植物生态学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (2): 187-196.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0257
所属专题: 植物功能性状
杨克彤1, 常海龙1, 陈国鹏1,*(), 俞筱押2, 鲜骏仁3
ORCID: *陈国鹏: 0000-0002-3854-8755(chgp1986@gmail.com)
YANG Ke-Tong1, CHANG Hai-Long1, CHEN Guo-Peng1,*(), YU Xiao-Ya2, XIAN Jun-Ren3
CHEN Guo-Peng
Supported by:
气孔是植物叶片与外界环境进行水汽交换的门户, 利用气孔特征反映植物对环境变化的响应与适应有助于了解干旱区绿化植物的适应策略。于2019年7月通过气孔印迹法对兰州市40种主要绿化植物气孔性状进行观察与测定。采用标准化主轴估计和系统独立比较分析建立气孔性状间的相关关系; 通过计算Blomgerg’sK值以检验系统发育信号; 利用聚类分析和主成分分析对气孔性状特征进行功能群划分。结果表明: (1)在所研究的植物中, 气孔性状特征在个体间差异显著, 植物生长型(乔木、小乔木、灌木和草本)会显著影响气孔长度、宽度、开度和密度, 叶习性(落叶和常绿)仅对气孔开度有显著影响; (2)气孔长度与宽度、气孔开度与面积间均为显著的异速生长关系, 气孔密度与面积和开度间为负异速生长关系; (3)系统发育会对气孔性状的相关关系产生显著影响, 虽然气孔性状的系统发育保守性不强(K < 1), 但气孔开度和气孔开张比具有显著的系统发育信号; 4)依据气孔性状特征可以将绿化植物划分为: 低密度-大面积、高密度-小面积和中等密度-适中面积共3种功能群。结合系统发育和异速生长理论能更好地解释气孔性状变异及适应策略。
杨克彤, 常海龙, 陈国鹏, 俞筱押, 鲜骏仁. 兰州市主要绿化植物气孔性状特征. 植物生态学报, 2021, 45(2): 187-196. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0257
YANG Ke-Tong, CHANG Hai-Long, CHEN Guo-Peng, YU Xiao-Ya, XIAN Jun-Ren. Stomatal traits of main greening plant species in Lanzhou. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2021, 45(2): 187-196. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0257
图1 兰州市主要绿化植物的气孔性状。 Ace. tru., 元宝枫; Aco. cal., 菖蒲; Ail. alt., 臭椿; Amy. per., 碧桃; Ber. thu., 日本小檗; Bux. sin., 小叶黄杨; Car. cat., 山核桃; Cer. chi., 紫荆; Cer. ser., 日本晚樱; Cra. pin., 山楂; Euc. ulm., 杜仲; Euo. jap., 冬青卫矛; Euo. maa., 白杜; For. sus., 连翘; For. vir., 金钟花; Fra. chi., 白蜡树; Gin. bil., 银杏; Hem. Ful., 萱草; Hib. syr., 木槿; Hos. pla., 玉簪; Hyl. spe., 长药八宝; Iri. tec., 鸢尾; Koe. pan., 栾树; Lig. luc., 女贞; Lig. ova., 卵叶女贞; Phe. aiz., 费菜; Pla. gra., 桔梗; Pru. cer., 樱桃李; Pun. gra., 石榴; Pyr. xer., 木梨; Rob. pse., 刺槐; Ros. luc., 亮叶月季; Sal. mat., 旱柳; Sam. wil., 接骨木; Sop. jap., 龙爪槐; Syr. obl., 紫丁香; Syr. vil., 辽东丁香; Ulm. pum., 榆树; Vit. vin., 葡萄; Yul. den., 玉兰。
Fig. 1 Stomatal traits of main greening plant species in Lanzhou. Ace. tru., Acer truncatum; Aco. cal., Acorus calamus; Ail. alt., Ailanthus altissima; Amy. per., Amygdalus persica f. duplex; Ber. thu., Berberis thunbergii; Bux. sin., Buxus sinica var. parvifolia; Car. cat., Carya cathayensis; Cer. chi., Cercis chinensis; Cer. ser., Cerasus serrulata var. lannesiana; Cra. pin., Crataegus pinnatifida; Euc. ulm., Eucommia ulmoides; Euo. jap., Euonymus japonicus; Euo. maa., Euonymus maackii; For. sus., Forsythia suspensa; For. vir., Forsythia viridissima; Fra. chi., Fraxinus chinensis; Gin. bil., Ginkgo biloba; Hem. ful., Hemerocallis fulva; Hib. syr., Hibiscus syriacus; Hos. pla., Hosta plantaginea; Hyl. spe., Hylotelephium spectabile; Iri. tec., Iris tectorum; Koe. pan., Koelreuteria paniculata; Lig. luc., Ligustrum lucidum; Lig. ova., Ligustrum ovalifolium; Phe. aiz., Phedimus aizoon; Pla. gra., Platycodon grandiflorus; Pru. cer., Prunus cerasifera; Pun. gra., Punica granatum; Pyr. xer., Pyrus xerophila; Rob. pse., Robinia pseudoacacia; Ros. luc., Rosa lucidissima; Sal. mat., Salix matsudana; Sam. wil., Sambucus williamsii; Sop. jap., Sophora japonica var. Japonica f. pendula; Syr. obl., Syringa oblata; Syr. vil., Syringa villosa subsp. wolfii; Ulm. pum., Ulmus pumila; Vit. Vin., Vitis vinifera; Yul. den., Yulania denudata.
