植物生态学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 50-65.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2017.0252
所属专题: 青藏高原植物生态学:群落生态学; 生物多样性
朱军涛 ORCID:0000-0002-3506-1247
CHEN Ning1,2,ZHANG Yang-Jian1,3,4,ZHU Jun-Tao1,*(),LI Jun-Xiang5,LIU Yao-Jie1,2,ZU Jia-Xing1,2,CONG Nan1,HUANG Ke1,WANG Li5
ZHU Jun-Tao ORCID:0000-0002-3506-1247
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为了阐释青藏高原高寒草甸退化的关键生态过程, 该研究依托藏北高原草地生态系统研究站(那曲站), 设置不同退化梯度实验, 即对照、轻度退化、中度退化、重度退化和极度退化5个梯度, 探究群落生产力和物种多样性对不同退化强度的响应机制。结果表明: 1)随着退化程度不断加剧, 地上生物量呈现线性或非线性增加趋势, 在重度退化处理下, 地上生物量显著高于对照32.3%, 其中高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)地上生物量呈非线性下降趋势, 而矮火绒草(Leontopodium nanum)地上生物量呈非线性增加趋势; 2)与地上生物量的响应模式相反, 随着退化程度加剧, 地下生物量与总生物量均呈现非线性降低趋势; 3)高寒草甸退化过程中, 物种辛普森指数、丰富度指数、香农多样性指数和均匀度指数均呈现非线性上升趋势。结构等式方程结果表明, 土壤碳含量和体积含水量与地下生物量均呈现显著的正相关关系。土壤碳含量、体积含水量和砾石质量比对地上生物量无显著影响, 土壤碳、氮含量与物种多样性指数呈现显著的负相关关系。研究认为地上生产力的变化不能很好地指示草地的退化程度, 建议今后研究应以可食性牧草和毒杂草等植物功能群的变化来衡量草地退化。
陈宁, 张扬建, 朱军涛, 李军祥, 刘瑶杰, 俎佳星, 丛楠, 黄珂, 王荔. 高寒草甸退化过程中群落生产力和物种多样性的非线性响应机制研究. 植物生态学报, 2018, 42(1): 50-65. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2017.0252
CHEN Ning, ZHANG Yang-Jian, ZHU Jun-Tao, LI Jun-Xiang, LIU Yao-Jie, ZU Jia-Xing, CONG Nan, HUANG Ke, WANG Li. Nonlinear responses of productivity and diversity of alpine meadow communities to degradation. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2018, 42(1): 50-65. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2017.0252
图1 样地布设图。A, 群落调查; B, 测定生物量; C, 测定碳通量; D, 未来的相关研究。
Fig. 1 Plot layout. A, community survey; B, measure biomass; C, measure carbon flux; D, future related researches.
图2 不同退化阶段高寒草甸的群落盖度。图中不同字母表示处理之间有显著差异(p < 0.1)。实线是非线性拟合结果, 虚线是线性拟合结果。Control, 对照, 无退化草甸; D1, 轻度退化草甸; D2, 中度退化草甸; D3, 重度退化草甸; D4, 极度退化草甸。
Fig. 2 The community coverage of alpine meadow in different degradation stages. Different letters in figures indicate significant difference (p < 0.1). The solid lines are nonlinear fitting results. Dotted lines are linear fitting results. Control, non-degraded meadow; D1, mild degraded meadow; D2, moderate degraded meadow; D3, severe degraded meadow; D4, serious sandy meadow.
图3 不同退化阶段高寒草甸的地上生物量。图中不同字母表示处理之间有显著差异(p < 0.1)。实线是非线性拟合结果, 虚线是线性拟合结果。Control, 对照, 无退化草甸; D1, 轻度退化草甸; D2, 中度退化草甸; D3, 重度退化草甸; D4, 极度退化草甸。
Fig. 3 The aboveground biomass of alpine meadow in different degradation stages. Different letters in figures indicate significant difference (p < 0.1). The solid lines are nonlinear fitting results. Dotted lines are linear fitting results. Control, non-degraded meadow; D1, mild degraded meadow; D2, moderate degraded meadow; D3, severe degraded meadow; D4, serious sandy meadow.
