植物生态学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9): 917-925.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2018.0087
GAO Si-Han,GE Yu-Xi,ZHOU Li-Yi,ZHU Bao-Lin,GE Xing-Yu,LI Kai(),NI Jian()
Kai LI,Jian NI
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植物形态性状叶面积简单易测, 能够反映植物对环境的适应与响应, 指示生态系统的功能与过程。在野外测定叶面积时, 叶片取样数量往往采用约定俗成的10-20片, 但到底采集多少叶片才是最优和最具代表性, 却少有探究。该研究以浙江金华山常绿落叶阔叶混交林的优势树种木荷(Schima superba)与枫香树(Liquidambar formosana)为研究对象, 通过对5个胸径等级植株和每个植株6个方位开展大批量叶片取样(>2 500个), 分析两个树种的叶面积变异特征, 探讨叶片取样数量为多少才能最代表该森林类型的叶片大小性状规律。结果表明, 常绿乔木木荷平均叶面积与变幅均小于落叶乔木枫香树。木荷叶面积与胸径无显著相关性, 而枫香树叶面积与胸径有较显著相关性, 但两个树种均在中胸径等级(15-20 cm)差异不显著; 两个树种的叶面积与采样方位无显著相关性, 但在东、西和底部的差异不显著。因此, 综合考虑代表性与野外可操作性, 叶片采集首选中胸径成树的底部叶片。随机抽样统计可知, 树木叶面积测定的最适叶片采集数量因物种而异, 木荷的最适叶片采集数量为40, 而枫香树最少为170片。因此, 在叶面积测定时, 叶片采集的数量应该不能只局限在10-20片, 在人力、物力和时间等条件允许的情况下, 应该尽可能多地测定较多叶片的叶面积。
高思涵, 葛珏希, 周李奕, 朱宝琳, 葛星宇, 李凯, 倪健. 测定森林树木叶面积的最适叶片数是多少?. 植物生态学报, 2018, 42(9): 917-925. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2018.0087
GAO Si-Han, GE Yu-Xi, ZHOU Li-Yi, ZHU Bao-Lin, GE Xing-Yu, LI Kai, NI Jian. What is the optimal number of leaves when measuring leaf area of tree species in a forest community?. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2018, 42(9): 917-925. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2018.0087
图1 两个树种叶面积与胸径的关系。A, B, 四分位图; C, D, 散点图; E, F, 置信区间图。Ss, Lf, 木荷与枫香树所有胸径等级样品的平均值。D2-D6, 胸径等级D2-D6。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01。
Fig. 1 Relationship between leaf area and diameter at breast height of two tree species. A, B, Quartile map; C, D, Scatter plot; E, F, Confidence interval. Ss, Lf, mean values of all samples in all classes of diameter at breast height for Schima superba and Liquidambar formosana, respectively. D2-D6, D2-D6 classes of diameter at breast height. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01.
图2 两个树种叶面积与采样方位的关系。A, B, 四分位图; C, D, 散点图; E, F, 置信区间图。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01。
Fig. 2 Relationship between leaf area and sampling direction of two tree species. A, B, Quartile map; C, D, Scatter plot; E, F, Confidence interval. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01.
图3 两个树种叶面积在胸径与采样方位的偏离。A, 木荷胸径。B, 木荷采样方位。C, 枫香树胸径。D, 枫香树采样方位。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01。竖线表示归零后的均值。
Fig. 3 Deviation of leaf area to diameter and sampling direction of two tree species. A, Diameter of Ss; B, Sampling direction of Ss; C, Diameter of Lf; D, Sampling direction of Lf. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01. The vertical line indicates the mean value returning to zero.
图4 两个树种成树与非成树叶面积在胸径上的偏离。A, 木荷。B, 枫香树。横线表示归零后的均值。
Fig. 4 Deviation of mature and non-mature leaf areas to diameter at breast height (DBH) of two tree species. A, Schima superba (Ss). B, Liquidambar formosana (Lf). The horizontal line indicates the mean value returning to zero.
图5 两个树种叶面积的随机抽样均值和95%置信区间及其差异性检验。A, C, 全部叶片样品。B, D, 中等胸径等级、底部叶片样品。叶面积图上的黑色线代表随机抽样均值, 红色线代表95%置信区间; 淡蓝色区块表示差异性检验显著区域, 亦即该区块最右侧的取样数量即为叶片最适取样数量。
Fig. 5 Mean of random sampling, 95% confidence interval and significant test of leaf areas of two tree species. A, C, All leaf samples. B, D, Leaf samples of medium diameter class and bottom sampling direction. The black line of the leaf area plot indicates the mean value of random sampling, and the red line indicates the 95% confidence interval; the light blue block is the area of significant difference, indicating that the sample size of the right position of the block is the optimal sampling number of leaves. Ss, Schima superba; Lf, Liquidambar formosana.
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