植物生态学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 27-35.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00003
所属专题: 生态化学计量
庞丽1,2, 张一1,*(), 周志春1, 丰忠平3, 储德裕3
PANG Li1,2, ZHANG Yi1,*(), ZHOU Zhi-Chun1, FENG Zhong-Ping3, CHU De-Yu3
近年来大气氮(N)沉降的增加, 导致森林土壤中有效N含量增加、N:P发生改变, 研究N沉降对低磷(P)胁迫下林木根系分泌和P效率的影响具有重要意义。该文以马尾松(Pinus massoniana)家系作为试验材料, 设置模拟N沉降与同质低P (介质表层与深层均缺P)、异质低P (介质表层P丰富、深层缺P)耦合的二年生盆栽实验, 系统研究了模拟N沉降对低P胁迫下马尾松根系分泌性酸性磷酸酶(APase)活性、有机酸分泌以及P效率的影响。结果表明: (1)同质低P和异质低P下, 模拟N沉降均显著提高了植株N:P化学计量比、增加了P素的相对匮乏程度, 从而诱导根系增加了APase和有机酸的分泌, 而同质低P比异质低P下增加幅度更大, 其中有机酸分泌均与马尾松生长呈正相关关系, 而APase活性与P效率相关性较小; (2)同质低P下, N沉降虽然增加了根系分泌, 但未提高马尾松P素吸收和生长量, 其原因在于, 同质低P下植株N:P过高, 因而植株对N沉降敏感性低; 在异质低P下, 植株表现为N、P共同限制, 因而对N敏感性较高, N沉降增加了根系分泌, 同时提高了N和P吸收效率、增加了生物量; (3)马尾松根系分泌对模拟N沉降的响应存在较大的家系差异。同质低P下, 家系71×20的有机酸分泌和生物量对N沉降的响应幅度较大; 异质低P下, 家系36×29、71×20和73×23对N沉降的响应幅度较大。
庞丽, 张一, 周志春, 丰忠平, 储德裕. 模拟氮沉降对低磷胁迫下马尾松不同家系根系分泌和磷效率的影响. 植物生态学报, 2014, 38(1): 27-35. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00003
PANG Li, ZHANG Yi, ZHOU Zhi-Chun, FENG Zhong-Ping, CHU De-Yu. Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on root exudates and phosphorus efficiency in Pinus massoniana families under low phosphorus stress. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, 38(1): 27-35. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00003
性状 Trait | 磷 P | 氮 N | 磷×氮 P × N | 家系 Family | 磷×家系 P × Family | 氮×家系 N × Family | 磷×氮×家系 P × N × Family |
生物量 Biomass | 9.13** | 5.50* | 19.77*** | 6.26** | 0.28 | 4.12* | 5.18** |
酸性磷酸酶活性 APase activity | 93.84*** | 22.87*** | 12.66*** | 2.48 | 1.57 | 8.12*** | 3.22* |
有机酸分泌 Organic acid secretion | 2.60 | 120.90*** | 0.05 | 19.47*** | 4.58** | 16.55*** | 3.98* |
磷吸收效率 P absorption efficiency | 54.46*** | 5.14* | 26.95*** | 6.65*** | 0.79 | 3.96* | 3.89* |
磷利用效率 P utilization efficiency | 77.31*** | 4.38* | 3.88 | 2.81* | 2.09 | 2.35 | 0.42 |
氮吸收效率 N absorption efficiency | 3.89 | 35.51*** | 11.44*** | 5.75** | 0.49 | 1.76 | 2.26 |
氮利用效率 N utilization efficiency | 25.66*** | 129.2*** | 1.36 | 3.06* | 5.56** | 5.68** | 0.53 |
氮磷比 N:P | 59.02*** | 51.10*** | 10.68** | 2.54 | 0.52 | 0.83 | 0.57 |
表1 马尾松苗木生物量、根系分泌物和氮磷效率的方差分析结果
Table 1 ANOVA analysis results of biomass, root exudates, and N and P efficiency in Pinus massoniana seedlings
性状 Trait | 磷 P | 氮 N | 磷×氮 P × N | 家系 Family | 磷×家系 P × Family | 氮×家系 N × Family | 磷×氮×家系 P × N × Family |
生物量 Biomass | 9.13** | 5.50* | 19.77*** | 6.26** | 0.28 | 4.12* | 5.18** |
酸性磷酸酶活性 APase activity | 93.84*** | 22.87*** | 12.66*** | 2.48 | 1.57 | 8.12*** | 3.22* |
有机酸分泌 Organic acid secretion | 2.60 | 120.90*** | 0.05 | 19.47*** | 4.58** | 16.55*** | 3.98* |
