植物生态学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (9): 938-952.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2017.0056
朱志成1,2, 黄银1,2, 许丰伟1,2, 邢稳1,2, 郑淑霞1,*(), 白永飞1
Zhi-Cheng ZHU1,2, Yin HUANG1,2, Feng-Wei XU1,2, Wen XING1,2, Shu-Xia ZHENG1,*(), Yong-Fei BAI1
为了深入地理解和认识全球变化背景下草原生态系统土壤氮矿化的变化动态及其对气候变化的响应机制, 以内蒙古典型草原不同围封年限样地(1999年围封和2013年围封)为研究对象, 通过改变降雨量(增加降雨50%和减少降雨50%)和降雨时间频次(连续3年降雨处理; 连续2年降雨处理, 然后自然恢复1年; 降雨1年处理, 然后自然恢复1年), 共设置7个降雨处理, 研究不同降雨强度和时间频次对内蒙古典型草原土壤氮矿化的影响及其调控因子。研究结果表明: 1)随着减雨或增雨时间频次的增加(由1年减雨或增雨至连续3年减雨或增雨处理), 土壤净氮矿化速率和净硝化速率会降低, 且土壤净氮矿化速率和净硝化速率的最大值发生在增雨或减雨1年恢复1年处理中, 表明较高的降雨强度和时间频次对土壤净氮矿化速率和净硝化速率会产生抑制作用, 而适宜的土壤水分和温度条件更有利于土壤氮矿化作用。2)与2013年围封样地相比, 1999年围封样地的土壤净氮矿化速率和净硝化速率、土壤累积氮矿化量和硝化量更高, 表明长期的自然封育有利于养分储存和土壤质量恢复。3)长期的连续性增雨或减雨处理会显著影响土壤含水量和土壤温度(短期的间断性增雨或减雨处理则无显著影响), 但二者对土壤氮矿化的影响在两块样地的表现不同, 如在2013年围封样地, 土壤无机氮和净氮矿化速率主要受土壤水分的影响, 而在1999年围封样地, 土壤无机氮和净氮矿化速率主要受土壤温度的影响, 土壤水分甚至对净氮矿化速率产生了明显的负效应。研究表明, 降雨强度和时间频次对内蒙古典型草原土壤氮矿化具有重要影响, 但影响大小因样地而异, 与土壤质地、群落组成和干扰程度等因素有关。
朱志成, 黄银, 许丰伟, 邢稳, 郑淑霞, 白永飞. 降雨强度和时间频次对内蒙古典型草原土壤氮矿化的影响. 植物生态学报, 2017, 41(9): 938-952. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2017.0056
Zhi-Cheng ZHU, Yin HUANG, Feng-Wei XU, Wen XING, Shu-Xia ZHENG, Yong-Fei BAI. Effects of precipitation intensity and temporal pattern on soil nitrogen mineralization in a typical steppe of Nei Mongol grassland. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2017, 41(9): 938-952. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2017.0056
图1 土壤NH4+-N、NO3--N和无机氮含量在不同降雨强度和时间频次下的季节动态(平均值±标准误差, n = 5)。不同小写字母表示同一降雨处理下不同月份之间的差异显著。降雨处理: control, 对照; -PY3, 连续减雨3年; -PY2, 连续减雨2年后恢复1年; -PY1, 减雨1年后恢复1年; +PY1, 增雨1年后恢复1年; +PY2, 连续增雨2年后恢复1年; +PY3, 连续增雨3年。
Fig. 1 Seasonal changes in soil NH4+-N, NO3--N and inorganic nitrogen (N) concentrations at different precipitation intensity and temporal distribution treatments (mean ± SE, n = 5). Different lowercase letters indicate the significant differences among different months for a given precipitation treatment. Precipitation treatments: -PY3, decreased precipitation for three years; -PY2, decreased precipitation for two years and no treatment for one year; -PY1, decreased precipitation for one year and no treatment for one year; +PY1, increased precipitation for one year and no treatment for one year; +PY2, increased precipitation for two years and no treatment for one year; +PY3, increased precipitation for three years.
