Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2014, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (12): 1325-1332.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00127
Special Issue: 青藏高原植物生态学:生态系统生态学
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ZHANG Lin1,*(), YAN En-Rong2, WEI Hai-Xia1, LIU Xin-Sheng3, SHEN Wei1
ZHANG Lin, YAN En-Rong, WEI Hai-Xia, LIU Xin-Sheng, SHEN Wei. Leaf nitrogen resorption proficiency of seven shrubs across timberline ecotones in the Sergymla Mountains, Southeast Xizang, China[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2014, 38(12): 1325-1332.
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物种 Species | 常绿或落叶 Evergreen or deciduous | 坡向 Aspect | 生境 Habitat | 海拔 Altitude (m) |
山生柳 Salix oritrepha | 落叶 Deciduous | 北坡、南坡及山谷均有分布 North-facing slope, south-facing slope and in valleys | 林缘 Forest edge | 4 150-4 450 |
西南花楸 Sorbus rehderiana | 落叶 Deciduous | 北坡及山谷 North-facing slope and in valleys | 林缘、林窗 Forest edge, forest gap | 4 200-4 400 |
拉萨小檗 Berberis hemsleyana | 落叶 Deciduous | 南坡及山谷 South-facing slope and in valleys | 林缘 Forest edge | 4 150-4 450 |
腺果大叶蔷薇 Rosa macrophylla var. glandulifera | 落叶 Deciduous | 南坡及山谷 South-facing slope and in valleys | 林缘 Forest edge | 4 150-4 400 |
冰川茶藨子 Ribes glaciale | 落叶 Deciduous | 主要分布在北坡 Mainly on north-facing slope | 林缘、林窗 Forest edge, forest gap | 4 200-4 350 |
高山绣线菊 Spiraea alpina | 落叶 Deciduous | 北坡 North-facing slope | 林缘 Forest edge | 4 300-4 400 |
裂毛雪山杜鹃 Rhododendron aganniphum var. schizopeplum | 常绿 Evergreen | 南北坡 North-facing slope, south-facing slope | 广泛分布 Widely distributed | 4 200-4 700 |
Table 1 Distributional characteristics of seven shrubs across timberline ecotones in the Sergymla Mountains
物种 Species | 常绿或落叶 Evergreen or deciduous | 坡向 Aspect | 生境 Habitat | 海拔 Altitude (m) |
山生柳 Salix oritrepha | 落叶 Deciduous | 北坡、南坡及山谷均有分布 North-facing slope, south-facing slope and in valleys | 林缘 Forest edge | 4 150-4 450 |
西南花楸 Sorbus rehderiana | 落叶 Deciduous | 北坡及山谷 North-facing slope and in valleys | 林缘、林窗 Forest edge, forest gap | 4 200-4 400 |
拉萨小檗 Berberis hemsleyana | 落叶 Deciduous | 南坡及山谷 South-facing slope and in valleys | 林缘 Forest edge | 4 150-4 450 |
腺果大叶蔷薇 Rosa macrophylla var. glandulifera | 落叶 Deciduous | 南坡及山谷 South-facing slope and in valleys | 林缘 Forest edge | 4 150-4 400 |
冰川茶藨子 Ribes glaciale | 落叶 Deciduous | 主要分布在北坡 Mainly on north-facing slope | 林缘、林窗 Forest edge, forest gap | 4 200-4 350 |
高山绣线菊 Spiraea alpina | 落叶 Deciduous | 北坡 North-facing slope | 林缘 Forest edge | 4 300-4 400 |
裂毛雪山杜鹃 Rhododendron aganniphum var. schizopeplum | 常绿 Evergreen | 南北坡 North-facing slope, south-facing slope | 广泛分布 Widely distributed | 4 200-4 700 |
Fig. 1 Altitudinal variations of NH4-N and NO3-N concentrations in the 0-20 cm soil layer (mean ± SE). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different altitudes (p < 0.05).
Fig. 2 Comparisons of leaf mass-based nitrogen concentrations (Nmass) (A), leaf area-based nitrogen concentrations (Narea) (B), and leaf mass per area (LMA) (C) in senesced leaves among seven shrubs across timberline ecotones (mean ± SE). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different species (p < 0.05).
Fig. 3 Comparisons of leaf mass-based nitrogen concentrations (Nmass) (A) and leaf area-based nitrogen concentrations (Narea) (B) in Salix oritrepha between different aspects and altitudes (mean ± SE). The same lowercase letters indicate no significant differences among different aspects and altitudes (p > 0.05).
Fig. 4 Comparisons of leaf mass-based nitrogen concentrations (Nmass) (A) and leaf area-based nitrogen concentrations (Narea) (B) in Berberis hemsleyana between different altitudes in south-facing slope (mean ± SE). The same lowercase letters indicate no significant differences between two altitudes (p > 0.05).
Fig. 5 Comparisons of leaf mass-based nitrogen concentrations (Nmass) (A) and leaf area-based nitrogen concentrations (Narea) (B) in Rhododendron aganniphum var. schizopeplum between different altitudes in north-facing slope (mean ± SE). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between two altitudes (p < 0.05).
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