植物生态学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (8): 988-1000.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0206 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0206
史倩1, 同小娟1,*(), 许玲玲2,3, 孟平2,3, 于裴洋1, 李俊4, 杨铭鑫1
SHI Qian1, TONG Xiao-Juan1,*(), XU Ling-Ling2,3, MENG Ping2,3, YU Pei-Yang1, LI Jun4, YANG Ming-Xin1
*TONG Xiao-Juan(tongxj@bjfu.edu.cn)
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全球变暖背景下, 油松(Pinus tabuliformis)人工林生态系统对气候变化响应更为敏感, 但目前对于气候变化下油松早材和晚材的径向生长还不完全了解。研究油松早材和晚材径向生长对气候变化的响应, 对预测人工林生产力与植被动态具有重要意义。该研究选取华北和西北地区5个油松人工林, 基于树木年代学方法构建油松树木年轮标准年表, 分析了气候因子对油松径向生长的影响。结果表明, 1980-2020年间研究区气温呈显著上升趋势, 区域气候向暖干化发展。康乐(KL)、天水(TS)、灵寿(LS)油松树轮宽度高于旬邑(XY)和淳化(CH), 且TS、KL、LS油松的整轮和早材树轮宽度下降更为平缓。油松的早材宽度与上年9月、当年生长季前降水量呈正相关关系。而晚材宽度则大都与气温正相关。在LS、CH、TS、KL, 气温对晚材宽度变化的相对影响较早材分别上升了21.89%、8.63%、3.31%和7.25%。因此, 与早材相比, 晚材对气温变化更为敏感, 并受到早春季节干旱的限制。综上所述, 该研究利用早材和晚材径向生长对气候变化的响应分离了油松人工林生长季不同时段的气候信号, 早材径向生长主要反映了生长季早期的降水信号, 晚材径向生长主要反映了生长季后期的温度信号。在今后的预测模型中考虑这一差异性影响将有助于提高区域气候重建的准确性。
史倩, 同小娟, 许玲玲, 孟平, 于裴洋, 李俊, 杨铭鑫. 油松早晚材径向生长对气候因子的响应. 植物生态学报, 2024, 48(8): 988-1000. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0206
SHI Qian, TONG Xiao-Juan, XU Ling-Ling, MENG Ping, YU Pei-Yang, LI Jun, YANG Ming-Xin. Response of radial growth of early and late wood of planted Pinus tabuliformis to climate variables. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2024, 48(8): 988-1000. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0206
样地 Site | 经纬度 Longitude and latitude | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 胸径(平均值±标准差) DBH (mean ± SD) (cm) | 树高(平均值±标准差) Tree height (mean ± SD) (m) | 株数 Number of plants | 密度 Density (Ind.·hm-2) | 气象时间序列 Meteorological series |
旬邑县 XY | 35.07° N, 108.50° E | 1 647 | 20.64 ± 5.64 | 11.90 ± 1.23 | 183 | 976 | 1973-2020 |
淳化县 CH | 34.83° N, 108.65° E | 1 189 | 16.56 ± 3.38 | 14.40 ± 1.65 | 83 | 1 328 | 1980-2020 |
天水市小陇山 TS | 35.32° N, 106.43° E | 1 633 | 21.66 ± 4.93 | 13.56 ± 1.93 | 104 | 549 | 1977-2020 |
康乐县太子山 KL | 35.25° N, 103.42° E | 2 493 | 23.79 ± 4.79 | 13.49 ± 1.89 | 112 | 581 | 1975-2020 |
灵寿县五岳寨 LS | 38.67° N, 103.85° E | 997 | 22.14 ± 6.31 | 10.26 ± 6.22 | 94 | 501 | 1961-2020 |
表1 油松人工林样地基本信息
Table 1 Basic information of Pinus tabuliformis plantations
样地 Site | 经纬度 Longitude and latitude | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 胸径(平均值±标准差) DBH (mean ± SD) (cm) | 树高(平均值±标准差) Tree height (mean ± SD) (m) | 株数 Number of plants | 密度 Density (Ind.·hm-2) | 气象时间序列 Meteorological series |
旬邑县 XY | 35.07° N, 108.50° E | 1 647 | 20.64 ± 5.64 | 11.90 ± 1.23 | 183 | 976 | 1973-2020 |