图4 不同退化阶段高寒草甸的总生物与地下生物量。图中不同字母表示处理之间有显著差异(p < 0.1)。实线是非线性拟合结果, 虚线是线性拟合结果。Control, 对照, 无退化草甸; D1, 轻度退化草甸; D2, 中度退化草甸; D3, 重度退化草甸; D4, 极度退化草甸。
Fig. 4 The total biomass and belowground biomass of alpine meadow in different degradation stages. Different letters in figures indicate significant difference (p < 0.1). The solid lines are nonlinear fitting results. Dotted lines are linear fitting results. Control, non-degraded meadow; D1, mild degraded meadow; D2, moderate degraded meadow; D3, severe degraded meadow; D4, serious sandy meadow.
图5 不同退化阶段高寒草甸的生物多样性。图中不同字母表示处理之间有显著差异(p < 0.1)。实线是非线性拟合结果, 虚线是线性拟合结果。Control, 对照, 无退化草甸; D1, 轻度退化草甸; D2, 中度退化草甸; D3, 重度退化草甸; D4, 极度退化草甸。
Fig. 5 The species diversity of alpine meadow in different degradation stages. Different letters in figures indicate significant difference (p < 0.1). The solid lines are nonlinear fitting results. Dotted lines are linear fitting results. Control, non-degraded meadow; D1, mild degraded meadow; D2, moderate degraded meadow; D3, severe degraded meadow; D4, serious sandy meadow.
草甸类型 Meadow type | 土壤容重 Soil bulk density (g?cm-3) | 砾石质量比 Mass ratio of gravel (%) | 砾石体积比 Volume ratio of gravel (%) | 土壤氮含量 Soil nitrogen content (%) | 土壤碳含量 Soil carbon content (%) |
对照 Non-degraded | 1.23 ± 0.04a | 29.77 ± 7.96a | 16.80 ± 7.45a | 0.45 ± 0.06a | 5.29 ± 0.95a |
轻度退化 Mild degraded | 1.26 ± 0.04a | 36.51 ± 1.34a | 22.19 ± 4.00a | 0.50 ± 0.04a | 5.76 ± 0.59a |
中度退化 Moderate degraded | 1.50 ± 0.02b | 37.43 ± 6.04a | 28.24 ± 2.60ab | 0.44 ± 0.11a | 5.10 ± 1.30a |
重度退化 Severe degraded | 1.47 ± 0.02b | 47.60 ± 4.52b | 32.15 ± 2.41b | 0.32 ± 0.05b | 3.21 ± 0.69b |
极度退化 Serious degraded | 1.56 ± 0.11b | 49.62 ± 4.94b | 33.52 ± 0.68b | 0.34 ± 0.02b | 3.57 ± 0.23b |
表1 不同退化阶段高寒草甸的土壤理化特征
Table 1 The soil physicochemical properties of alpine meadow in different degradation stages
草甸类型 Meadow type | 土壤容重 Soil bulk density (g?cm-3) | 砾石质量比 Mass ratio of gravel (%) | 砾石体积比 Volume ratio of gravel (%) | 土壤氮含量 Soil nitrogen content (%) | 土壤碳含量 Soil carbon content (%) |
对照 Non-degraded | 1.23 ± 0.04a | 29.77 ± 7.96a | 16.80 ± 7.45a | 0.45 ± 0.06a | 5.29 ± 0.95a |
轻度退化 Mild degraded | 1.26 ± 0.04a | 36.51 ± 1.34a | 22.19 ± 4.00a | 0.50 ± 0.04a | 5.76 ± 0.59a |
中度退化 Moderate degraded | 1.50 ± 0.02b | 37.43 ± 6.04a | 28.24 ± 2.60ab | 0.44 ± 0.11a | 5.10 ± 1.30a |
重度退化 Severe degraded | 1.47 ± 0.02b | 47.60 ± 4.52b | 32.15 ± 2.41b | 0.32 ± 0.05b | 3.21 ± 0.69b |
极度退化 Serious degraded | 1.56 ± 0.11b | 49.62 ± 4.94b | 33.52 ± 0.68b | 0.34 ± 0.02b | 3.57 ± 0.23b |
R2 | 拟合模型 Fitted model | |
土壤容重 Soil bulk density | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.66*** | y = -0.006x + 1.695 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.76*** | y = 0.0002x2 + 0.012x + 1.326 |
砾石质量比 Mass ratio of gravel | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.13 | y = -0.155x + 47.310 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.53* | y = 0.023x2-2.326x + 89.838 |
砾石体积比 Volume ratio of gravel | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.44** | y = 0.240x + 37.607 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.58** | y = 0.011x2-1.300x + 58.371 |
土壤氮含量 Soil nitrogen content | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.42*** | y = 0.003x + 0.264 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.46*** | y = -0.0001x2 + 0.011x + 0.115 |
土壤碳含量 Soil carbon content | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.50*** | y = 0.049x + 2.35 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.55*** | y = -0.001x2 + 0.159x + 0.183 |
表2 高寒草甸退化过程中土壤理化性质线性和非线性响应比较
Table 2 Comparison between linear and nonlinear responses of soil physicochemical properties to alpine meadow degradation
R2 | 拟合模型 Fitted model | |
