植物生态学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (12): 1433-1438.DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2010.12.009
(E-mail: hongxia@bjfu.edu.cn)HOU Tian-Wen1, JIN Hui2, LIU Hong-Xia1,*(), LUO Yi-Bo2
LIU Hong-Xia
利用从高原温带兰科植物菌根中获得的22个菌根真菌菌株, 对五唇兰(Doritis pulcherrima)进行了室内种子萌发、原球茎分化和组培苗回接试验, 从交叉回接的角度对附生兰科植物与菌根真菌的生理专一性进行了探讨。经过20周的共生培养, 只有编号为Cf1和Mm1的两个菌株使种子表现出种胚明显膨大的萌发迹象; 9个菌株能够促使原球茎较好地分化发育出根叶; 11个菌株处理苗的平均鲜重增长率高于对照组(156.25%), 其中Mm1的效果达到极显著水平(p = 0.01)。通过根切片显微观察, 在原球茎分化根和回接效果良好的处理苗的根皮层组织发现典型的菌丝团结构, 表明菌根体系已成功建立。温带地生兰菌根真菌对五唇兰种子萌发、原球茎发育和幼苗生长等3个重要生长阶段影响的试验显示, 五唇兰的种子和菌根真菌的共生萌发效果不佳, 而原球茎及幼株更容易与之建立良好的共生关系。同时, 也没有发现同一个真菌菌株能够对五唇兰的种子、原球茎和幼苗均产生促进作用。研究结果表明, 五唇兰的菌根真菌专一性因生理生长阶段的不同而存在差异。
侯天文, 金辉, 刘红霞, 罗毅波. 实验室条件下五唇兰菌根真菌专一性研究. 植物生态学报, 2010, 34(12): 1433-1438. DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2010.12.009
HOU Tian-Wen, JIN Hui, LIU Hong-Xia, LUO Yi-Bo. Mycorrhizal specificity of Doritis pulcherrima in in-vitro research. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2010, 34(12): 1433-1438. DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2010.12.009
阶段 Stage | 描述 Description |
0 | 未萌发 No germination |
1 | 种胚膨大 Swelling of the embryo |
2 | 基毛出现 Development of radical hairs |
3 | 叶原基出现 Development of a leaf primodium |
4 | 第一片叶子出现 Development of the first leaf |
5 | 第二片叶子出现 Development of the second leaf |
6 | 根萌发 Development of roots |
表1 实验室条件下兰科植物的种子萌发阶段(引自Otero等, 2004)
Table 1 Germination stages of orchid seeds in vitro (Cited from Otero et al., 2004)
阶段 Stage | 描述 Description |
0 | 未萌发 No germination |
1 | 种胚膨大 Swelling of the embryo |
2 | 基毛出现 Development of radical hairs |
3 | 叶原基出现 Development of a leaf primodium |
4 | 第一片叶子出现 Development of the first leaf |
5 | 第二片叶子出现 Development of the second leaf |
6 | 根萌发 Development of roots |
图1 共生培养20周后的五唇兰种子、原球茎和组培苗。A, 萌发的种子(供试菌株Mm1)。B, 分化生长旺盛的原球茎(供试菌株Mm4)。C, 生长良好的接种苗(供试菌株Mm1)和对照苗的对比。
Fig. 1 Symbiotic seeds, protocorms and seedlings of Doritis pulcherrima after 20 weeks. A, Successfully germinated seed with fungi strain Mm1. B, Excellently developed protocorms with fungi strain Mm4. C, Seedlings comparison between well-growing inoculation samples with fungi strain Mm1 and control treatments.