淳化县 CH | 34.83° N, 108.65° E | 1 189 | 16.56 ± 3.38 | 14.40 ± 1.65 | 83 | 1 328 | 1980-2020 |
天水市小陇山 TS | 35.32° N, 106.43° E | 1 633 | 21.66 ± 4.93 | 13.56 ± 1.93 | 104 | 549 | 1977-2020 |
康乐县太子山 KL | 35.25° N, 103.42° E | 2 493 | 23.79 ± 4.79 | 13.49 ± 1.89 | 112 | 581 | 1975-2020 |
灵寿县五岳寨 LS | 38.67° N, 103.85° E | 997 | 22.14 ± 6.31 | 10.26 ± 6.22 | 94 | 501 | 1961-2020 |
采样点 Site | 样芯数 Number of core sample | 时间序列 Period | 类型 Type | 平均敏感度 MS | 信噪比 SNR | 一阶自相关系数 AR | 样本总体代表性 EPS |
CH | 43 | 1980-2020 | 整轮 Total ring width | 0.396 | 8.067 | 0.580 | 0.890 |
早材 Earlywood width | 0.418 | 7.060 | 0.570 | 0.876 | |||
晚材 Latewood width | 0.567 | 11.501 | 0.358 | 0.920 | |||
XY | 127 | 1973-2020 | 整轮 Total ring width | 0.264 | 12.794 | 0.673 | 0.928 |
早材 Earlywood width | 0.310 | 13.555 | 0.679 | 0.931 | |||
晚材 Latewood width | 0.353 | 11.975 | 0.347 | 0.923 | |||
TS | 124 | 1977-2020 | 整轮 Total ring width | 0.245 | 10.465 | 0.673 | 0.913 |
早材 Earlywood width | 0.224 | 8.778 | 0.690 | 0.898 | |||
晚材 Latewood width | 0.374 | 21.569 | 0.371 | 0.956 | |||
KL | 132 | 1975-2020 | 整轮 Total ring width | 0.239 | 30.446 | 0.622 | 0.968 |
早材 Earlywood width | 0.282 | 35.760 | 0.610 | 0.973 | |||
晚材 Latewood width | 0.363 | 23.433 | 0.246 | 0.959 | |||
LS | 128 | 1962-2020 | 整轮 Total ring width | 0.429 | 10.767 | 0.444 | 0.915 |
早材 Earlywood width | 0.409 | 9.883 | 0.457 | 0.908 | |||
晚材 Latewood width | 0.570 | 8.716 | 0.315 | 0.897 | |||
ALL | 553 | 1962-2020 | 整轮 Total ring width | 0.429 | 20.236 | 0.474 | 0.953 |
早材 Earlywood width | 0.409 | 16.176 | 0.501 | 0.942 | |||
晚材 Latewood width | 0.570 | 21.754 | 0.307 | 0.956 |
表2 5个研究点油松树轮宽度标准年表基本信息统计
Table 2 Statistics of standard tree ring-width chronologies of Pinus tabuliformis at five sites
采样点 Site | 样芯数 Number of core sample | 时间序列 Period | 类型 Type | 平均敏感度 MS | 信噪比 SNR | 一阶自相关系数 AR | 样本总体代表性 EPS |
CH | 43 | 1980-2020 | 整轮 Total ring width | 0.396 | 8.067 | 0.580 | 0.890 |
早材 Earlywood width | 0.418 | 7.060 | 0.570 | 0.876 | |||
晚材 Latewood width | 0.567 | 11.501 | 0.358 | 0.920 | |||
XY | 127 | 1973-2020 | 整轮 Total ring width | 0.264 | 12.794 | 0.673 | 0.928 |
早材 Earlywood width | 0.310 | 13.555 | 0.679 | 0.931 | |||
晚材 Latewood width | 0.353 | 11.975 | 0.347 | 0.923 | |||
TS | 124 | 1977-2020 | 整轮 Total ring width | 0.245 | 10.465 | 0.673 | 0.913 |
早材 Earlywood width | 0.224 | 8.778 | 0.690 | 0.898 | |||
晚材 Latewood width | 0.374 | 21.569 | 0.371 | 0.956 | |||
KL | 132 | 1975-2020 | 整轮 Total ring width | 0.239 | 30.446 | 0.622 | 0.968 |
