植物生态学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 162-175.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0387
所属专题: 全球变化与生态系统
原媛1,2, 母艳梅1,2, 邓钰洁1, 李鑫豪1,2, 姜晓燕1,2, 高圣杰1,2, 查天山1,2,3, 贾昕1,2,3,*()
YUAN Yuan1,2, MU Yan-Mei1,2, DENG Yu-Jie1, LI Xin-Hao1,2, JIANG Xiao-Yan1,2, GAO Sheng-Jie1,2, ZHA Tian- Shan1,2,3, JIA Xin1,2,3,*()
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气候变化和人类活动是植被生产力年际尺度变化的重要驱动因素, 明晰二者对植被生产力的共同影响对于生态系统可持续管理至关重要。气候变化可能导致植被物候变化, 进而影响植被生产力。目前尚不清楚毛乌素沙地典型植被物候如何响应气候变化, 并因此影响生态系统总初级生产力(GPP)。此外, 植被恢复(覆盖度增加)和物候变化对GPP的共同影响有待明确。该研究选取典型黑沙蒿(Artemisia ordosica)灌丛生态系统, 结合MODIS遥感数据与涡度相关数据, 利用植被光合模型(VPM), 模拟并分析了2005-2018年间植被覆盖度和物候变化对GPP的影响。结果表明: (1) VPM模型能够较好地模拟涡度相关法观测的GPP动态(GPPFlux), 而MODIS遥感产品(MOD17A2H)则显著低估GPPFlux; (2)研究期内年均归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)、最大NDVI (NDVImax)和年总GPP均显著增加, 表明植被恢复促进了植被生产力增加; (3)基于NDVI和GPP日序列估算的生长季开始日期显著提前(2.1 d·a-1), 生长季结束日期显著推迟(1.5 d·a-1), 二者共同促使生长季长度延长(3.6 d·a-1); (4)物候期延长促进了GPP增加, 生长季长度每延长1天, 全年GPP显著增加6.44 g C·m-2·a-1; (5)植被覆盖度增加和生长季延长分别可以解释79%和57%的GPP增加; (6)尽管植被覆盖度和物候变化均促进GPP增加, 但前者是其增加的主要驱动因素。鉴于植被覆盖度增加和生长季延长也可能导致生态系统呼吸和蒸散发增加, 未来研究仍需探究生态系统碳汇能力、水分利用效率和水分承载力对气候变化和人类活动的响应。此外, 该研究主要探讨GPP在年际尺度的变化趋势及影响因素, 未来需要研究GPP的年际变异规律及驱动因素, 尤其是对降水年际变异和极端干旱事件的响应。
原媛, 母艳梅, 邓钰洁, 李鑫豪, 姜晓燕, 高圣杰, 查天山, 贾昕. 植被覆盖度和物候变化对典型黑沙蒿灌丛生态系统总初级生产力的影响. 植物生态学报, 2022, 46(2): 162-175. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0387
YUAN Yuan, MU Yan-Mei, DENG Yu-Jie, LI Xin-Hao, JIANG Xiao-Yan, GAO Sheng-Jie, ZHA Tian- Shan, JIA Xin. Effects of land cover and phenology changes on the gross primary productivity in an Artemisia ordosica shrubland. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2022, 46(2): 162-175. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0387
图1 宁夏盐池毛乌素沙地生态系统国家定位观测研究站典型黑沙蒿灌丛研究区概况。
Fig. 1 Overview of the Artemisia ordosica shrubland at the Yanchi ecology research station of Mau Us Desert study site in Ningxia.
图2 宁夏毛乌素沙地2016-2018年通量观测总初级生产力(GPP)(GPPFlux)与植被光合模型(VPM)预测GPP (GPPVPM)以及MOD17A2H产品GPP (GPPMODIS)的比较。每个数据点表示日平均值。2012-2015年通量观测GPP用于模型参数化, 2016-2018年通量观测GPP用于模型验证。
Fig. 2 Comparison of flux observation gross primary productivity (GPP)(GPPFlux) and vegetation photosynthesis model (VPM) prediction GPP (GPPVPM) and MOD17A2H product GPP (GPPMODIS) in Mau Us Desert in Ningxia from 2016 to 2018. Each data point represents the daily average value. The flux observation GPP in 2012-2015 was used for model parameterization, and the flux observation GPP in 2016-2018 was used for model validation.
