Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2013, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (9): 851-860.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2013.00089
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
XIA Jiang-Bao1, ZHANG Shu-Yong2,*(), ZHAO Zi-Guo1, ZHAO Yan-Yun1, Gao Yuan1, GU Guang-Yi1, SUN Jing-Kuan1
ZHANG Shu-Yong
About author:
*E-mail: Jiang-Bao, ZHANG Shu-Yong, ZHAO Zi-Guo, ZHAO Yan-Yun, Gao Yuan, GU Guang-Yi, SUN Jing-Kuan. Critical effect of photosynthetic efficiency in Salix matsudana to soil moisture and its thres- hold grade in shell ridge island[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2013, 37(9): 851-860.
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土壤相对 含水量 Wr(%) | 表观量子效率 AQY | 光抑制项 β (10-4× m-2·s-1· pigment molecules-1) | 光饱和项 γ (10-4×m-2·s-1· pigment molecules-1) | 光补偿点 LCP (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 光饱和点 LSP (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 最大净光合速率 Pnmax (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 暗呼吸速率 Rd (μmol·m-2·s-1) |
93.2 | 0.030c | 2.70c | 5.14a | 38.9e | 1 367b | 14.06ef | 1.13cd |
88.0 | 0.037d | 2.43c | 7.77ab | 36.6e | 1 348b | 15.62f | 0.70b |
80.9 | 0.049e | 0.98a | 20.95d | 31.8d | 1 775d | 13.47e | 1.64e |
77.1 | 0.046e | 1.79b | 15.18c | 19.2b | 1 370b | 13.48e | 1.93f |
69.1 | 0.050e | 0.99a | 26.41e | 18.6ab | 1 614c | 11.56d | 1.30d |
61.2 | 0.023b | 1.81b | 8.67b | 16.4a | 1 619c | 10.06d | 1.03c |
46.8 | 0.017a | 2.86c | 4.32a | 18.8ab | 1 354b | 8.79c | 0.32a |
34.2 | 0.020ab | 2.97c | 16.52c | 25.6c | 946a | 4.76b | 0.79b |
23.4 | 0.021ab | 1.58b | 48.00f | 36.5e | 958a | 2.44a | 0.66b |
Table 1 Light response parameters of net photosynthetic rate in leaves of Salix matsudana under different soil water content conditions
土壤相对 含水量 Wr(%) | 表观量子效率 AQY | 光抑制项 β (10-4× m-2·s-1· pigment molecules-1) | 光饱和项 γ (10-4×m-2·s-1· pigment molecules-1) | 光补偿点 LCP (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 光饱和点 LSP (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 最大净光合速率 Pnmax (μmol·m-2·s-1) | 暗呼吸速率 Rd (μmol·m-2·s-1) |
93.2 | 0.030c | 2.70c | 5.14a | 38.9e | 1 367b | 14.06ef | 1.13cd |
88.0 | 0.037d | 2.43c | 7.77ab | 36.6e | 1 348b | 15.62f | 0.70b |
80.9 | 0.049e | 0.98a | 20.95d | 31.8d | 1 775d | 13.47e | 1.64e |
77.1 | 0.046e | 1.79b | 15.18c | 19.2b | 1 370b | 13.48e | 1.93f |
69.1 | 0.050e | 0.99a | 26.41e | 18.6ab | 1 614c | 11.56d | 1.30d |
61.2 | 0.023b | 1.81b | 8.67b | 16.4a | 1 619c | 10.06d | 1.03c |
46.8 | 0.017a | 2.86c | 4.32a | 18.8ab | 1 354b | 8.79c | 0.32a |
34.2 | 0.020ab | 2.97c | 16.52c | 25.6c | 946a | 4.76b | 0.79b |
23.4 | 0.021ab | 1.58b | 48.00f | 36.5e | 958a | 2.44a | 0.66b |
Fig. 1 Fitting response curves of net photosynthetic rate (Pn) in leaves of Salix matsudana to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) under different relative water content conditions.
Fig. 2 Water response curves of net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate(Tr) (A); water use efficiency (WUE), intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) (B); stomatal conductance (Gs) (C); intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and stomatal limitation value (Ls) (D) in leaves of Salix matsudana. Wr, relative soil water content.
土壤水分临界指标 Critical index of soil water1) | 土壤相对含水量临界点 Critical point of relative soil water content (Wr) | 土壤水分有效性分级 Grading of soil water availability2) | 土壤相对含水量阈值范围 Threshold grade of relative soil water content (Wr) |
净光合速率(Pn)水分补偿点 WCP Pn | 14.4% | 无产无效水 NPNEW | <14.4% |
Pn水分气孔限制转折点 TP Pn | 42.9% | 低产低效水 LPLEW | 14.4%-48.1%; >93.2% |
Pn水分饱和点 WS Pn | 73.1% | 中产低效水 MPLEW | 48.1%-50.4% |
水分利用效率(WUE)水分高效点 WSP WUE | 80.1% | 中产中效水 MPMEW | 50.4%-73.2% 80.1%-93.2% |
Pn均值点 MVP Pn | 48.1%, 98.1% | ||
WUE均值点 MVP WUE | 50.4%, 93.2% | 高产高效水 HPHEW | 73.1%-80.1% |
Table 2 Critical water point of photosynthetic efficiency and its threshold grade in leaves of Salix matsudana
土壤水分临界指标 Critical index of soil water1) | 土壤相对含水量临界点 Critical point of relative soil water content (Wr) | 土壤水分有效性分级 Grading of soil water availability2) | 土壤相对含水量阈值范围 Threshold grade of relative soil water content (Wr) |
净光合速率(Pn)水分补偿点 WCP Pn | 14.4% | 无产无效水 NPNEW | <14.4% |
Pn水分气孔限制转折点 TP Pn | 42.9% | 低产低效水 LPLEW | 14.4%-48.1%; >93.2% |
Pn水分饱和点 WS Pn | 73.1% | 中产低效水 MPLEW | 48.1%-50.4% |
水分利用效率(WUE)水分高效点 WSP WUE | 80.1% | 中产中效水 MPMEW | 50.4%-73.2% 80.1%-93.2% |
Pn均值点 MVP Pn | 48.1%, 98.1% | ||
WUE均值点 MVP WUE | 50.4%, 93.2% | 高产高效水 HPHEW | 73.1%-80.1% |
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