早材 Earlywood width | 0.282 | 35.760 | 0.610 | 0.973 | |||
晚材 Latewood width | 0.363 | 23.433 | 0.246 | 0.959 | |||
LS | 128 | 1962-2020 | 整轮 Total ring width | 0.429 | 10.767 | 0.444 | 0.915 |
早材 Earlywood width | 0.409 | 9.883 | 0.457 | 0.908 | |||
晚材 Latewood width | 0.570 | 8.716 | 0.315 | 0.897 | |||
ALL | 553 | 1962-2020 | 整轮 Total ring width | 0.429 | 20.236 | 0.474 | 0.953 |
早材 Earlywood width | 0.409 | 16.176 | 0.501 | 0.942 | |||
晚材 Latewood width | 0.570 | 21.754 | 0.307 | 0.956 |
图1 5个研究点平均气温(Ta)、最高气温(Tmax)、最低气温(Tmin)、降水量(P)、饱和水汽压差(VPD)、标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)的年变化。直线表示气候因子变化显著(p < 0.05)。样地CH、KL、LS、TS、XY见表1。
Fig. 1 Trend of annual average air temperature (Ta), annual maximum air temperature (Tmax), annual minimum air temperature (Tmin), annual precipitation (P), vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) in the five study areas. The straight line represents significant changes in climate factors (p < 0.05). Site LS, CH, XY, TS and KL see Table 1.
图2 5个研究点油松的标准年表(STD)。EW, 早材; LW, 晚材; RW, 整轮。样地ALL、CH、KL、LS、TS、XY见表1。
Fig. 2 Standard chronology (STD) of Pinus tabuliformis in the five study areas. EW, earlywood width; LW, latewood width; RW, total ring width. Site ALL, CH, KL, LS, TS and XY see Table 1.
图3 5个研究点油松生长树轮宽度变化。EW, 早材; LW, 晚材; RW, 整轮。样地ALL、CH、KL、LS、TS、XY见表1。
Fig. 3 Variation of radial growth of Pinus tabuliformis in the five study areas. EW, earlywood width; LW, latewood width; RW, total ring width. Site ALL, CH, KL, LS, TS, XY see Table 1.
图4 油松整轮、早材和晚材年表与气候因子的相关系数。样地CH、KL、LS、TS、XY见表1。EW, 早材; LW, 晚材; RW, 整轮。P, 降水量; pre, 上年; SPEI, 标准化降水蒸散指数; Ta, 平均气温; Tmax, 最高气温; Tmin, 最低气温; VPD, 饱和水汽压差。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01。
Fig. 4 Correlation between total ring width, earlywood width and latewood width chronology of Pinus tabuliformis and climate factors. Site CH, KL, LS, TS, XY see Table 1. EW, earlywood width; LW, latewood width; RW, total ring width. P, precipitation; pre, the last year; SPEI, standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index; Ta, mean air temperature; Tmax, maximum air temperature; Tmin, minimum air temperature; VPD, vapor pressure deficit. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01.
图5 气候因子对油松径向生长的相对影响。样地CH、KL、LS、TS、XY见表1。EW, 早材; LW, 晚材; RW, 整轮。Ta、P、VPD、SPEI见图4。
Fig. 5 Relative influence of climate factors to radial growth of Pinus tabuliformis. Site CH, KL, LS, TS, XY see Table 1. EW, earlywood width; LW, latewood width; RW, total ring width. Ta, P, VPD and SPEI see Fig. 4.
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