图3 宁夏毛乌素沙地2005-2018年归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)和总初级生产力(GPP)时间动态(A)以及年均NDVI、植被光合模型(VPM)模拟年度GPP (GPPVPM)、通量塔观测年度GPP (GPPFlux)的线性趋势(B)。
Fig. 3 Temporal dynamics of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and gross primary productivity (GPP) in Mau Us Desert in Ningxia from 2005 to 2018 (A), as well as annual mean NDVI, vegetation photosynthesis model (VPM) simulated annual GPP (GPPVPM), and flux tower observed annual GPP (GPPFlux) linear trend (B).
图4 宁夏毛乌素沙地2005-2018年植被光合模型(VPM)模拟年度总初级生产力(GPP)与年均归一化差异植被指数(NDVImean)(A)、年最大NDVI (NDVImax)(B)以及植被光合模型(VPM)模拟GPPmax (C)之间的关系。
Fig. 4 Relationship between vegetation photosynthesis model (VPM) simulated annual gross primary productivity (GPP) and annual mean normalized differences vegetation index (NDVImean)(A), annual max NDVI (NDVImax)(B) and vegetation photosynthesis model (VPM) simulated GPPmax (C) in the Mau Us Desert in Ningxia from 2005-2018.
图5 宁夏毛乌素沙地2005-2018年总初级生产力(GPP)和归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)描绘的物候期、温度和降水量的年际变化分析。虚线是生长季开始日期(SOS)、生长季结束日期(EOS)、生长季长度(LOS)、温度和降水量的线性趋势。
Fig. 5 Interannual variation in the start date of the growing season (SOS), the end data of the growing season (EOS), the length of growing season (LOS) and average annual temperature, annual precipitation during 2005-2018 in the Mau Us Desert in Ningxia. SOS, EOS and LOS were delineated by normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and simulated gross primary productivity (GPP). Dashed lines are the 14-year linear trend of SOS, EOS, LOS, temperature and precipitation.
图6 宁夏毛乌素沙地2005-2018年植被光合模型(VPM)模拟年度总初级生产力(GPP)与生长季开始日期(SOS)(A、D), 生长季结束日期(EOS)(B、E), 以及生长季长度(LOS)(C、F)的关系。
Fig. 6 Relationship between annual gross primary productivity (GPP) and the start of the growing season (SOS)(A, D), the end of the growing season (EOS)(B, E), and the length of the growing season (LOS)(C, F) in Mau Us Desert in Ningxia from 2015 to 2018.
变量 Variable | 标准回归系数 Standardized regression coefficients | 回归方程 Equations | R2 | p |
GPPmax, LOSGPP | 0.85, 0.01 | GPP = -170.92 + 103.95GPPmax + 0.70LOSGPP | 0.85 | <0.01 |
GPPmax, LOSNDVI | 0.75, 0.22 | GPP = -373.42 + 91.51GPPmax + 2.01LOSNDVI | 0.86 | <0.01 |
NDVImax, LOSGPP | 0.81, 0.10 | GPP = -385.59 + 1766.93NDVImax + 0.24LOSGPP | 0.76 | <0.01 |
NDVImax, LOSNDVI | 0.87, 0.03 | GPP = -467.32 + 1642.28NDVImax + 0.96LOSNDVI | 0.77 | <0.01 |
表1 标准回归系数年度最大总初级生产力(GPPmax)和年度最大归一化差异植被指数(NDVImax)以及关于总初级生产力(GPP, g C·m-2·a-1)的多元线性回归方程
Table 1 Standardized regression coefficients for annual max gross primary productivity (GPPmax), annual max normalized differences vegetation index (NDVImax), and the multiple linear regression equations of gross primary productivity (GPP)(g C·m-2·a-1)
变量 Variable | 标准回归系数 Standardized regression coefficients | 回归方程 Equations | R2 | p |