土壤容重 Soil bulk density | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.66*** | y = -0.006x + 1.695 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.76*** | y = 0.0002x2 + 0.012x + 1.326 |
砾石质量比 Mass ratio of gravel | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.13 | y = -0.155x + 47.310 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.53* | y = 0.023x2-2.326x + 89.838 |
砾石体积比 Volume ratio of gravel | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.44** | y = 0.240x + 37.607 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.58** | y = 0.011x2-1.300x + 58.371 |
土壤氮含量 Soil nitrogen content | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.42*** | y = 0.003x + 0.264 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.46*** | y = -0.0001x2 + 0.011x + 0.115 |
土壤碳含量 Soil carbon content | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.50*** | y = 0.049x + 2.35 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.55*** | y = -0.001x2 + 0.159x + 0.183 |
图6 不同退化阶段高寒草甸的土壤含水量特征(平均值±标准误差)。不同字母表示处理之间有显著差异(p < 0.1)。Control, 对照, 无退化草甸; D1, 轻度退化草甸; D2, 中度退化草甸; D3, 重度退化草甸; D4, 极度退化草甸。
Fig. 6 The soil water content of alpine meadow in different degradation stages (mean ± SE). Different letters indicate significant difference (p < 0.1). Control, non-degraded meadow; D1, mild degraded meadow; D2, moderate degraded meadow; D3, severe degraded meadow; D4, serious sandy meadow.
R2 | 拟合模型 Fitted model | |
0-7.6 cm土层 0-7.6 cm soil layer | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.61*** | y = 0.044x + 7.396 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.61*** | y = 7.557e0.005x |
0-12 cm土层 0-12 cm soil layer | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.39*** | y = 0.066x + 10.148 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.41*** | y = -0.001x2 + 0.169x + 8.136 |
表3 高寒草甸退化过程中土壤含水量的线性和非线性响应比较
Table 3 Comparison between linear and nonlinear responses of soil water content to alpine meadow degradation
R2 | 拟合模型 Fitted model | |
0-7.6 cm土层 0-7.6 cm soil layer | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.61*** | y = 0.044x + 7.396 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.61*** | y = 7.557e0.005x |
0-12 cm土层 0-12 cm soil layer | ||
线性模型 Linear model | 0.39*** | y = 0.066x + 10.148 |
非线性模型 Nonlinear model | 0.41*** | y = -0.001x2 + 0.169x + 8.136 |
图7 不同退化阶段高寒草甸群落物种多样性与土壤理化性质之间相关分析。黑色和从左下指向右上的斜杠表示两个变量正相关, 黑色和从左上指向右下的斜杠表示变量之间负相关。颜色越深, 饱和度越高, 说明变量相关性越大; *、**、***分别表示在10%、5%、1%的置信水平上具有统计显著性。
Fig. 7 Correlation analysis among soil physico-chemical properties and species diversity of alpine meadow community. Black and from lower left to upper right of the slash said two variables are related, and black from the upper left to lower right slash said negative correlation between variables. The deeper the color, the higher the degree of saturation, explanatory variable correlation; *, **, *** represent statistically significant at the 10%, 5%, 1% confidence level, respectively.
图8 影响地上生物量与地下生物量的直接因素和间接因素的结构等式模型。带有箭头的虚线表示关系不显著(p > 0.1), 实线表示关系显著(p < 0.1), 带有箭头线上的数字是标准化路径系数(*, p < 0.1; **, p < 0.05; ***, p < 0.01)。AIC, 最小信息准则; AICdm, 内定模式; AICim, 独立模式; AICsm, 饱和模式; DF, 自由度; NFI, 增值适配度指数; RMSEA, 绝对适配指数。
Fig. 8 The results of structural equation models showed the direct and indirect impacts of various factors on biomass and species diversity. A dotted line relationship of the arrow was not significant (p > 0.1), the solid line shows the relationship between significantly (p < 0.1), the degree of thickness line to reflect the degree of a strong relation between variables, with the arrow line Numbers are standardized path coefficient (*, p < 0.1; **, p < 0.05; ***, p < 0.01). AIC, an information criterion; AICdm, default mode; AICim, independence model; AICsm, saturated model; DF, degree of freedom; NFI, normed fit index; RMSEA, root mean square error of approximation.
