植物生态学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (9): 1157-1171.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0354 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0354
王音1, 同小娟1,*(), 张劲松2,3, 李俊4, 孟平2,3, 刘沛荣1, 张静茹1
WANG Yin1, TONG Xiao-Juan1,*(), ZHANG Jin-Song2,3, LI Jun4, MENG Ping2,3, LIU Pei-Rong1, ZHANG Jing-Ru1
TONG Xiao-Juan (Supported by:
水分利用效率(WUE)是深入理解生态系统碳水循环以及耦合机制的重要指标。固有水分利用效率(IWUE)相较于WUE更适于分析日尺度上的生态系统碳水耦合机制。该研究利用涡度相关技术和微气象观测系统, 对栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)人工林生态系统的碳水通量及环境要素开展定位观测, 分析了2021-2022年生物物理因子对该生态系统总初级生产力(GPP)、蒸散(ET)和IWUE的影响, 明确了碳水通量及其耦合对干旱的响应机制。结果表明: GPP、ET和IWUE呈明显季节性变化。丰水年份GPP比正常年份高7.9%, ET比正常年份高21.0%, IWUE比正常年份低21.4%。空气水汽压亏缺(VPD)是影响正常年份GPP的主要因子, 净辐射(Rn)是限制丰水年份GPP的主要因子。不论是正常年份还是丰水年份, Rn均为ET的主要调控因子。相对土壤含水量(REW)是调控正常年份IWUE的主要因子, 叶面积指数(LAI)是影响丰水年份IWUE的主要因子。环境因子通过调控冠层导度(gc)来调节碳水通量, 进而影响IWUE。土壤干旱的发生会显著提高IWUE。GPP和ET对REW的响应滞后1个月, IWUE对REW的响应无时滞现象。
王音, 同小娟, 张劲松, 李俊, 孟平, 刘沛荣, 张静茹. 干旱对栓皮栎人工林碳水通量及其耦合的影响. 植物生态学报, 2024, 48(9): 1157-1171. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0354
WANG Yin, TONG Xiao-Juan, ZHANG Jin-Song, LI Jun, MENG Ping, LIU Pei-Rong, ZHANG Jing-Ru. Impact of drought on carbon and water fluxes and their coupling in a Quercus variabilis plantation. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2024, 48(9): 1157-1171. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0354
图1 栓皮栎人工林生物物理因子的季节动态特征。ET0, 潜在蒸散; gc, 冠层导度; LAI, 叶面积指数; P, 降水量; REW, 相对土壤含水量; Rn, 净辐射; Ta, 空气温度; VPD, 空气水汽压亏缺。ET0、gc、LAI、REW、Rn、Ta和VPD均为日均值, P为日总量, Pcum为累积量。阴影部分为生长季。F图中左上角子图为2006-2022年降水量标准化值, 其中红线代表一倍标准差。
Fig. 1 Seasonal dynamics of biophysical factors in the Quercus variabilis plantation. ET0, potential evapotranspiration; gc, canopy conductance; LAI, leaf area index; P, precipitation; REW, relative extractable soil water; Rn, net radiation; Ta, air temperature; VPD, vapor pressure deficit. ET0, gc, LAI, REW, Rn, Ta and VPD are daily averages. P is the daily sum, and Pcum is the cumulative amount. The shaded area indicates the growing season. The subgraph on the upper left corner of F (precipitation) is the normalized value of precipitation from 2006 to 2022, and the red line represents one standard deviation.
图2 栓皮栎人工林总初级生产力(GPP)、蒸散(ET)和固有水分利用效率(IWUE)的季节动态。阴影部分表示生长季。
Fig. 2 Seasonal dynamics of gross primary production (GPP), evapotranspiration (ET), and inherent water use efficiency (IWUE) in the Quercus variabilis plantation. The shaded area represents the growing season.