土壤指标 Soil properties | 2013年围封样地 Fenced site in 2013 | 1999年围封样地 Fenced site in 1999 | ||||
PT | ST | PT × ST | PT | ST | PT × ST | |
硝态氮 NO3--N (g·m-2) | 3.80** | 38.71** | 2.44ns | 1.19ns | 45.91** | 1.09ns |
铵态氮 NH4+-N (g·m-2) | 2.22ns | 112.13** | 1.92* | 3.54** | 63.46** | 2.18** |
无机氮 Inorganic N (g·m-2) | 3.68** | 113.56** | 1.82* | 3.50* | 95.29** | 1.54ns |
净氮矿化速率 Rmin (mg·m-2·d-1) | 0.53ns | 0.25ns | 1.16ns | 0.82ns | 28.48** | 3.15** |
净硝化速率 Rnit (mg·m-2·d-1) | 0.90ns | 6.04** | 1.33ns | 1.05ns | 8.71** | 2.62* |
土壤温度 Soil temperature (℃) | 1.85ns | 1 275.85** | 3.11** | 6.80** | 1 878.65** | 2.45ns |
土壤含水量 Soil water content (v/v, %) | 11.81** | 288.70** | 2.70** | 5.21** | 195.01** | 3.10** |
表1 重复测量方差分析降雨处理(PT)和采样时间(ST)及其交互作用(PT × ST)对土壤无机氮含量、净氮矿化速率和净硝化速率、土壤温度和含水量的影响
Table 1 F values of repeated measures analysis of variance for soil inorganic nitrogen (N) concentrations, net N mineralization rate (Rmin) and net nitrification rate (Rnit), soil temperature and water content, using precipitation treatment (PT), sampling time (ST), and their interactions (PT × ST) as fixed-effects
土壤指标 Soil properties | 2013年围封样地 Fenced site in 2013 | 1999年围封样地 Fenced site in 1999 | ||||
PT | ST | PT × ST | PT | ST | PT × ST | |
硝态氮 NO3--N (g·m-2) | 3.80** | 38.71** | 2.44ns | 1.19ns | 45.91** | 1.09ns |
铵态氮 NH4+-N (g·m-2) | 2.22ns | 112.13** | 1.92* | 3.54** | 63.46** | 2.18** |
无机氮 Inorganic N (g·m-2) | 3.68** | 113.56** | 1.82* | 3.50* | 95.29** | 1.54ns |
净氮矿化速率 Rmin (mg·m-2·d-1) | 0.53ns | 0.25ns | 1.16ns | 0.82ns | 28.48** | 3.15** |
净硝化速率 Rnit (mg·m-2·d-1) | 0.90ns | 6.04** | 1.33ns | 1.05ns | 8.71** | 2.62* |
土壤温度 Soil temperature (℃) | 1.85ns | 1 275.85** | 3.11** | 6.80** | 1 878.65** | 2.45ns |
土壤含水量 Soil water content (v/v, %) | 11.81** | 288.70** | 2.70** | 5.21** | 195.01** | 3.10** |
图2 土壤温度和含水量在不同降雨强度和时间频次下的季节动态(平均值±标准误差, n = 5)。不同小写字母表示同一降雨处理下不同月份之间的差异显著。降雨处理: control, 对照; -PY3, 连续减雨3年; -PY2, 连续减雨2年后恢复1年; -PY1, 减雨1年后恢复1年; +PY1, 增雨1年后恢复1年; +PY2, 连续增雨2年后恢复1年; +PY3, 连续增雨3年。
Fig. 2 Seasonal changes in soil temperature and water content at different precipitation intensity and temporal distribution treatments (mean ± SE, n = 5). Different lowercase letters indicate the significant differences among different months for a given precipitation treatment. Precipitation treatments: -PY3, decreased precipitation for three years; -PY2, decreased precipitation for two years and no treatment for one year; -PY1, decreased precipitation for one year and no treatment for one year; +PY1, increased precipitation for one year and no treatment for one year; +PY2, increased precipitation for two years and no treatment for one year; +PY3, increased precipitation for three years.
图3 降雨强度和时间频次对土壤含水量的影响(平均值±标准误差, n = 5)。不同小写字母表示同一月份不同降雨处理之间的差异显著, ns表示同一月份不同降雨处理之间差异不显著。降雨处理: control, 对照; -PY3, 连续减雨3年; -PY2, 连续减雨2年后恢复1年; -PY1, 减雨1年后恢复1年; +PY1, 增雨1年后恢复1年; +PY2, 连续增雨2年后恢复1年; +PY3, 连续增雨3年。
Fig. 3 Effects of precipitation intensity and temporal distribution on soil water content (mean ± SE, n = 5). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among precipitation treatments for a given month; ns indicates no significant difference among precipitation treatments for a given month. Precipitation treatments: -PY3, decreased precipitation for three years; -PY2, decreased precipitation for two years and no treatment for one year; -PY1, decreased precipitation for one year and no treatment for one year; +PY1, increased precipitation for one year and no treatment for one year; +PY2, increased precipitation for two years and no treatment for one year; +PY3, increased precipitation for three years.
