植物生态学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (8): 648-657.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0097

所属专题: 生态化学计量 凋落物

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  1. 中国科学院植物研究所植被与环境变化国家重点实验室, 北京 100093
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-27 修回日期:2019-07-10 出版日期:2019-08-20 发布日期:2020-01-03
  • 通讯作者: 贾丙瑞 ORCID:0000-0001-9662-0738
  • 基金资助:

Litter decomposition and its underlying mechanisms

JIA Bing-Rui()   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China
  • Received:2019-04-27 Revised:2019-07-10 Online:2019-08-20 Published:2020-01-03
  • Contact: JIA Bing-Rui ORCID:0000-0001-9662-0738
  • Supported by:
    National Key R&D Program of China(2017YFC0503906);China Special Fund for Meteorological Research in the Public Interest(气象科研专项经费项目GYHY201406034)


为系统了解中国凋落物分解及其影响机制的研究进展, 基于当前常用的4个学术期刊数据库(中国知网、ISI Web of Science、ScienceDirect和Springer Link), 检索1986-2018年的相关文献并进行计量分析。中国凋落物分解研究以森林生态系统为主(占65%), 且多集中于易于观测的地上凋落物部分, 未来应加强地下部根系凋落物分解研究。凋落物分解研究对象通常选取当地优势种或主要组成物种(约占68%), 考虑到混合效应的存在, 仅依据单一凋落物分解研究结果来反映自然界中混合凋落物的实际分解特征具有局限性。目前中国凋落物分解研究主要集中在碳、氮、磷3种元素上, 应更多关注影响分解的重要化学组分(如钾、铁、锰、木质素、单宁等)和环境污染相关重金属元素的迁移转化及调控机理。未来需将植物-凋落物-土壤作为一个整体, 结合生态化学计量学, 系统研究各元素的生物地球化学循环过程、机制及耦合关系。氮沉降和气候变化对凋落物分解的影响是当前研究热点, 特别是氮、磷等多因子交互作用对凋落物分解的影响, 以及气候变暖背景下凋落物分解的温度敏感性、冻土区凋落物分解驱动机制的研究。

关键词: 凋落物分解, 中国, 文献计量, 生态化学计量学


In order to understand the research progress of litter decomposition and its underlying mechanisms, this paper presented a bibliometric analysis of litter decomposition in China from 1986 to 2018 based on the four common literature databases, including CNKI, ISI Web of Science, ScienceDirect and Springer Link. Litter decomposition researches are mainly from forest ecosystems (65%), and focus on above-ground litter. This suggests that the studies on below-ground litter decomposition should be strengthened in the future. About 68% studies focused on the litters from dominant species, which couldn’t represent the natural decomposition characteristics due to the mixed effects among litters from multiple species. Besides carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, we should pay more attention to other key chemical components related with decomposition (e.g. K, Fe, Mn, lignin, tannin, etc.) and the heavy metal elements related with environmental pollution. Meanwhile, ecological stoichiometry is an effective method to interlink the biogeochemical cycle in the plant-litter-soil system. Nitrogen deposition and climate change are hot topics in the field of litter decomposition, especially the interactions of multiple factors (e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.), temperature sensitivity of litter decomposition and underlying mechanisms in permafrost under climate warming context.

Key words: litter decomposition, China, bibliometrics, ecological stoichiometry