植物生态学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 171-179.DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2009.01.019
所属专题: 青藏高原植物生态学:种群生态学
王桔红1,2(), 杜国祯2,*(), 崔现亮2, 郑秀芳1, 齐威2
*E-mail: guozdu@lzu.edu.cn基金资助:
WANG Ju-Hong1,2(), DU Guo-Zhen2,*(), CUI Xian-Liang2, ZHENG Xiu-Fang1, QI Wei2
DU Guo-Zhen
About author:
First author contact:E-mail of the first author: wjuh1918@yahoo.cn
为了评价亚高山地带木本植物种子萌发对策及其与生活史关联, 该文对青藏高原东缘61种常见木本植物的种子萌发特征以及种子萌发与种子大小、扩散方式、海拔及生境的关系进行了调查分析。结果表明: 1) 61种植物的种子萌发率呈现偏斜、双峰分布。6种植物(9.8%)的种子萌发率大于80%, 13种(21.3%)的萌发率在60%~80%之间, 9种(14.8%)的萌发率在40%~60%之间, 8种(13.1%)的萌发率在20%~40%之间, 25种(41%)的萌发率小于20%, 其中8种植物的种子萌发率为零, 显示了该生境中木本植物的种子以休眠、低萌发率或连续稳定的萌发对策占优势, 以避免不利的环境因素。2)种子扩散方式是决定61种木本植物种间萌发率变异(R2 = 24.1%, p < 0.001) 和萌发开始时间变异(R 2= 21.3%, p < 0.01) 的主要因素; 种子大小、母体植株的海拔和生境对种子萌发率和萌发开始时间几乎没有影响(p > 0.05); 风扩散的种子比脊椎动物扩散和无助扩散的种子有更高的萌发率(F = 9.219, p < 0.001) 和较早的萌发开始时间(F = 6.772, p < 0.01)。说明植物生活史特征如种子萌发与扩散方式之间存在固有而紧密的联系, 扩散能力强的种子(如风扩散)由于能散布到较远而空旷的生境, 可能避免了各种有害因素或个体竞争, 因而种子以较强的萌发能力进行拓殖; 扩散能力弱的种子(如无助扩散)由于其散布距离较近, 种子以休眠或降低萌发的方式来避免个体或同胞竞争以及各种有害因素, 以获得最大的生态利益并确保物种延续。
王桔红, 杜国祯, 崔现亮, 郑秀芳, 齐威. 青藏高原东缘61种常见木本植物种子萌发特性及其与生活史的关联. 植物生态学报, 2009, 33(1): 171-179. DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2009.01.019
WANG Ju-Hong, DU Guo-Zhen, CUI Xian-Liang, ZHENG Xiu-Fang, QI Wei. GERMINATION CHARACTERISTICS OF 61 COMMON WOODY SPECIES FROM THE EASTERN QINGHAI-TIBET PLATEAU OF CHINA AND THEIR LIFE HISTORY CORRELATES. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2009, 33(1): 171-179. DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2009.01.019
物种 Species | 种子单粒重 Seed mass ± SE (mg) | 萌发率 Germination percentage± SE (% ) | 萌发开始时间 Initial germination time (d) | 扩散方式 Dispersal mode | 海拔 Altitude | 生境 Habitat |
变色锦鸡儿Caragana versicolor | 9.107±0.121 | 93.3±6.5 | 4 | N | II | a |
弯耳鬼箭Caragana jubata var. recurva | 5.915±0.063 | 54.7±1 | 4 | N | III | a |
鬼箭锦鸡儿Caragana jubata var. jubata | 9.177±0.134 | 18.0±4 | 5 | N | III | b |
达乌里胡枝子Lespedeza daurica | 1.079±0.059 | 26.0±1.7 | 4 | N | I | a |
牛枝子Lespedeza potaninii | 3.051±0.060 | 8.0±2.2 | 8 | N | I | a |
华西箭竹Fargesia qinlingensis | 7.633±0.219 | 58.0±1.7 | 19 | N | II | b |
矮箭竹Fargesia demissa | 6.247±0.479 | 24.7±2.8 | 13 | N | I | b |
肋果沙棘Hippophae neurocarpa | 17.565±0.254 | 12.7±2.3 | 7 | V | III | a |
中国沙棘Hippophae rhamnoides | 9.473±0.206 | 76.0±0.8 | 6 | V | II | b |
