Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (2): 147-157.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0230 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0230
Special Issue: 全球变化与生态系统
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
GENG Xue-Qi1,2, TANG Ya-Kun1,3,*(), WANG Li-Na3, DENG Xu3, ZHANG Ze-Ling1,2, ZHOU Ying3
* (Supported by:
GENG Xue-Qi, TANG Ya-Kun, WANG Li-Na, DENG Xu, ZHANG Ze-Ling, ZHOU Ying. Nitrogen addition increases biomass but reduces nitrogen use efficiency of terrestrial plants in China[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2024, 48(2): 147-157.
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Fig. 1 Effects of nitrogen (N) addition on total (A), aboveground (B) and belowground (C) biomass of terrestrial plants in China (mean ± SE). The dotted line indicates that the effect value is 0; solid and hollow circle represent significant (p < 0.05) and insignificant (p ≥ 0.05) responses, respectively; the number in parentheses indicates the number of observations for that variable.
总生物量 TB | 地上生物量 AGB | 地下生物量 BGB | 整体NUE Plant NUE | 地上部分NUE Aboveground NUE | 地下部分NUE Belowground NUE | |
生态系统类型 Ecosystem type | 3.63** | 9.29** | 2.66* | 6.54** | 9.20** | 7.45** |
氮肥形式 N-form | 1.28** | 5.15** | 0.84** | 7.88** | 4.64** | 10.35** |
施氮水平 N-addition level | 0.84** | 4.91** | 0.83** | 8.84** | 5.89** | 6.64** |
实验持续时间 Duration | 0.59** | 3.09** | 0.11 | 2.14** | 8.80** | 5.30** |
水分条件 AI | 0.93** | 2.92** | 0.94** | 9.53** | 2.55** | 6.35** |
Table 1 Heterogeneity analysis (QM) for nitrogen (N) addition effect size across different categorical variables of biomass and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of terrestrial plants in China
总生物量 TB | 地上生物量 AGB | 地下生物量 BGB | 整体NUE Plant NUE | 地上部分NUE Aboveground NUE | 地下部分NUE Belowground NUE | |
生态系统类型 Ecosystem type | 3.63** | 9.29** | 2.66* | 6.54** | 9.20** | 7.45** |
氮肥形式 N-form | 1.28** | 5.15** | 0.84** | 7.88** | 4.64** | 10.35** |
施氮水平 N-addition level | 0.84** | 4.91** | 0.83** | 8.84** | 5.89** | 6.64** |
实验持续时间 Duration | 0.59** | 3.09** | 0.11 | 2.14** | 8.80** | 5.30** |
水分条件 AI | 0.93** | 2.92** | 0.94** | 9.53** | 2.55** | 6.35** |
Fig. 2 Effects of nitrogen (N) addition on plant (A), aboveground (B) and belowground (C) nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of terrestrial plants in China (mean ± SE). The dotted line indicates that the effect value is 0; solid and hollow circle represent significant (p < 0.05) and insignificant (p ≥ 0.05) responses, respectively; the number in parentheses indicates the number of observations for that variable.
Fig. 3 Major influence factors for the effect size of total, aboveground and belowground biomass to nitrogen (N) addition (A-C), and relationships between soil total nitrogen content (TN) and the effect size of plant total, aboveground and belowground biomass (D-F) of terrestrial plants in China. AGB, aboveground biomass; AI, aridity index; BGB, belowground biomass; IncMSE, increase in mean squared error; MAP, mean annual precipitation; MAT, mean annual air temperature; R2, variance explanation rate; SOC, soil organic carbon (C) content; TB, total biomass. The dark columns indicate significant importance of this factor (p < 0.05).
Fig. 4 Major influence factors for the effect size of plant, aboveground and belowground nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) to nitrogen (N) addition (A-C), and relationships between N-addition rate and the effect size of plant and aboveground NUE, duration and the effect size of belowground NUE (D-F) of terrestrial plants in China. AI, aridity index; IncMSE, increase in mean squared error; MAP, mean annual precipitation; MAT, mean annual air temperature; R2, variance explanation rate; SOC, soil organic carbon (C) content; TN, soil total N content. The dark columns indicate a significant importance of this factor (p < 0.05).
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