植物生态学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 209-219.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2017.0132
PENG Xi,YAN Wen-De,WANG Feng-Qi,WANG Guang-Jun,YU Fang-Yong,ZHAO Mei-Fang()
Mei-Fang ZHAO
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随着叶片功能性状研究的不断深入, 通过简单易测量的叶片指标, 同时探究植物生活史权衡对策和估算林分生产力的研究需求日益增长, 例如叶干质量比(LDMC)和比叶面积(SLA)的相互转换。杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)是亚热带重要的常绿针叶树种, 基于LDMC对杉木SLA进行估算, 能够为核算SLA提供途径, 为机理解释和生产估算构建连接途径, 为小区域到大尺度、精算到估算搭建桥梁。该研究在湖南会同和河南信阳两个杉木生长区, 对处于不同小生境(坡向、坡位和冠层深度)以及不同生活史(林龄和叶龄)的叶片进行抽样和采集, 通过测得不同叶龄的单叶LDMC和SLA, 初步探究在不同因子下两个性状值的分布差异, 进一步基于LDMC构建SLA估算模型并讨论以叶龄为差分因子对模型的影响。结果表明: 1)杉木SLA平均值为(103.15 ± 69.54) cm 2·g -1, LDMC为0.39 ± 0.11; 2)杉木LDMC和SLA可用非线性模型进行估算, 模型符合估算要求; 3)其中一年生叶的拟合效果最好, 老叶(大于二年生叶)的拟合优度较低, 老叶较低的SLA (52.28-75.74 cm 2·g -1)可能暗示LDMC的变化保持相对独立性。该研究基于杉木LDMC的SLA估算模型可信且有效, 且不同叶龄对LDMC和SLA的影响可能预示着杉木叶片的响应敏感性和生活史权衡策略。
彭曦, 闫文德, 王凤琪, 王光军, 玉昉永, 赵梅芳. 基于叶干质量比的杉木比叶面积估算模型的构建. 植物生态学报, 2018, 42(2): 209-219. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2017.0132
PENG Xi, YAN Wen-De, WANG Feng-Qi, WANG Guang-Jun, YU Fang-Yong, ZHAO Mei-Fang. Specific leaf area estimation model building based on leaf dry matter content of Cunninghamia lanceolata. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2018, 42(2): 209-219. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2017.0132
图1 杉木叶干质量比(LDMC) (A)、比叶面积(SLA) (B)在不同因子变异梯度下的总体抽样特征及均值离散化程度(n = 374)。
Fig. 1 Summary characteristics and degree of discretization of leaf dry matter content (LDMC) (A) and specific leaf area (SLA) (B) of Cunninghamia lanceolata along different factors gradients (n = 374).
图2 杉木基于叶干质量比(LDMC)的比叶面积(SLA)非线性拟合模型(A)和SLA对LDMC的回归残差散点图(B)。模型选择y = a(1 + x)b; N, 样本量; R2, 修正的决定系数; p, 差异性显著度。
Fig. 2 Nonlinear fitting model of specific leaf area (SLA) based on leaf dry matter content (LDMC) (A) and SLA scatter plot the regression residuals of LDMC (B) of Cunninghamia lanceolata. Model selection y = a(1 + x)b; N, sampling size; R2, adjusted R-squared; p, significant difference degree.
图3 不同叶龄梯度下杉木基于叶干质量比(LDMC)的比叶面积(SLA)非线性拟合模型。模型选择y = a(1 + x)b; N, 样本量; R2, 修正的决定系数; p, 差异性显著度。
Fig. 3 Nonlinear fitting model of specific leaf area (SLA) based on leaf dry matter content (LDMC) of Cunninghamia lanceolata along different leaf age gradients. Model selection y = a(1 + x)b; N, sampling size; R2, adjusted R-squared; p, significant difference degree.
图4 不同叶龄梯度下杉木比叶面积(SLA)对叶干质量比(LDMC)的回归残差散点图。
Fig. 4 Specific leaf area (SLA) scatter plot the regression residuals of leaf dry matter content (LDMC) of Cunninghamia lanceolata along different leaf age gradients.
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