西藏沙棘Hippophae thibetana | 13.474±0.430 | 26.0±7.1 | 9 | V | III | b |
尖叶茶藨子Ribes maximowiczianum | 2.489±0.007 | 0 | - | V | I | b |
长刺茶藨子Ribes alpestre | 3.062±0.145 | 20.7±2.1 | 42 | V | III | b |
冰川茶藨子Ribes glaciale | 3.084±0.214 | 56.7±3.7 | 22 | V | I | b |
山梅花Philadelphus incanus | 0.066±0.002 | 94.0±0 | 7 | W | II | b |
虎榛子Ostryopsis davidiana | 19.871±1.477 | 64.7±4.14 | 12 | V | I | b |
矮桦Betula potaninii | 0.254±0.005 | 2.67±0.74 | 13 | W | II | b |
坚桦Betula chinensis | 0.896±0.024 | 87.3±2.07 | 8 | W | III | b |
白桦Betula platyphylla | 0.222±0.024 | 2.0±0.8 | 11 | W | II | b |
臭椿Ailanthus altissima | 18.003±0.328 | 82.7±3.7 | 8 | W | I | a |
光果莸Caryopteris tangutica | 0.659±0.024 | 37.3±2.5 | 5 | W | II | a |
粗齿铁线莲Clematis grandidentata | 2.418±0.093 | 67.3±3.4 | 19 | W | I | b |
黄花铁线莲Clematis intricate | 1.422±0.059 | 54.0±1.3 | 9 | W | III | a |
短尾铁线莲Clematis brevicaudata | 1.255±0.028 | 65.3±2.0 | 4 | W | II | b |
紫丁香Syringa oblata | 8.759±0.107 | 58.0±2.2 | 13 | N | I | c |
暴马丁香Syringa reticulata | 10.226±0.156 | 67.3±1.6 | 13 | N | I | c |
尖叶白蜡树Fraxinus chinensis var. acuminata | 9.346±0.216 | 75.3±2.9 | 13 | W | I | c |
青麸杨Rhus potaninii | 9.725±0.100 | 1.3±1.4 | 58 | N | I | c |
漆树Toxicodendron vernicifluum | 21.519±0.699 | 10.7±2.9 | 42 | N | I | c |
毛山荆子Malus manshurica | 5.254±0.139 | 9.3±3.2 | 22 | V | II | b |
陇东海棠Malus kansuensis | 6.279±0.316 | 8.7±2.1 | 25 | V | II | b |
四川花楸Sorbus setschwanensis | 5.977±0.122 | 0 | - | V | II | b |
湖北花楸Sorbus hupehensis | 3.629±0.102 | 0 | - | V | I | b |
窄叶鲜卑花Sibiraea angustata | 0.115±0.016 | 99.3±3.6 | 4 | W | II | b |
高山绣线菊Spiraea alpina | 0.302±0.011 | 12.0±2.2 | 11 | W | III | d |
毛叶绣线菊Spiraea mollifolia | 0.103±0.001 | 76.0±2.6 | 7 | W | III | b |
南川绣线菊Spiraea rosthornii | 0.029±0.006 | 79.3±2.5 | 9 | W | III | b |
小叶蔷薇Rosa willottiae | 7.532±0.252 | 4.7±0.59 | 42 | V | II | b |
白毛金露梅Potentilla parvifolia var. hypoleuca | 0.657±0.047 | 81.3±6.3 | 6 | W | II | a |
小叶金露梅Potentilla parvifolia | 0.325±0.016 | 42.7±0.29 | 6 | W | II | b |
小叶忍冬Lonicera microphylla | 2.073±0.069 | 0.7±0.29 | 27 | V | III | a |
红花忍冬Lonicera rupicola var. syringantha | 0.734±0.004 | 2.0±0.8 | 25 | V | II | a |
物种 Species | 种子单粒重 Seed mass ± SE (mg) | 萌发率 Germination percentage± SE (% ) | 萌发开始时间 Initial germination time (d) | 扩散方式 Dispersal mode | 海拔 Altitude | 生境 Habitat |
刚毛忍冬Lonicera hispida | 1.895±0.090 | 0 | - | V | II | b |
