植物生态学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 585-596.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0062
所属专题: 全球变化与生态系统
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严月1,2,3,,A;*, 朱建军2,3,,A;*, 张彬2,3,4, 张艳杰1, 鲁顺保1,3,,A;,A;*, 潘庆民2,3,,A;,A;*
* 通信作者Author for correspondence (E-mail:
Yue YAN1,2,3,*, Jian-Jun ZHU2,3,*, Bin ZHANG2,3,4, Yan-Jie ZHANG1, Shun-Bao LU1,3,**, Qing-Min PAN2,3,**
Yue YAN,Jian-Jun ZHU,Shun-Bao LU,Qing-Min PAN
About author:
KANG Jing-yao(1991-), E-mail:
草原生态系统植物生物量在地上和地下器官之间的分配是联系地上生产力与地下碳固持的枢轴环节。由于地下生物量的准确测定是正确分析生物量分配的基础, 该文首先系统分析了植物地下生物量的测定方法及其优缺点; 在此基础上, 综述了当前草地生态系统地下生物量分配对全球气候变化主要驱动因子(降水、CO2浓度、温度和氮沉降)的响应, 并提出了今后相关研究中需解决的主要问题, 以期为开展全球变化背景下草地生态系统碳循环的研究提供参考。
严月, 朱建军, 张彬, 张艳杰, 鲁顺保, 潘庆民. 草原生态系统植物地下生物量分配及对全球变化的响应. 植物生态学报, 2017, 41(5): 585-596. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0062
Yue YAN, Jian-Jun ZHU, Bin ZHANG, Yan-Jie ZHANG, Shun-Bao LU, Qing-Min PAN. A review of belowground biomass allocation and its response to global climatic change in grassland ecosystems. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2017, 41(5): 585-596. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0062
过程 Step | 不确定性来源 Sources of uncertainty | 改善措失 Improvement measures | 参考文献 References |
微根管的安装 Minirhizotron installation | 微根管材料 Material of minirhizotron tube | 一般选用聚碳酸酯管, 减小对根系的生长的影响 Polycarbonate tube is generally selected to reduce the I mpact on the growth of roots | Vannoordwijk et al., 1985; Brown & Pchurch, 1987; Withington et al., 2003 |
微根管的密封性 Sealability of minirhizotron tube | 顶端加盖密封, 防止光线透入影响根系生长 The top of tube was sealed to prevent root from light | Iversen et al., 2012; Rytter & Rytter, 2012 | |
安装角度 Installation angle | 一般选择偏离垂直方向30°或45°, 有角度的安装水平安装更易于研究根的垂直分布 The tubes are usually installed with an angle deviated from the vertical direction by 30° or 45°, with which the installation of tubes is convenient and the vertical distribution of the root is easier to be observed | Iversen et al., 2012; Johnson et al., 2001 | |
平衡期的确定 Determination for the duration of equilibrium | 几周、几月甚至一年以上不等; 尽量确保达到管土平衡 The duration of equilibrium may last several weeks, months, or even more than one year, depending on the soil and vegetation types. The purpose for such a duration is to ensure tubes equilibrate with surrounding soil | Weber & Day, 1996; Wells et al., 2002 | |
影像采集 Image capture | 图片数量和质量 Quantity and quality of images | 一般30-50张, 在预定时间可以完成的工作量范围内, 尽可能多的采集图片并确保图片采集清晰 Collecting enough images within the working period (usually 30-50 photos) and examining whether the pictures are in focus | Johnson et al., 2001; Shi et al., 2006 |
采集时间 Image capture time | 尽量保证在1-2天采集完成, 摄像头的光系统停留时间太长, 会改变土壤温度, 影响根系生长 Capturing the picture within 1 d to 2 d as soil temperature and root growth may be changed by long time lighting of camera | van Rees, 1998 | |
采集频率 Image capture frequency | 间隔约2周采集一次; 间隔时间太长会因观察不到细根周转而导致对根系动态的低估 Collect images every two weeks; the longer interval will underestimate root system dynamics due to miss the fine root turnover | Johnson et al., 2001 | |
数据处理 Data processing | 死活根的区分 Separation of the live and dead root | 一般将颜色为棕色或黑色根定义为死根; 如果在这次影像采集时可见, 下一次影像采集时看不到此根, 也将此根定义为死根 The dark-brown or black roots are usually regarded as dead roots. Also, the roots being seen in last time but disappeared this time are considered as dead roots | Espeleta & Donovan, 2002; Majdi & Ohrvik, 2004 ; West et al., 2004 |
表1 微根管法测定的不确定性及其改善措施
Table 1 The uncertainty and improvement needs for minirhizotron technology
过程 Step | 不确定性来源 Sources of uncertainty | 改善措失 Improvement measures | 参考文献 References |
微根管的安装 Minirhizotron installation | 微根管材料 Material of minirhizotron tube | 一般选用聚碳酸酯管, 减小对根系的生长的影响 Polycarbonate tube is generally selected to reduce the I mpact on the growth of roots | Vannoordwijk et al., 1985; Brown & Pchurch, 1987; Withington et al., 2003 |
微根管的密封性 Sealability of minirhizotron tube | 顶端加盖密封, 防止光线透入影响根系生长 The top of tube was sealed to prevent root from light | Iversen et al., 2012; Rytter & Rytter, 2012 | |
安装角度 Installation angle | 一般选择偏离垂直方向30°或45°, 有角度的安装水平安装更易于研究根的垂直分布 The tubes are usually installed with an angle deviated from the vertical direction by 30° or 45°, with which the installation of tubes is convenient and the vertical distribution of the root is easier to be observed | Iversen et al., 2012; Johnson et al., 2001 | |
平衡期的确定 Determination for the duration of equilibrium | 几周、几月甚至一年以上不等; 尽量确保达到管土平衡 The duration of equilibrium may last several weeks, months, or even more than one year, depending on the soil and vegetation types. The purpose for such a duration is to ensure tubes equilibrate with surrounding soil | Weber & Day, 1996; Wells et al., 2002 | |
影像采集 Image capture | 图片数量和质量 Quantity and quality of images | 一般30-50张, 在预定时间可以完成的工作量范围内, 尽可能多的采集图片并确保图片采集清晰 Collecting enough images within the working period (usually 30-50 photos) and examining whether the pictures are in focus | Johnson et al., 2001; Shi et al., 2006 |
采集时间 Image capture time | 尽量保证在1-2天采集完成, 摄像头的光系统停留时间太长, 会改变土壤温度, 影响根系生长 Capturing the picture within 1 d to 2 d as soil temperature and root growth may be changed by long time lighting of camera | van Rees, 1998 | |
采集频率 Image capture frequency | 间隔约2周采集一次; 间隔时间太长会因观察不到细根周转而导致对根系动态的低估 Collect images every two weeks; the longer interval will underestimate root system dynamics due to miss the fine root turnover | Johnson et al., 2001 | |
数据处理 Data processing | 死活根的区分 Separation of the live and dead root | 一般将颜色为棕色或黑色根定义为死根; 如果在这次影像采集时可见, 下一次影像采集时看不到此根, 也将此根定义为死根 The dark-brown or black roots are usually regarded as dead roots. Also, the roots being seen in last time but disappeared this time are considered as dead roots | Espeleta & Donovan, 2002; Majdi & Ohrvik, 2004 ; West et al., 2004 |
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