植物生态学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 529-538.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0123

所属专题: 植物功能性状

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


韩玲, 赵成章*, 徐婷, 冯威, 段贝贝   

  1. 西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院, 甘肃省湿地资源保护与产业发展工程研究中心, 兰州 730070
  • 出版日期:2017-05-10 发布日期:2017-06-22
  • 通讯作者: 赵成章
  • 作者简介:

    * 通信作者Author for correspondence (E-mail:sunzhiqiang1956@sina.com)

Relationships between leaf thickness and vein traits of Achnatherum splendens under different soil moisture conditions in a flood plain wetland, Heihe River, China

Ling HAN, Cheng-Zhang ZHAO*, Ting XU, Wei FENG, Bei-Bei DUAN   

  1. College of Geography and Environmental Science, Northwest Normal University, Research Center of Wetland Resources Protection and Industrial Development Engineering of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730070, China
  • Online:2017-05-10 Published:2017-06-22
  • Contact: Cheng-Zhang ZHAO
  • About author:

    KANG Jing-yao(1991-), E-mail: kangjingyao_nj@163.com


叶片厚度和叶脉性状的关联性影响着叶片水分的动态平衡, 对揭示植物叶片水分运输与生长速率耦合的生理生态学机制具有重要的意义。该文选择位于张掖市黑河干流边缘的洪泛平原湿地作为实验地, 以河边为起点, 沿垂直河岸线的方向依次设置I (50.07%)、II (38.77%)、III (31.5%)、IV (20.4%) 4个土壤含水量梯度样地, 采用标准化主轴估计(SMA)方法, 以叶脉密度和叶脉直径分别表示叶脉性状, 研究了不同土壤水分条件下芨芨草(Achnatherum splendens)种群的叶片厚度与叶脉性状的生长关系。结果表明: 随着湿地群落土壤含水量的逐渐降低, 湿地群落的植被密度和高度逐渐降低, 土壤电导率逐渐增大; 芨芨草的叶脉密度、叶片厚度、水分利用效率和光合有效辐射呈逐渐增加的趋势, 叶脉直径、蒸腾速率和分枝数呈逐渐减小的趋势, 净光合速率和株高呈先增大后减小的趋势; 随着湿地群落土壤含水量的逐渐降低, 芨芨草叶片厚度与叶脉密度、叶脉直径的相关性在不同样地间存在差异; 芨芨草叶片厚度与叶脉密度呈显著的正相关关系, SMA的斜率呈逐渐减小的趋势, 且在样地I和样地IV与1.0存在显著差异; 叶片厚度与叶脉直径呈显著的负相关关系, SMA的斜率呈逐渐增大的趋势, 且在样地I和样地IV与-1.0存在显著差异。芨芨草在土壤水分较充足的湿地群落倾向于少量粗脉的薄叶片构建方式, 在受土壤水分胁迫时选择大量细脉的厚叶片的生长模式, 体现了湿地植物在资源异质性分布的生境中根据其功能需求在自身性状之间进行的资源优化配置。

关键词: 叶片厚度, 叶脉密度, 叶脉直径, 异速生长, 芨芨草, 洪泛平原湿地


Aims The correlations between leaf thickness and vein traits influenced the leaf hydraulic dynamic balance, and there were important meanings to reveal ecophysiological mechanisms of plant leaves water transport and growth rate. Our objective was to study the changes in the relationship between leaf thickness and vein traits (vein diameter, vein density) of Achnatherum splendenspopulations by using standardized major axis estimation (SMA) method under different soil moisture conditions located in flood plain wetland of Zhangye.Methods The study site was located at flood plains wetland of Zhangye, Gansu Province, China. Selecting a starting point along the vertical direction of the river, in turn, along the soil moisture gradient, four plots were set up at intervals of 40 m, plot I (50.07%), plot II (38.77%), plot III (31.5%) and plot IV (20.4%). From each of the four sample plots, seven samples were collected, resulting in (5 m × 5 m) a total of 28 samples. Community traits (height, density) and soil physical and chemical properties were investigated. Six individual samplings of A. splendens from each plot were used to measure the leaf thickness, vein density and vein diameter in laboratory. In addition, the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and transpiration rate (Tr) of A. splendens were measured in natural environment. The 28 plots were categorized into groups I, II, III and IV, and SMA estimation method was then used to examine the allometric relationship among leaf thickness, vein density and vein diameter. Important findings With a decreased soil moisture, the plant density and height displayed a pattern of steadily declining, while the soil electrical conductivity increased, In addition, the vein density, leaf thickness, water use efficiency (WUE), PAR and twig number of A. splendens displayed a pattern of initial decrease, whereas the vein diameter and Tr increase gradually, Pn and plant high displayed changing trends of increasing-decreasing. The leaf thickness was negatively associated with the vein density, vein diameter, and the relationship varied with the soil moisture conditions (p< 0.05). There was a significant positive relationship (p < 0.05) between the leaf thickness and vein density. The SMA slope of the regression equation gradually decreased and was significantly different from 1.0 (p < 0.05) on plot I and IV. In addition, along decreased soil moisture, the standardized major axis slope of regression equation in the scaling relationships between the leaf thickness and vein diameter gradually increased and was significantly different from -1.0 (p < 0.05) on plot I and IV.

Key words: leaf thickness, vein density, vein diameter, allometry, Achnatherum splendens, flood plain wetland