磷吸收效率 P absorption efficiency | 54.46*** | 5.14* | 26.95*** | 6.65*** | 0.79 | 3.96* | 3.89* |
磷利用效率 P utilization efficiency | 77.31*** | 4.38* | 3.88 | 2.81* | 2.09 | 2.35 | 0.42 |
氮吸收效率 N absorption efficiency | 3.89 | 35.51*** | 11.44*** | 5.75** | 0.49 | 1.76 | 2.26 |
氮利用效率 N utilization efficiency | 25.66*** | 129.2*** | 1.36 | 3.06* | 5.56** | 5.68** | 0.53 |
氮磷比 N:P | 59.02*** | 51.10*** | 10.68** | 2.54 | 0.52 | 0.83 | 0.57 |
性状 Trait | 同质低磷条件 Homogeneous low P condition | 异质低磷条件 Heterogeneous low P condition | |||||
氮 N | 家系 Family | N ×家系 N × Family | 氮 N | 家系 Family | N ×家系 N × Family | ||
生物量 Biomass | 4.02 | 5.09** | 10.19*** | 15.89*** | 2.58 | 2.56 | |
酸性磷酸酶活性 APase activity | 20.93*** | 0.76 | 6.48** | 2.22 | 8.24*** | 1.67 | |
有机酸分泌 Organic acid secretion | 55.69*** | 9.61*** | 7.56*** | 66.67*** | 15.18*** | 13.79*** | |
磷吸收效率 P absorption efficiency | 9.08** | 4.18* | 4.45* | 18.19*** | 3.58* | 3.76* | |
磷利用效率 P utilization efficiency | 4.70* | 2.75 | 1.34 | 0.03 | 0.27 | 1.74 | |
氮吸收效率 N absorption efficiency | 6.46* | 3.02* | 3.97* | 29.35*** | 3.15* | 1.34 | |
氮利用效率 N utilization efficiency | 90.61*** | 1.80 | 3.64* | 45.88*** | 6.22** | 2.70 | |
氮磷比 N:P | 33.82*** | 1.61 | 0.64 | 19.01*** | 1.23 | 0.97 |
表2 同质和异质低磷条件下马尾松苗木生物量和根系分泌物的方差分析
Table 2 ANOVA results of biomass and root exudates in Pinus massoniana seedlings under homogeneous and heterogeneous low P conditions
性状 Trait | 同质低磷条件 Homogeneous low P condition | 异质低磷条件 Heterogeneous low P condition | |||||
氮 N | 家系 Family | N ×家系 N × Family | 氮 N | 家系 Family | N ×家系 N × Family | ||
生物量 Biomass | 4.02 | 5.09** | 10.19*** | 15.89*** | 2.58 | 2.56 | |
酸性磷酸酶活性 APase activity | 20.93*** | 0.76 | 6.48** | 2.22 | 8.24*** | 1.67 | |
有机酸分泌 Organic acid secretion | 55.69*** | 9.61*** | 7.56*** | 66.67*** | 15.18*** | 13.79*** | |
磷吸收效率 P absorption efficiency | 9.08** | 4.18* | 4.45* | 18.19*** | 3.58* | 3.76* | |
磷利用效率 P utilization efficiency | 4.70* | 2.75 | 1.34 | 0.03 | 0.27 | 1.74 | |
氮吸收效率 N absorption efficiency | 6.46* | 3.02* | 3.97* | 29.35*** | 3.15* | 1.34 | |
氮利用效率 N utilization efficiency | 90.61*** | 1.80 | 3.64* | 45.88*** | 6.22** | 2.70 | |
氮磷比 N:P | 33.82*** | 1.61 | 0.64 | 19.01*** | 1.23 | 0.97 |
图1 不同N-P耦合环境下根系分泌性酸性磷酸酶(APase)活性。不同字母表示处理间差异显著(p < 0.05)。Homo-P, 同质低P; Hete-P, 异质低P。
Fig. 1 Root secreted acid phosphatase (APase) activity under different combinations of N and P treatments. Different letters indicate significant differences between treatments at p < 0.05. Homo-P, homogeneous low phosphorus; Hete-P, heterogeneous low phosphorus.