GPPmax, LOSGPP | 0.85, 0.01 | GPP = -170.92 + 103.95GPPmax + 0.70LOSGPP | 0.85 | <0.01 |
GPPmax, LOSNDVI | 0.75, 0.22 | GPP = -373.42 + 91.51GPPmax + 2.01LOSNDVI | 0.86 | <0.01 |
NDVImax, LOSGPP | 0.81, 0.10 | GPP = -385.59 + 1766.93NDVImax + 0.24LOSGPP | 0.76 | <0.01 |
NDVImax, LOSNDVI | 0.87, 0.03 | GPP = -467.32 + 1642.28NDVImax + 0.96LOSNDVI | 0.77 | <0.01 |
图7 宁夏毛乌素沙地2005-2018年年度总初级生产力(GPP)与GPP描绘的生长季长度(LOS)与年度最大GPP的乘积(LOSGPP·GPPmax), 归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)描绘的LOS与年度最大GPP的乘积(LOSNDVI·GPPmax), GPP描绘的LOS与年度最大NDVI的乘积(LOSGPP·NDVImax)以及NDVI描绘的LOS与年度最大NDVI的乘积(LOSNDVI·NDVImax)的关系。
Fig. 7 Relationship between annual gross primary productivity (GPP) and multiplication of the length of growing season (LOS) and GPP (LOSGPP·GPPmax), (LOSNDVI·GPPmax), multiplication of LOS and normalized differences vegetation index (NDVI) (LOSGPP·NDVImax), (LOSNDVI·NDVImax) in the Mau Us Desert in Ningxia from 2005 to 2018.
研究区域 Study area | 生长季开始日期 (年序日) Start of the growing season (day of the year) | 生长季结束日期 (年序日) End of the growing season (day of the year) | 生长季长度 Length of the growing season (d) | 研究时段 Study period | 数据来源 Data resources | 分辨率 Spatial resolution (km) | 文献来源 Source of literature |
宁夏毛乌素沙地 Mau Us Desert in Ningxia | 109-142 | 278-305 | 136-194 | 2005-2018 | MODIS: NDVI | 0.5 | 本研究 This study |
111-144 | 267-310 | 129-199 | 2005-2008 | GPPVPM | 0.5 | 本研究 This study | |
90-156 | 245-323 | 125-200 | 2001-2013 | MODIS: NDVI | 0.25 | Wang et al. | |
80-160 | 270-325 | 135-243 | 1982-2015 | AVHRR LTDR-V4: NDVI | 5 | Zhu et al. | |
陕甘宁交界 Shaanxi-Gansu- Ningxia junction | 80-160 | 290-330 | 130-250 | 1999-2010 | SPOT-VGT: NDVI | 1 | Wei et al. |
宁夏毛乌素沙地 Mau Us Desert in Ningxia | 109-124 | 281-305 | 157-193 | 2012-2018 | 通量塔 Flux Tower: GPP | 0.22 | 本研究 This study |
表2 本研究物候结果与其他研究结果的比较
Table 2 Comparision of phenology result in this study and previous studies
研究区域 Study area | 生长季开始日期 (年序日) Start of the growing season (day of the year) | 生长季结束日期 (年序日) End of the growing season (day of the year) | 生长季长度 Length of the growing season (d) | 研究时段 Study period | 数据来源 Data resources | 分辨率 Spatial resolution (km) | 文献来源 Source of literature |
宁夏毛乌素沙地 Mau Us Desert in Ningxia | 109-142 | 278-305 | 136-194 | 2005-2018 | MODIS: NDVI | 0.5 | 本研究 This study |
111-144 | 267-310 | 129-199 | 2005-2008 | GPPVPM | 0.5 | 本研究 This study | |
90-156 | 245-323 | 125-200 | 2001-2013 | MODIS: NDVI | 0.25 | Wang et al. | |
80-160 | 270-325 | 135-243 | 1982-2015 | AVHRR LTDR-V4: NDVI | 5 | Zhu et al. | |
陕甘宁交界 Shaanxi-Gansu- Ningxia junction | 80-160 | 290-330 | 130-250 | 1999-2010 | SPOT-VGT: NDVI | 1 | Wei et al. |
宁夏毛乌素沙地 Mau Us Desert in Ningxia | 109-124 | 281-305 | 157-193 | 2012-2018 | 通量塔 Flux Tower: GPP | 0.22 | 本研究 This study |
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