华西忍冬Lonicera webbiana | 0.764±0.016 | 0 | - | V | II | b |
长叶毛花忍冬Lonicera trichsantha var. xerocalyx | 0.724±0.010 | 1.3±1.4 | 26 | V | II | a |
金花忍冬Lonicera chrysantha | 3.368±0.047 | 78.7±2.1 | 26 | V | II | b |
岩生忍冬Lonicera rupicola | 5.331±0.394 | 38.7±0.3 | 21 | V | III | b |
少毛鸡树条荚蒾Viburnum sargentii var. calvessens | 35.009±0.534 | 0 | - | V | I | b |
香荚蒾Viburnum farreri | 33.968±0.582 | 0 | - | V | I | b |
球花荚蒾Viburnum glomeratum | 22.119±0.495 | 0 | - | V | II | b |
黑桦树Rhamnus maximovicziana | 16.527±0.191 | 43.3±1.5 | 29 | V | I | b |
云杉Picea asperata | 4.749±0.231 | 74.0±1.7 | 9 | N | I | c |
青海云杉Picea crassifolia | 2.855±0.433 | 51.3±5.1 | 8 | N | III | b |
邹脉灰叶南蛇藤Celastyus galucophyllus var. rugosus | 9.677±0.264 | 2.7±0.6 | 38 | N | I | c |
锥花小檗Berberis aggregata | 2.911±0.033 | 28.7±2.0 | 13 | V | III | b |
匙叶小檗Berberis vernae | 4.153±0.109 | 76.7±5.0 | 11 | V | I | b |
甘肃小檗Berberis kansuensis | 9.616±0.232 | 4.7±1.1 | 17 | V | II | b |
鲜黄小檗Berberis diaphana | 8.659±0.146 | 75.3±1.6 | 11 | V | III | a |
置疑小檗Berberis dubia | 8.245±1.256 | 3.3±0.6 | 52 | V | II | a |
松潘小檗Berberis dictyoneura | 8.41±0.007 | 47.3±3.2 | 24 | V | II | b |
短柄小檗Berberis brachypoda | 7.909±0.07 | 21.3±1.0 | 28 | V | I | b |
山生柳Salix oritrepha | 0.143±0.004 | 70.7±6.8 | 6 | W | III | d |
表1 61种木本植物的种子大小、萌发率、萌发开始时间、扩散方式、母体植株的海拔及生境
Table 1 Seed mass, germination percentage, initial germination time, dispersal mode, maternal plant altitude and collection site
物种 Species | 种子单粒重 Seed mass ± SE (mg) | 萌发率 Germination percentage± SE (% ) | 萌发开始时间 Initial germination time (d) | 扩散方式 Dispersal mode | 海拔 Altitude | 生境 Habitat |
变色锦鸡儿Caragana versicolor | 9.107±0.121 | 93.3±6.5 | 4 | N | II | a |
弯耳鬼箭Caragana jubata var. recurva | 5.915±0.063 | 54.7±1 | 4 | N | III | a |
鬼箭锦鸡儿Caragana jubata var. jubata | 9.177±0.134 | 18.0±4 | 5 | N | III | b |
达乌里胡枝子Lespedeza daurica | 1.079±0.059 | 26.0±1.7 | 4 | N | I | a |
牛枝子Lespedeza potaninii | 3.051±0.060 | 8.0±2.2 | 8 | N | I | a |
华西箭竹Fargesia qinlingensis | 7.633±0.219 | 58.0±1.7 | 19 | N | II | b |
矮箭竹Fargesia demissa | 6.247±0.479 | 24.7±2.8 | 13 | N | I | b |
肋果沙棘Hippophae neurocarpa | 17.565±0.254 | 12.7±2.3 | 7 | V | III | a |
中国沙棘Hippophae rhamnoides | 9.473±0.206 | 76.0±0.8 | 6 | V | II | b |
西藏沙棘Hippophae thibetana | 13.474±0.430 | 26.0±7.1 | 9 | V | III | b |
尖叶茶藨子Ribes maximowiczianum | 2.489±0.007 | 0 | - | V | I | b |