图2 不同N-P耦合条件下根系分泌性酸性磷酸酶(APase)活性的家系差异。不同字母表示同一磷素水平内不同家系间差异显著(p < 0.05)。Low-N, 低氮; High-N, 高氮; Homo-P, 同质低P; Hete-P, 异质低P。
Fig. 2 Family variations in root secreted acid phosphatase (APase) activity under different combinations of N and P treatments. Different letters indicate significant difference between families under the same P condition at p < 0.05. Low-N, low nitrogen; High-N, high nitrogen; Homo-P, homogeneous low phosphorus; Hete-P, heterogeneous low phosphorus.
磷处理 P treatment | 氮水平 N level | 家系Family | 干物质量 Dry matter mass (g) | 草酸 Oxalic acid (μmol·plant-1) | 酒石酸 Tartaric acid (μmol·plant-1) | 苹果酸 Malic acid (μmol·plant-1) | 丙二酸 Malonic acid (μmol·plant-1) | 乙酸 Acetic acid (μmol·plant-1) | 总量 Total (μmol·plant-1) |
Homo-P | 低氮 Low-N | 36 × 29 | 2.64a | 0.37b | 0.36bc | 0.62c | - | - | 1.63c |
40 × 44 | 1.64bcd | 0.83b | - | - | - | - | 0.83c | ||
71 × 20 | 1.1d | 0.56b | 0.57bc | - | - | - | 1.14c | ||
73 × 23 | 2.57a | 1.91b | 1.44a | 1.68c | 0.28c | 1.44b | 6.75c | ||
高氮 High-N | 36 × 29 | 1.17cd | 1.00b | - | 23.82b | - | - | 24.80b | |
40 × 44 | 1.92b | 0.48b | 0.5bc | - | 0.24c | 1.88a | 3.10c | ||
71 × 20 | 1.75bc | 6.04a | 0.38bc | 46.12a | 1.56b | - | 54.10a | ||
73 × 23 | 1.91b | 2.10b | 0.74b | 42.12a | 2.97a | 1.96a | 49.88a | ||
显著性水平 Probability | 0.000 1*** | 0.006 7*** | 0.001 2*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | ||
Hete-P | 低氮 Low-N | 36 × 29 | 1.87bc | 0.77b | 0.16c | 2.74cd | 0.60de | 2.96de | 7.22c |
40 × 44 | 2.05bc | 1.09b | - | 5.72bcd | 1.52cd | 1.66e | 9.99c | ||
71 × 20 | 1.40c | 0.75b | - | - | 1.20cde | 1.65e | 3.58c | ||
73 × 23 | 1.82bc | 0.73b | 1.40bc | 3.00cd | - | 4.14cd | 9.26c | ||
高氮 High-N | 36 × 29 | 2.43b | 0.8b | 2.02b | 19.48b | - | 4.96bc | 27.20b | |
40 × 44 | 2.29bc | 0.94b | - | 6.82bcd | 2.40bc | 5.12bc | 16.26bc | ||
71 × 20 | 2.45b | 0.92b | 2.08b | 14.70bc | 3.32b | 6.94b | 27.80b | ||
73 × 23 | 3.84a | 4.42a | 7.66a | 46.80a | 8.68a | 8.82a | 77.20a | ||
显著性水平 Probability | 0.002 6*** | 0.001 2*** | < 0.000 1*** | 0.002 0*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** |
表3 不同N-P耦合条件下马尾松苗木根系分泌的有机酸的家系差异
Table 3 Family variations in root secreted organic acids from Pinus massoniana seedlings under different combinations of N and P treatments
磷处理 P treatment | 氮水平 N level | 家系Family | 干物质量 Dry matter mass (g) | 草酸 Oxalic acid (μmol·plant-1) | 酒石酸 Tartaric acid (μmol·plant-1) | 苹果酸 Malic acid (μmol·plant-1) | 丙二酸 Malonic acid (μmol·plant-1) | 乙酸 Acetic acid (μmol·plant-1) | 总量 Total (μmol·plant-1) |
Homo-P | 低氮 Low-N | 36 × 29 | 2.64a | 0.37b | 0.36bc | 0.62c | - | - | 1.63c |
40 × 44 | 1.64bcd | 0.83b | - | - | - | - | 0.83c | ||
71 × 20 | 1.1d | 0.56b | 0.57bc | - | - | - | 1.14c | ||
73 × 23 | 2.57a | 1.91b | 1.44a | 1.68c | 0.28c | 1.44b | 6.75c | ||
