRES-B1 | 2020-2029 | 41 - 4 213 | 587.04 | -15.2 - 26.0 | 6.1 |
2050-2059 | 38 - 4 241 | 614.68 | -14.9 - 26.3 | 6.6 | |
2080-2089 | 53 - 4 291 | 640.00 | -14.1 - 26.8 | 7.2 |
表3 不同气候变化情景下研究区年降水量与年平均气温的变化
Table 3 Changes in annual precipitation and annual mean air temperature under different climate change scenarios in study area
气候变化情景 Climate change scenario | 年 Year | 年降水量范围 Range of annual precipitation (mm) | 年降水量 Annual precipitation (mm) | 年平均气温范围 Range of annual mean air temperature (℃) | 年平均气温(℃) Annual mean air temperature |
当前 Current | 1950-2000 | 16 - 4 107 | 596.41 | -16.2 - 25.1 | 5.2 |
A1B气候情景 SRES-A1B | 2020-2029 | 30 - 4 233 | 591.90 | -15.3 - 25.8 | 6.2 |
2050-2059 | 47 - 4 285 | 642.52 | -14.4 - 26.9 | 7.2 | |
2080-2089 | 46 - 4 337 | 684.50 | -13.3 - 27.8 | 8.1 | |
A2气候情景 SRES-A2 | 2020-2029 | 20 - 4 200 | 584.86 | -15.3 - 26.0 | 6.2 |
2050-2059 | 46 - 4 239 | 638.94 | -14.4 - 26.6 | 7.0 | |
2080-2089 | 56 - 4 284 | 666.36 | -12.8 - 28.0 | 8.6 | |
B1气候情景 SRES-B1 | 2020-2029 | 41 - 4 213 | 587.04 | -15.2 - 26.0 | 6.1 |
2050-2059 | 38 - 4 241 | 614.68 | -14.9 - 26.3 | 6.6 | |
2080-2089 | 53 - 4 291 | 640.00 | -14.1 - 26.8 | 7.2 |
图4 不同气候变化情景下桃儿七生境适应性分布。A, A1B气候情景下21世纪20年代。B, A1B气候情景下21世纪50年代。C, A1B气候情景下21世纪80年代。D, A2气候情景下21世纪20年代。E, A2气候情景下21世纪50年代。F, A2气候情景下21世纪80年代。G, B1气候情景下21世纪20年代。H, B1气候情景下21世纪50年代。I, B1气候情景下21世纪80年代。SRES-A1B、SRES-A2和SRES-B1是来自政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)发表的未来气候变化情景中的A1B、A2和B1气候情景。
Fig. 4 Distribution of habitat suitability for Sinopodophyllum hexandrum under different climate change scenarios. A, 2020s in A1B climate scenario. B, 2050s in A1B climate scenario. C, 2080s in A1B climate scenario. D, 2020s in A2 climate scenario. E, 2050s in A2 climate scenario. F, 2080s in A2 climate scenario. G, 2020s in B1 climate scenario. H, 2050s in B1 climate scenario. I, 2080s in B1 climate scenario. SRES-A1B, SRES-A2 and SRES-B1 refer to the three climate scenarios described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).
图5 不同气候变化情景下研究区桃儿七各种适生区面积百分比。SRES-A1B、SRES-A2和SRES-B1是来自政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)发表的未来气候变化情景中的A1B、A2和B1气候情景。
Fig. 5 Percentage of areas of varying habitat suitability of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum under different climate change scenarios in the study area. SRES-A1B, SRES-A2 and SRES-B1 refer to the three climate scenarios described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).
气候变化情景 Climate change scenarios | 时间 Time | 海拔范围 Range of elevation (m) | 平均海拔 Average elevation (m) | 经度范围 Range of longitude (°) | 纬度范围 Range of latitude (°) |
当前 Current | 1950-2000 | 1 311-4 530 | 3 123 | 90.88-106.83 | 26.96-38.48 |
SRES-A1B | 2020-2029 | 1 785-4 270 | 3 290 | 92.94-107.25 | 27.17-38.67 |
2050-2059 | 1 593-5 087 | 3 500 | 90.80-106.83 | 26.87-38.45 | |
2080-2089 | 1 982-4 870 | 3 789 | 89.67-105.42 | 27.18-38.34 | |
SRES-A2 | 2020-2029 | 1 700-5 281 | 3 143 | 92.81-107.52 | 28.20-38.38 |
2050-2059 | 1 920-5 202 | 3 421 | 90.80-104.93 | 27.11-39.16 | |
2080-2089 | 1 570-5 669 | 4 016 | 89.67-106.19 | 27.10-38.42 | |
SRES-B1 | 2020-2029 | 1 350-5 225 | 3 219 | 90.39-108.60 | 27.21-38.46 |
2050-2059 | 1 340-4 912 | 3 347 | 92.09-107.61 | 26.28-38.67 | |
2080-2089 | 1 667-5 429 | 3 576 | 90.80-106.59 | 24.07-39.03 |
表4 1950 -2089年不同气候变化情景下桃儿七适宜生境范围与海拔变化
Table 4 Changes in habitat range and elevation suitable for distribution of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum from 1950 to 2089 under different climate change scenarios
气候变化情景 Climate change scenarios | 时间 Time | 海拔范围 Range of elevation (m) | 平均海拔 Average elevation (m) | 经度范围 Range of longitude (°) | 纬度范围 Range of latitude (°) |
当前 Current | 1950-2000 | 1 311-4 530 | 3 123 | 90.88-106.83 | 26.96-38.48 |
SRES-A1B | 2020-2029 | 1 785-4 270 | 3 290 | 92.94-107.25 | 27.17-38.67 |
2050-2059 | 1 593-5 087 | 3 500 | 90.80-106.83 | 26.87-38.45 | |
2080-2089 | 1 982-4 870 | 3 789 | 89.67-105.42 | 27.18-38.34 | |
SRES-A2 | 2020-2029 | 1 700-5 281 | 3 143 | 92.81-107.52 | 28.20-38.38 |
2050-2059 | 1 920-5 202 | 3 421 | 90.80-104.93 | 27.11-39.16 | |
2080-2089 | 1 570-5 669 | 4 016 | 89.67-106.19 | 27.10-38.42 | |
SRES-B1 | 2020-2029 | 1 350-5 225 | 3 219 | 90.39-108.60 | 27.21-38.46 |
2050-2059 | 1 340-4 912 | 3 347 | 92.09-107.61 | 26.28-38.67 | |
2080-2089 | 1 667-5 429 | 3 576 | 90.80-106.59 | 24.07-39.03 |
图6 不同气候变化情景下桃儿七分布区重心与其移动轨迹变化。SRES-A1B、SRES-A2和SRES-B1是来自政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)发表的未来气候变化情景中的A1B、A2和B1气候情景。
Fig. 6 Changes in gravity center of distribution area of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum and its moving trajectory under different climate change scenarios. SRES-A1B, SRES-A2 and SRES-B1 refer to the three climate scenarios described in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
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