Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (9): 1256-1269.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0341
Special Issue: 植被生态学
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
LI Na1, TANG Shi-Ming2, GUO Jian-Ying3, TIAN Ru1, WANG Shan1, HU Bing1, LUO Yong-Hong1, XU Zhu-Wen1,4,*()
* XU Zhu-Wen(Supported by:
LI Na, TANG Shi-Ming, GUO Jian-Ying, TIAN Ru, WANG Shan, HU Bing, LUO Yong-Hong, XU Zhu-Wen. Meta-analysis of effects of grazing on plant community properties in Nei Mongol grassland[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2023, 47(9): 1256-1269.
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Fig. 1 Weighted response ratio of plant biomass, cover, height, density, species diversity, and soil physical and chemical properties to grazing in Nei Mongol grassland (mean ± 95% CI). The number on the right indicates the sample size of each variable. CI, confidence interval. AGB, above-ground biomass; BGB, below-ground biomass; D, Pielou evenness index; E, Simpson diversity index; H′, Shannon-Wiener diversity index; SD, soil density; SpH, soil pH; SOC, soil organic carbon content; STN, soil total nitrogen content; STP, soil total phosphorus content; SWC, soil water content.
Fig. 2 Response ratio of plant biomass, cover, height, density, species diversity, and soil physical and chemical properties to different grazing intensities in Nei Mongol grassland (mean ± 95% CI). The number on the right indicates the sample size of each variable. CI, confidence interval. HG, heavy grazing; LG, light grazing; MG, mediate grazing. AGB, above-ground biomass; BGB, below-ground biomass; D, Pielou evenness index; E, Simpson diversity index; H′, Shannon-Wiener diversity index; SD, soil density; SpH, soil pH; SOC, soil organic carbon content; STN, soil total nitrogen content; STP, soli total phosphorus content; SWC, soil water content.
Fig. 3 In different grassland types of Nei Mongol, the response ratio of biomass, cover, height, density, species diversity, and soil physical and chemical properties to different grazing intensities (mean ± 95% CI). The number on the right indicates the sample size of each variable. CI, confidence interval. HG, heavy grazing; LG, light grazing; MG, mediate grazing. DG, desert grassland; M, meadow grassland; S, sandy land; TG, typical grassland. AGB, above-ground biomass; BGB, below-ground biomass; D, Pielou evenness index; E, Simpson diversity index; H′, Shannon-Wiener diversity index; SD, soil density; SpH, soil pH; SOC, soil organic carbon content; STN, soil total nitrogen content; STP, soil total phosphorus content; SWC, soil water content.
Fig. 4 Under different grazing years, the response ratio of plant biomass, cover, height, density, species diversity, and soil physical and chemical properties to grazing in Nei Mongol grassland (mean ± 95% CI). The number on the right indicates the sample size of each variable. CI, confidence interval. AGB, above-ground biomass; BGB, below-ground biomass; D, Pielou evenness index; E, Simpson diversity index; H′, Shannon-Wiener diversity index; SD, soil density; SpH, soil pH; SOC, soil organic carbon content; STN, soil total nitrogen content; STP, soil total phosphorus content; SWC, soil water content.
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Table 1 Pearson correlation of aboveground biomass response ratio with plant community and soil characteristic response ratios in Nei Mongol grassland (correlation cofficient r)
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