处理 Treatment | 鉴定信息 Identified information | 种子萌发 Seeds germination | 原球茎分化 Protocorm differentiation | 处理苗平均鲜重增长率 Average increasement of fresh mass (%) |
Control | 无真菌处理 No fungus treatment | × | 无明显分化 No obvious differentiation | 156.25 |
Cf1 | Cryptosporiopsis radicicola | √ | 死亡 Dead | 0 |
Cf2 | 未知真菌 Unknown fungus | × | 同对照 As control treatment | 86.10 |
Ct1 | 康宁木霉 Trichoderma koningii | × | 死亡 Dead | 265.89 |
Ct2 | 冬虫夏草 Cordyceps sinensis | × | 同对照 As control treatment | 185.98 |
Ct3 | 胶膜菌 Tulasnella sp. | × | 死亡 Dead | 272.22 |
Gd1 | 绿色肉座菌 Hypocrea virens | × | 死亡 Dead | 177.08 |
Mm1 | 瘤菌根菌 Epulorhiza sp. | √ | 被污染 Polluted | 619.84** |
Mm2 | 烧地环锈伞 Pholiota carbonaria | × | 同对照 As control treatment | 135.10 |
Mm3 | 帚状弯孢聚壳 Eutypella scoparia | × | 死亡 Dead | 51.87 |
Mm4 | 丛赤壳科真菌 Nectriaceae sp. | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 110.42 |
Na1 | 杜鹃菌根菌 Ericoid mycorrhizal fungus | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 112.70 |
Na2 | 柱捕单顶孢菌 Monacrosporium cionopagum | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 79.80 |
Na3 | 未知担子菌 Unknown basidiomycete | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 0 |
Pc1 | 毛霉属真菌 Mortierella sp. | × | 死亡 Dead | 302.67 |
Pd1 | 胶膜菌 Tulasnellaceae isolate | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 285.00 |
Pd2 | 镰刀菌 Fusarium tricinctum | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 65.50 |
Pm1 | 炭角菌 Xylaria arbuscula | × | 死亡 Dead | 0 |
Ts1 | 丝核菌 Rhizoctonia sp. | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 201.80 |
Ts2 | 柔膜菌目外生菌根真菌 Ectomycorrhizal fungi of Helotiales | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 161.10 |
Ts3 | 粪盘菌 Ascobolus crenulatus | × | 同对照 As control treatment | 266.67 |
Ts4 | Creosphaeria sassafras | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 347.04 |
Ts5 | 奥氏蜜环菌 Armillaria ostoyae | × | 死亡 Dead | 145.90 |
表2 温带地生兰根部内生真菌对五唇兰的回接效果
Table 2 Inoculation results of Doritis pulcherrima with the endophytic fungi of temperate terrestrial orchid
处理 Treatment | 鉴定信息 Identified information | 种子萌发 Seeds germination | 原球茎分化 Protocorm differentiation | 处理苗平均鲜重增长率 Average increasement of fresh mass (%) |
Control | 无真菌处理 No fungus treatment | × | 无明显分化 No obvious differentiation | 156.25 |
Cf1 | Cryptosporiopsis radicicola | √ | 死亡 Dead | 0 |
Cf2 | 未知真菌 Unknown fungus | × | 同对照 As control treatment | 86.10 |
Ct1 | 康宁木霉 Trichoderma koningii | × | 死亡 Dead | 265.89 |
Ct2 | 冬虫夏草 Cordyceps sinensis | × | 同对照 As control treatment | 185.98 |
Ct3 | 胶膜菌 Tulasnella sp. | × | 死亡 Dead | 272.22 |
Gd1 | 绿色肉座菌 Hypocrea virens | × | 死亡 Dead | 177.08 |
Mm1 | 瘤菌根菌 Epulorhiza sp. | √ | 被污染 Polluted | 619.84** |
Mm2 | 烧地环锈伞 Pholiota carbonaria | × | 同对照 As control treatment | 135.10 |
Mm3 | 帚状弯孢聚壳 Eutypella scoparia | × | 死亡 Dead | 51.87 |
Mm4 | 丛赤壳科真菌 Nectriaceae sp. | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 110.42 |
Na1 | 杜鹃菌根菌 Ericoid mycorrhizal fungus | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 112.70 |
Na2 | 柱捕单顶孢菌 Monacrosporium cionopagum | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 79.80 |
Na3 | 未知担子菌 Unknown basidiomycete | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 0 |
Pc1 | 毛霉属真菌 Mortierella sp. | × | 死亡 Dead | 302.67 |
Pd1 | 胶膜菌 Tulasnellaceae isolate | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 285.00 |
Pd2 | 镰刀菌 Fusarium tricinctum | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 65.50 |
Pm1 | 炭角菌 Xylaria arbuscula | × | 死亡 Dead | 0 |
Ts1 | 丝核菌 Rhizoctonia sp. | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 201.80 |
Ts2 | 柔膜菌目外生菌根真菌 Ectomycorrhizal fungi of Helotiales | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 161.10 |
Ts3 | 粪盘菌 Ascobolus crenulatus | × | 同对照 As control treatment | 266.67 |
Ts4 | Creosphaeria sassafras | × | 分化旺盛 Well differentiated | 347.04 |
Ts5 | 奥氏蜜环菌 Armillaria ostoyae | × | 死亡 Dead | 145.90 |
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