高氮 High-N | 36 × 29 | 1.17cd | 1.00b | - | 23.82b | - | - | 24.80b | |
40 × 44 | 1.92b | 0.48b | 0.5bc | - | 0.24c | 1.88a | 3.10c | ||
71 × 20 | 1.75bc | 6.04a | 0.38bc | 46.12a | 1.56b | - | 54.10a | ||
73 × 23 | 1.91b | 2.10b | 0.74b | 42.12a | 2.97a | 1.96a | 49.88a | ||
显著性水平 Probability | 0.000 1*** | 0.006 7*** | 0.001 2*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | ||
Hete-P | 低氮 Low-N | 36 × 29 | 1.87bc | 0.77b | 0.16c | 2.74cd | 0.60de | 2.96de | 7.22c |
40 × 44 | 2.05bc | 1.09b | - | 5.72bcd | 1.52cd | 1.66e | 9.99c | ||
71 × 20 | 1.40c | 0.75b | - | - | 1.20cde | 1.65e | 3.58c | ||
73 × 23 | 1.82bc | 0.73b | 1.40bc | 3.00cd | - | 4.14cd | 9.26c | ||
高氮 High-N | 36 × 29 | 2.43b | 0.8b | 2.02b | 19.48b | - | 4.96bc | 27.20b | |
40 × 44 | 2.29bc | 0.94b | - | 6.82bcd | 2.40bc | 5.12bc | 16.26bc | ||
71 × 20 | 2.45b | 0.92b | 2.08b | 14.70bc | 3.32b | 6.94b | 27.80b | ||
73 × 23 | 3.84a | 4.42a | 7.66a | 46.80a | 8.68a | 8.82a | 77.20a | ||
显著性水平 Probability | 0.002 6*** | 0.001 2*** | < 0.000 1*** | 0.002 0*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** |
图3 不同N-P耦合处理间马尾松苗木根系分泌的有机酸总分泌量、各类有机酸分泌量。Homo-P, 同质低P; Hete-P, 异质低P。*, p < 0.05。
Fig. 3 The total and individual root secreted organic acids in Pinus massoniana seedlings under different combinations of N and P treatments. Homo-P, homogeneous low phosphorus; Hete-P, heterogeneous low phosphorus. *, p < 0.05.
磷处理 P treatment | 氮水平 N level | 干物质量 Dry matter mass (g) | 氮磷比 N:P | 磷吸收效率 Phosphorus absorption efficiency (mg·plant-1) | 磷利用效率 Phosphorus utilization efficiency (g·mg-1) | 氮吸收效率 Nitrogen absorption efficiency (mg·plant-1) | 氮利用效率 Nitrogen utilization efficiency (g·mg-1) | |
根 Root | 整株 Total | |||||||
Homo-P | 低氮Low-N | 1.99b | 13.8b | 0.21c | 1.41bc | 4.89b | 19.50c | 0.42b |
Homo-P | 高氮 High-N | 1.69b | 26.7a | 0.17c | 1.02c | 6.17a | 27.25b | 0.28c |
Hete-P | 低氮Low-N | 1.78b | 9.7c | 0.33b | 1.56b | 3.45c | 15.19c | 0.46a |
Hete-P | 高氮 High-N | 2.75a | 13.3b | 0.43a | 2.81a | 3.53c | 37.28a | 0.35c |
显著性水平 Probability | 0.000 3*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | 0.000 3*** |
表4 不同N-P耦合条件下马尾松干物质量、P和N效率
Table 4 Dry matter mass, P and N efficiency in Pinus massoniana under different combinations of N and P treatments
磷处理 P treatment | 氮水平 N level | 干物质量 Dry matter mass (g) | 氮磷比 N:P | 磷吸收效率 Phosphorus absorption efficiency (mg·plant-1) | 磷利用效率 Phosphorus utilization efficiency (g·mg-1) | 氮吸收效率 Nitrogen absorption efficiency (mg·plant-1) | 氮利用效率 Nitrogen utilization efficiency (g·mg-1) | |
根 Root | 整株 Total | |||||||
Homo-P | 低氮Low-N | 1.99b | 13.8b | 0.21c | 1.41bc | 4.89b | 19.50c | 0.42b |
Homo-P | 高氮 High-N | 1.69b | 26.7a | 0.17c | 1.02c | 6.17a | 27.25b | 0.28c |
