植物生态学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (7): 746-752.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0071
王彪1,2, 江源1,2,3,*(), 王明昌1,2, 董满宇1,2, 章异平1,2
WANG Biao1,2, JIANG Yuan1,2,3(), WANG Ming-Chang1,2, DONG Man-Yu1,2, ZHANG Yi-Ping1,2
About author:
# Co-first authors
高山林线对环境变化具有高度的敏感性, 但林线形成机制仍然没有明确的结论。为了检验高山林线形成是由碳限制还是生长限制决定, 并探讨林线树种适应高山环境的生理生态机制, 选择山西省吕梁山脉北端芦芽山, 沿3个海拔梯度测定了林线树种白杄(Picea meyeri)各组织非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)及其组分含量。结果表明: 白杄总体及各组织NSC含量均随海拔升高而增加, 林线树木不存在碳限制; 白杄NSC源、汇均随海拔升高而增加, 源-汇比在3个海拔之间没有差异, 表明源-汇平衡关系对海拔的适应性, 林线树木碳源活动没有受到限制; 各组织中可溶性糖与淀粉的比值随海拔升高呈增大趋势, 说明树木生长的环境越寒冷, 树木组织中表现出越明显的保护策略, 也可能暗示林线区域的树木更多地受到生长限制。研究结果在一定程度上支持“生长限制”假说。
王彪, 江源, 王明昌, 董满宇, 章异平. 芦芽山不同海拔白杄非结构性碳水化合物含量动态. 植物生态学报, 2015, 39(7): 746-752. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0071
WANG Biao,JIANG Yuan,WANG Ming-Chang,DONG Man-Yu,ZHANG Yi-Ping. Variations of non-structural carbohydrate concentration of Picea meyeri at different elevations of Luya Mountain, China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015, 39(7): 746-752. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0071
海拔 Elevation (m) | NSC总体含量 Overall NSC (%) | NSC源 NSC in source (%) | NSC汇 NSC in sink (%) | 源-汇比 SSR-NSC |
2 040 | 12.09b | 19.49b | 9.62b | 2.0a |
2 400 | 12.62b | 19.48b | 10.33a | 1.9a |
2 740 | 14.56a | 23.12a | 11.71a | 2.0a |
表1 不同海拔白杄总体非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)含量、NSC源和汇含量及其比值
Table 1 Non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) across tissues, NSC in source (needles) and sink (carbon storage organs-fine roots and stem sapwood), and source-sink ratio of NSC (SSR-NSC = source NSC/sink NSC) in Picea meyeri growing at different elevations
海拔 Elevation (m) | NSC总体含量 Overall NSC (%) | NSC源 NSC in source (%) | NSC汇 NSC in sink (%) | 源-汇比 SSR-NSC |
2 040 | 12.09b | 19.49b | 9.62b | 2.0a |
2 400 | 12.62b | 19.48b | 10.33a | 1.9a |
2 740 | 14.56a | 23.12a | 11.71a | 2.0a |
海拔 Elevation (m) | 可溶性糖 Soluble sugar (%) | 淀粉 Starch (%) | 可溶性糖/淀粉 Sugar/ Starch ratio |
2 040 | 8.57b | 3.53b | 2.4a |
2 400 | 8.59b | 4.03a | 2.1a |
2 740 | 10.32a | 4.24a | 2.4a |
表2 不同海拔白杄总体可溶性糖、淀粉含量及其比值
Table 2 Concentrations of soluble sugar, starch and ratios of total soluble sugars to starch in Picea meyeri growing at different elevations
海拔 Elevation (m) | 可溶性糖 Soluble sugar (%) | 淀粉 Starch (%) | 可溶性糖/淀粉 Sugar/ Starch ratio |
2 040 | 8.57b | 3.53b | 2.4a |
2 400 | 8.59b | 4.03a | 2.1a |
2 740 | 10.32a | 4.24a | 2.4a |
图1 不同海拔白杄各组织非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)含量(可溶性糖含量与淀粉含量之和)(平均值±标准偏差, n = 5)。不同大写字母(表示NSC)和小写字母(上部字母代表淀粉, 下部字母代表可溶性糖)表示同一组织不同海拔间NSC差异显著(p < 0.05, Duncan test)。
Fig. 1 Non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) concentrations in tissues of Picea meyeri growing at different elevations (mean ± SD, n = 5). Capital (for NSC ) and small letters (uppercase letters for sugars, and lowercase letters for starch) indicate significant differences (p < 0.05, Duncan test) among different altitudes.
海拔 Elevation (m) | 叶 Leaf | 细根 Fine root | 粗根 Coarse root | 茎干 Stem |
2 040 | 12.56b | 1.33a | 0.85a | 1.27b |
2 400 | 11.12b | 1.40a | 0.78a | 0.64c |
2 740 | 16.50a | 1.27a | 0.87a | 1.64a |
表3 不同海拔白杄各组织可溶性糖含量与淀粉含量比值
Table 3 The ratio of soluble sugar concentration and starch concentration in tissues of Picea meyeri at different elevations
海拔 Elevation (m) | 叶 Leaf | 细根 Fine root | 粗根 Coarse root | 茎干 Stem |
2 040 | 12.56b | 1.33a | 0.85a | 1.27b |
2 400 | 11.12b | 1.40a | 0.78a | 0.64c |
2 740 | 16.50a | 1.27a | 0.87a | 1.64a |
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