图3 栓皮栎人工林生长季不同相对土壤含水量(REW)下总初级生产力(GPP)与生物物理因子的关系。gc, 冠层导度; LAI, 叶面积指数; REW, 相对土壤含水量; Rn, 净辐射; Ta, 空气温度; VPD, 空气水汽压亏缺。
Fig. 3 Relationships between gross primary production (GPP) and biophysical factors under different relative extractable soil water (REW) in the growing season of Quercus variabilis plantation. gc, canopy conductance; LAI, leaf area index; REW, relative extractable soil water; Rn, net radiation; Ta, air temperature; VPD, vapor pressure deficit.
图4 栓皮栎人工林生长季不同相对土壤含水量(REW)下蒸散(ET)与生物物理因子的关系。LAI, 叶面积指数; REW, 相对土壤含水量; Rn, 净辐射; VPD, 空气水汽压亏缺。
Fig. 4 Relationships between evapotranspiration (ET) and biophysical factors under different relative extractable soil water (REW) in the growing season of Quercus variabilis plantation. LAI, leaf area index; REW, relative extractable soil water; Rn, net radiation; VPD, vapor pressure deficit.
图5 栓皮栎人工林生长季不同相对土壤含水量(REW)下固有水分利用效率(IWUE)与生物物理因子的关系。gc, 冠层导度; LAI, 叶面积指数; REW, 相对土壤含水量; Rn, 净辐射; Ta, 空气温度。
Fig. 5 Relationships between inherent water use efficiency (IWUE) and biophysical factors under different relative extractable soil water (REW) in the growing season of Quercus variabilis plantation. gc, canopy conductance; LAI, leaf area index; REW, relative extractable soil water; Rn, net radiation; Ta, air temperature.
图6 栓皮栎人工林丰水年份(2021)和正常年份(2022)生长季生物物理因子对总初级生产力(GPP)、蒸散(ET)和固有水分利用效率(IWUE)的影响路径。绿色和红色分别代表正、负相关关系, 路径上的数字为标准化的路径系数(-1 ≤ ρ ≤ 1), 箭头表示因果关系方向, 粗细与路径系数大小成正比。gc, 冠层导度; LAI, 叶面积指数; REW, 相对土壤含水量; Rn, 净辐射; Ta, 空气温度; VPD, 空气水汽压亏缺。CFI, 比较拟合指数; RMSEA, 标准化近似误差均方根。
Fig. 6 Pathways of the effects of biophysical factors on gross primary production (GPP), evapotranspiration (ET), and inherent water use efficiency (IWUE) in the growing season of Quercus variabilis plantation in the wet year (2021) and the normal year (2022). Green and red colors denote positive and negative correlations, respectively, with numbers along the pathways representing standardized path coefficients (-1 ≤ ρ ≤ 1). Arrows indicate the direction of causality, and their thicknesses are proportionate to the path coefficients. gc, canopy conductance; LAI, leaf area index; REW, relative extractable soil water; Rn, net radiation; Ta, air temperature; VPD, vapor pressure deficit. CFI, comparative fit index; RMSEA, standardized rooted mean square error of approximation.
图7 栓皮栎人工林总初级生产力(GPP)、蒸散(ET)和固有水分利用效率(IWUE)与滞后不同时间温度(Ta)、降水(P)和相对土壤含水量(REW)的相关系数。
Fig. 7 Correlation coefficients of gross primary production (GPP), evapotranspiration (ET) and inherent water use efficiency (IWUE) with air temperature (Ta), precipitation (P) and relative extractable soil water (REW) under different time lags in the Quercus variabilis plantation.
图8 栓皮栎人工林生长季不同相对土壤含水量(REW)下总初级生产力(GPP)、蒸散(ET)、潜在蒸散(ET0)和固有水分利用效率(IWUE)的差异。误差棒表示标准差, 线条下方或上方的百分比和星号(*)代表数学和统计学差异(*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001), 柱中的百分比表示变异系数。
Fig. 8 Differences in gross primary production (GPP), evapotranspiration (ET), potential evapotranspiration (ET0) and inherent water use efficiency (IWUE) between different relative extractable soil water (REW) during the growing season of Quercus variabilis plantation. Error bars represent standard deviation. Percentages and asterisks (*) above or below bars represent mathematical and statistical differences (*, ** and *** represent p < 0.05, p < 0.01 and p < 0.001). Percentages within bars represent coefficients of variation.
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