Hete-P | 低氮Low-N | 1.78b | 9.7c | 0.33b | 1.56b | 3.45c | 15.19c | 0.46a |
Hete-P | 高氮 High-N | 2.75a | 13.3b | 0.43a | 2.81a | 3.53c | 37.28a | 0.35c |
显著性水平 Probability | 0.000 3*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | < 0.000 1*** | 0.000 3*** |
磷处理 P treatment | 氮水平 N level | 根系分泌物 Root secretion | 干物质量 Dry matter mass (g) | 磷吸收效率 Phosphorus absorption effici- ency (mg·plant-1) | 磷利用效率 Phosphorus utilization efficiency (g·mg-1) | 氮吸收效率 Nitrogen absorption efficiency (mg·plant-1) | 氮利用效率 Nitrogen utilization efficiency (g·mg-1) | N:P |
Homo-P | 低氮Low-N | 分泌性APase Secretory APase | 0.416 4 | 0.220 5 | 0.324 2 | 0.527 2 | -0.364 6 | 0.574 3 |
有机酸分泌 Organic acid secretion | 0.553 9 | 0.398 8 | 0.965 0* | 0.674 9 | 0.149 8 | 0.328 8 | ||
高氮High-N | 分泌性APase Secretory APase | 0.423 9 | -0.050 1 | 0.294 2 | 0.105 6 | 0.449 0 | 0.257 4 | |
有机酸分泌 Organic acid secretion | 0.090 6 | 0.544 8 | 0.202 9 | 0.428 9 | -0.202 6 | 0.273 2 | ||
Hete-P | 低氮Low-N | 分泌性APase Secretory APase | 0.181 7 | 0.047 9 | 0.809 5* | -0.210 7 | 0.492 9 | -0.398 9 |
有机酸分泌 Organic acid secretion | 0.931 9* | 0.876 8* | 0.220 4 | 0.877 5* | -0.136 4 | 0.017 6 | ||
高氮High-N | 分泌性APase Secretory APase | -0.087 5 | 0.086 9 | -0.633 2 | 0.067 9 | -0.483 6 | -0.211 9 | |
有机酸分泌 Organic acid secretion | 0.992 5*** | 0.974 9** | -0.169 1 | 0.930 7* | -0.487 7 | -0.331 9 |
表5 不同N-P耦合条件下马尾松苗木根系分泌性酸性磷酸酶(APase)活性、有机酸总分泌量与P效率的相关系数
Table 5 Correlation coefficients between root secreted acid phosphatase (APase) activity, total amount of organic acids secreted, and P efficiency in Pinus massoniana seedlings under different combinations of N:P treatments
磷处理 P treatment | 氮水平 N level | 根系分泌物 Root secretion | 干物质量 Dry matter mass (g) | 磷吸收效率 Phosphorus absorption effici- ency (mg·plant-1) | 磷利用效率 Phosphorus utilization efficiency (g·mg-1) | 氮吸收效率 Nitrogen absorption efficiency (mg·plant-1) | 氮利用效率 Nitrogen utilization efficiency (g·mg-1) | N:P |
Homo-P | 低氮Low-N | 分泌性APase Secretory APase | 0.416 4 | 0.220 5 | 0.324 2 | 0.527 2 | -0.364 6 | 0.574 3 |
有机酸分泌 Organic acid secretion | 0.553 9 | 0.398 8 | 0.965 0* | 0.674 9 | 0.149 8 | 0.328 8 | ||
高氮High-N | 分泌性APase Secretory APase | 0.423 9 | -0.050 1 | 0.294 2 | 0.105 6 | 0.449 0 | 0.257 4 | |
有机酸分泌 Organic acid secretion | 0.090 6 | 0.544 8 | 0.202 9 | 0.428 9 | -0.202 6 | 0.273 2 | ||
Hete-P | 低氮Low-N | 分泌性APase Secretory APase | 0.181 7 | 0.047 9 | 0.809 5* | -0.210 7 | 0.492 9 | -0.398 9 |
有机酸分泌 Organic acid secretion | 0.931 9* | 0.876 8* | 0.220 4 | 0.877 5* | -0.136 4 | 0.017 6 | ||
高氮High-N | 分泌性APase Secretory APase | -0.087 5 | 0.086 9 | -0.633 2 | 0.067 9 | -0.483 6 | -0.211 9 | |
有机酸分泌 Organic acid secretion | 0.992 5*** | 0.974 9** | -0.169 1 | 0.930 7* | -0.487 7 | -0.331 9 |
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