长刺茶藨子Ribes alpestre | 3.062±0.145 | 20.7±2.1 | 42 | V | III | b |
冰川茶藨子Ribes glaciale | 3.084±0.214 | 56.7±3.7 | 22 | V | I | b |
山梅花Philadelphus incanus | 0.066±0.002 | 94.0±0 | 7 | W | II | b |
虎榛子Ostryopsis davidiana | 19.871±1.477 | 64.7±4.14 | 12 | V | I | b |
矮桦Betula potaninii | 0.254±0.005 | 2.67±0.74 | 13 | W | II | b |
坚桦Betula chinensis | 0.896±0.024 | 87.3±2.07 | 8 | W | III | b |
白桦Betula platyphylla | 0.222±0.024 | 2.0±0.8 | 11 | W | II | b |
臭椿Ailanthus altissima | 18.003±0.328 | 82.7±3.7 | 8 | W | I | a |
光果莸Caryopteris tangutica | 0.659±0.024 | 37.3±2.5 | 5 | W | II | a |
粗齿铁线莲Clematis grandidentata | 2.418±0.093 | 67.3±3.4 | 19 | W | I | b |
黄花铁线莲Clematis intricate | 1.422±0.059 | 54.0±1.3 | 9 | W | III | a |
短尾铁线莲Clematis brevicaudata | 1.255±0.028 | 65.3±2.0 | 4 | W | II | b |
紫丁香Syringa oblata | 8.759±0.107 | 58.0±2.2 | 13 | N | I | c |
暴马丁香Syringa reticulata | 10.226±0.156 | 67.3±1.6 | 13 | N | I | c |
尖叶白蜡树Fraxinus chinensis var. acuminata | 9.346±0.216 | 75.3±2.9 | 13 | W | I | c |
青麸杨Rhus potaninii | 9.725±0.100 | 1.3±1.4 | 58 | N | I | c |
漆树Toxicodendron vernicifluum | 21.519±0.699 | 10.7±2.9 | 42 | N | I | c |
毛山荆子Malus manshurica | 5.254±0.139 | 9.3±3.2 | 22 | V | II | b |
陇东海棠Malus kansuensis | 6.279±0.316 | 8.7±2.1 | 25 | V | II | b |
四川花楸Sorbus setschwanensis | 5.977±0.122 | 0 | - | V | II | b |
湖北花楸Sorbus hupehensis | 3.629±0.102 | 0 | - | V | I | b |
窄叶鲜卑花Sibiraea angustata | 0.115±0.016 | 99.3±3.6 | 4 | W | II | b |
高山绣线菊Spiraea alpina | 0.302±0.011 | 12.0±2.2 | 11 | W | III | d |
毛叶绣线菊Spiraea mollifolia | 0.103±0.001 | 76.0±2.6 | 7 | W | III | b |
南川绣线菊Spiraea rosthornii | 0.029±0.006 | 79.3±2.5 | 9 | W | III | b |
小叶蔷薇Rosa willottiae | 7.532±0.252 | 4.7±0.59 | 42 | V | II | b |
白毛金露梅Potentilla parvifolia var. hypoleuca | 0.657±0.047 | 81.3±6.3 | 6 | W | II | a |
小叶金露梅Potentilla parvifolia | 0.325±0.016 | 42.7±0.29 | 6 | W | II | b |
小叶忍冬Lonicera microphylla | 2.073±0.069 | 0.7±0.29 | 27 | V | III | a |
红花忍冬Lonicera rupicola var. syringantha | 0.734±0.004 | 2.0±0.8 | 25 | V | II | a |
物种 Species | 种子单粒重 Seed mass ± SE (mg) | 萌发率 Germination percentage± SE (% ) | 萌发开始时间 Initial germination time (d) | 扩散方式 Dispersal mode | 海拔 Altitude | 生境 Habitat |
刚毛忍冬Lonicera hispida | 1.895±0.090 | 0 | - | V | II | b |
华西忍冬Lonicera webbiana | 0.764±0.016 | 0 | - | V | II | b |
长叶毛花忍冬Lonicera trichsantha var. xerocalyx | 0.724±0.010 | 1.3±1.4 | 26 | V | II | a |