图4 降雨强度和时间频次对土壤净氮矿化速率(Rmin)和净硝化速率(Rnit)的影响(平均值±标准误差, n = 5)。不同小写字母表示同一月份不同降雨处理之间的差异显著,ns表示同一月份不同降雨处理之间差异不显著。降雨处理: control, 对照; -PY3, 连续减雨3年; -PY2, 连续减雨2年后恢复1年; -PY1, 减雨1年后恢复1年; +PY1, 增雨1年后恢复1年; +PY2, 连续增雨2年后恢复1年; +PY3, 连续增雨3年。
Fig. 4 Effects of precipitation intensity and temporal distribution on soil net N mineralization (Rmin) and net nitrification rates (Rnit) (mean ± SE, n = 5). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among precipitation treatments for a given month; ns indicates no significant difference among precipitation treatments for a given month. Precipitation treatments: -PY3, decreased precipitation for three years; -PY2, decreased precipitation for two years and no treatment for one year; -PY1, decreased precipitation for one year and no treatment for one year; +PY1, increased precipitation for one year and no treatment for one year; +PY2, increased precipitation for two years and no treatment for one year; +PY3, increased precipitation for three years.
图5 降雨强度和时间频次对土壤累积氮矿化量和硝化量的影响(平均值±标准误差, n = 5)。各降雨处理间差异不显著。降雨处理: control, 对照; -PY3, 连续减雨3年; -PY2, 连续减雨2年后恢复1年; -PY1, 减雨1年后恢复1年; +PY1, 增雨1年后恢复1年; +PY2, 连续增雨2年后恢复1年; +PY3, 连续增雨3年。
Fig. 5 Effects of precipitation intensity and temporal distribution on total cumulative net nitrogen (N) mineralization and nitrification (mean ± SE, n = 5). No significant difference among precipitation treatments. Precipitation treatments: -PY3, decreased precipitation for three years; -PY2, decreased precipitation for two years and no treatment for one year; -PY1, decreased precipitation for one year and no treatment for one year; +PY1, increased precipitation for one year and no treatment for one year; +PY2, increased precipitation for two years and no treatment for one year; +PY3, increased precipitation for three years.
土壤指标 Soil properties | 2013年围封样地 Fenced site in 2013 | 1999年围封样地 Fenced site in 1999 | ||
土壤温度 Soil temperature (℃) | 土壤含水量 Soil water content (%) | 土壤温度 Soil temperature (℃) | 土壤含水量 Soil water content (%) | |
硝态氮 NO3--N (g·m-2) | 0.446*** | 0.130ns | 0.125ns | 0.089ns |
铵态氮 NH4+-N (g·m-2) | 0.383** | 0.344*** | 0.509*** | -0.379*** |
无机氮 Inorganic N (g·m-2) | 0.030ns | 0.347*** | 0.393*** | -0.189ns |
净氮矿化速率 Rmin (mg·m-2·d-1) | 0.005ns | 0.317*** | 0.410*** | -0.214* |
净硝化速率 Rnit (mg·m-2·d-1) | 0.257* | 0.064ns | 0.130ns | 0.027ns |
累积氮矿化含量 Cmin (g·m-2) | 0.414ns | 0.071ns | 0.065ns | 0.455* |
累积硝化量 Cnit (g·m-2) | 0.491ns | 0.018ns | 0.137ns | 0.539** |
表2 土壤无机氮、净氮矿化速率和净硝化速率、累积氮矿化量和硝化量与土壤温度和水分的相关关系
Table 2 Pearson correlation coefficients of soil inorganic nitrogen (N), net N mineralization (Rmin) and nitrification (Rnit) rates, cumulative net N mineralization (Cmin) and nitrification (Cnit) with soil temperature and water content
土壤指标 Soil properties | 2013年围封样地 Fenced site in 2013 | 1999年围封样地 Fenced site in 1999 | ||
土壤温度 Soil temperature (℃) | 土壤含水量 Soil water content (%) | 土壤温度 Soil temperature (℃) | 土壤含水量 Soil water content (%) | |
硝态氮 NO3--N (g·m-2) | 0.446*** | 0.130ns | 0.125ns | 0.089ns |
铵态氮 NH4+-N (g·m-2) | 0.383** | 0.344*** | 0.509*** | -0.379*** |
无机氮 Inorganic N (g·m-2) | 0.030ns | 0.347*** | 0.393*** | -0.189ns |
净氮矿化速率 Rmin (mg·m-2·d-1) | 0.005ns | 0.317*** | 0.410*** | -0.214* |
净硝化速率 Rnit (mg·m-2·d-1) | 0.257* | 0.064ns | 0.130ns | 0.027ns |
累积氮矿化含量 Cmin (g·m-2) | 0.414ns | 0.071ns | 0.065ns | 0.455* |
累积硝化量 Cnit (g·m-2) | 0.491ns | 0.018ns | 0.137ns | 0.539** |
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