指标分类 Index classification | 指标个数 Number of indexes | 指标 Indexes |
土壤 Soil | 41 | 土壤质地、土层厚度、含水量、团粒结构稳定性等 Soil texture, soil thickness, water content, and stability of aggregates, etc. |
植被 Vegetation | 11 | 植被盖度、植被种类、植被均匀度指数、根系深度等 Vegetation cover, vegetation species, vegetation Pielou evenness index, and root depth, etc. |
社会经济 Social economy | 11 | 经济收入水平(农民收入、消费水平)、人口数量等 Economic income level (farmer's income, consumption level) and population, etc. |
气候 Climate | 7 | 降水量、蒸发量、风速、平均气温、湿润指数等 Precipitation, evaporation, wind speed, average temperature, and wetting index, etc. |
生物 Biology | 7 | 生物量、生物多样性指数、群落类型、种群优势度 Biomass, biodiversity index, community type, and population dominance |
地形地貌 Topography | 6 | 坡度、坡向、沟谷密度、地貌类型、海拔高度 Slope, slope direction, valley density, landform type, and altitude |
附件表1 土地退化中文指标分类(邱秋兰, 2012)
Appendix table 1 Land degradation index classification in China (Qiu, 2012)
指标分类 Index classification | 指标个数 Number of indexes | 指标 Indexes |
土壤 Soil | 41 | 土壤质地、土层厚度、含水量、团粒结构稳定性等 Soil texture, soil thickness, water content, and stability of aggregates, etc. |
植被 Vegetation | 11 | 植被盖度、植被种类、植被均匀度指数、根系深度等 Vegetation cover, vegetation species, vegetation Pielou evenness index, and root depth, etc. |
社会经济 Social economy | 11 | 经济收入水平(农民收入、消费水平)、人口数量等 Economic income level (farmer's income, consumption level) and population, etc. |
气候 Climate | 7 | 降水量、蒸发量、风速、平均气温、湿润指数等 Precipitation, evaporation, wind speed, average temperature, and wetting index, etc. |
生物 Biology | 7 | 生物量、生物多样性指数、群落类型、种群优势度 Biomass, biodiversity index, community type, and population dominance |
地形地貌 Topography | 6 | 坡度、坡向、沟谷密度、地貌类型、海拔高度 Slope, slope direction, valley density, landform type, and altitude |
频次 Frequency | 指标个数 Number of indexes | 指标 Indexes |
> 40 | 41 | 植被盖度、经济收入水平、坡度、有机质含量 Vegetation cover, economic income level, slope, organic matter content |
30-39 | 11 | 土壤质地、氮、磷和钾元素含量、含水量、土地利用类型 Soil texture, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content, water content, land use type |
20-29 | 11 | 生产力、降水量、生物多样性、生物量、地貌类型 Productivity, precipitation, biodiversity, biomass, landform type |
10-19 | 7 | 土壤类型、覆沙盖度、土层厚度、风速、蒸发量 Soil type, cover sand cover, soil thickness, wind speed, evaporation |
< 10 | 7 | 土壤容重、土壤侵蚀模数、电导率、径流量、结皮厚度 Soil bulk density, soil erosion modulus, conductivity, runoff, crust thickness |
附件表2 土地退化中文指标应用频次统计(邱秋兰, 2012)
Appendix table 2 Land degradation index of application frequency statistics (Qiu, 2012)
频次 Frequency | 指标个数 Number of indexes | 指标 Indexes |
> 40 | 41 | 植被盖度、经济收入水平、坡度、有机质含量 Vegetation cover, economic income level, slope, organic matter content |
30-39 | 11 | 土壤质地、氮、磷和钾元素含量、含水量、土地利用类型 Soil texture, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content, water content, land use type |
20-29 | 11 | 生产力、降水量、生物多样性、生物量、地貌类型 Productivity, precipitation, biodiversity, biomass, landform type |
10-19 | 7 | 土壤类型、覆沙盖度、土层厚度、风速、蒸发量 Soil type, cover sand cover, soil thickness, wind speed, evaporation |
< 10 | 7 | 土壤容重、土壤侵蚀模数、电导率、径流量、结皮厚度 Soil bulk density, soil erosion modulus, conductivity, runoff, crust thickness |
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