金花忍冬Lonicera chrysantha | 3.368±0.047 | 78.7±2.1 | 26 | V | II | b |
岩生忍冬Lonicera rupicola | 5.331±0.394 | 38.7±0.3 | 21 | V | III | b |
少毛鸡树条荚蒾Viburnum sargentii var. calvessens | 35.009±0.534 | 0 | - | V | I | b |
香荚蒾Viburnum farreri | 33.968±0.582 | 0 | - | V | I | b |
球花荚蒾Viburnum glomeratum | 22.119±0.495 | 0 | - | V | II | b |
黑桦树Rhamnus maximovicziana | 16.527±0.191 | 43.3±1.5 | 29 | V | I | b |
云杉Picea asperata | 4.749±0.231 | 74.0±1.7 | 9 | N | I | c |
青海云杉Picea crassifolia | 2.855±0.433 | 51.3±5.1 | 8 | N | III | b |
邹脉灰叶南蛇藤Celastyus galucophyllus var. rugosus | 9.677±0.264 | 2.7±0.6 | 38 | N | I | c |
锥花小檗Berberis aggregata | 2.911±0.033 | 28.7±2.0 | 13 | V | III | b |
匙叶小檗Berberis vernae | 4.153±0.109 | 76.7±5.0 | 11 | V | I | b |
甘肃小檗Berberis kansuensis | 9.616±0.232 | 4.7±1.1 | 17 | V | II | b |
鲜黄小檗Berberis diaphana | 8.659±0.146 | 75.3±1.6 | 11 | V | III | a |
置疑小檗Berberis dubia | 8.245±1.256 | 3.3±0.6 | 52 | V | II | a |
松潘小檗Berberis dictyoneura | 8.41±0.007 | 47.3±3.2 | 24 | V | II | b |
短柄小檗Berberis brachypoda | 7.909±0.07 | 21.3±1.0 | 28 | V | I | b |
山生柳Salix oritrepha | 0.143±0.004 | 70.7±6.8 | 6 | W | III | d |
变量来源 Source of variation | 萌发率 Germination (%) | 萌发开始时间 Initial germination time (d) | ||||||
df | F | Sig. | R2 | F | Sig. | R2 | ||
种子大小 Seed mass | 3 | 0.784 | ns | 0.040 | 2.340 | ns | 0.125 | |
扩散方式 Dispersal mode | 2 | 9.219 | *** | 0.241 | 6.772 | ** | 0.213 | |
海拔 Altitude | 2 | 0.269 | ns | 0.009 | 1.514 | ns | 0.057 | |
生境 Habitat | 3 | 0.034 | ns | 0.002 | 1.968 | ns | 0.108 |
表2 单因素方差分析显示种子大小、扩散方式、母体植株的海拔和生境对61种木本植物种子萌发率和萌发开始时间的影响
Table 2 Results of one-way ANOVAs showing effect of seed mass, dispersal mode, mother plant altitude and habitat on final germination percentage and initial germination time of 61 species
变量来源 Source of variation | 萌发率 Germination (%) | 萌发开始时间 Initial germination time (d) | ||||||
df | F | Sig. | R2 | F | Sig. | R2 | ||
种子大小 Seed mass | 3 | 0.784 | ns | 0.040 | 2.340 | ns | 0.125 | |
扩散方式 Dispersal mode | 2 | 9.219 | *** | 0.241 | 6.772 | ** | 0.213 | |
海拔 Altitude | 2 | 0.269 | ns | 0.009 | 1.514 | ns | 0.057 | |
生境 Habitat | 3 | 0.034 | ns | 0.002 | 1.968 | ns | 0.108 |
图2 不同扩散方式的种子间平均萌发率(A)的差异以及萌发开始时间(B)的差异
Fig. 2 Difference in mean germination percentage (A) and mean initial germination time (B) between dispersal mode categories
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