图2 兰州市主要绿化植物生长型及叶习性对气孔性状的影响(平均值±标准误)。Dec, 落叶植物; Eve, 常绿植物; Her, 草本; Sem, 小乔木; Shr, 灌木; Tre, 乔木。SA, 气孔面积; SD, 气孔密度; SL, 气孔长度; SOL, 气孔开度; SOR, 气孔开张比; SW, 气孔宽度。不同小写字母代表差异显著(p < 0.05)。
Fig. 2 Effects of growth forms and leaf habitus on stomatal traits of main greening plant species in Lanzhou (mean ± SE). Dec, deciduous; Eve, evergreen; Her, herb; Sem, semi-tree; Shr, shrub; Tre, tree. SA, stomatal area; SD, stomatal density; SL, stomatal length; SOL, stomatal opening level; SOR, stomatal opening ratio; SW, stomatal width. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among growth forms and leaf habitus (p < 0.05).
图3 兰州市主要绿化植物气孔性状间的异速生长关系。SA, 气孔面积; SD, 气孔密度; SL, 气孔长度; SOL, 气孔开度; SW, 气孔宽度。
Fig. 3 Allometric relations of stomatal traits of main greening plant species in Lanzhou. SA, stomatal area; SD, stomatal density; SL, stomatal length; SOL, stomatal opening level; SW, stomatal width.
性状 Trait | K | p |
SL | 0.298 | 0.110 |
SW | 0.291 | 0.140 |
SOL | 0.334 | 0.023 |
SA | 0.269 | 0.379 |
SOR | 0.688 | 0.006 |
SD | 0.281 | 0.185 |
表1 兰州市主要绿化植物气孔性状的系统发育信号
Table 1 Phylogenetic signals of stomatal traits across main greening plant species in Lanzhou
性状 Trait | K | p |
SL | 0.298 | 0.110 |
SW | 0.291 | 0.140 |
SOL | 0.334 | 0.023 |
SA | 0.269 | 0.379 |
SOR | 0.688 | 0.006 |
SD | 0.281 | 0.185 |
图4 兰州市主要绿化植物基于气孔性状特征的物种功能群划分。SA, 气孔面积; SD, 气孔密度; SL, 气孔长度; SOL, 气孔开度; SOR, 气孔开张比; SW, 气孔宽度。物种缩写同图1。
Fig. 4 Classification of plant functional groups based on stomatal traits of main greening plant species in Lanzhou. SA, stomatal area; SD, stomatal density; SL, stomatal length; SOL, stomatal opening level; SOR, stomatal opening ratio; SW, stomatal width. See Fig. 1 for species abbreviation.
性状 Trait | 主成分1 Coefficients of PC 1 | 主成分2 Coefficients of PC 2 |
SL | 0.512 63 | -0.044 93 |
SW | 0.501 39 | -0.010 85 |
SOL | 0.338 33 | 0.141 74 |
SA | 0.497 11 | 0.024 11 |
SOR | 0.184 12 | 0.792 84 |
SD | -0.300 55 | 0.590 43 |
表2 兰州市主要绿化植物气孔性状与主成分的相关性
Table 2 Correlations between stomatal traits of main greening plant species in Lanzhou and principal components
性状 Trait | 主成分1 Coefficients of PC 1 | 主成分2 Coefficients of PC 2 |
SL | 0.512 63 | -0.044 93 |
SW | 0.501 39 | -0.010 85 |
SOL | 0.338 33 | 0.141 74 |
SA | 0.497 11 | 0.024 11 |
SOR | 0.184 12 | 0.792 84 |
SD | -0.300 55 | 0.590 43 |
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