植物生态学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (7): 858-871.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0358 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0358
所属专题: 植物功能性状
秦嘉晨1,2, 王欢2,3, 朱江2,4, 王扬2, 田晨1,2, 白永飞2, 杨培志1,*(), 郑淑霞2,*()()
* (杨培志,基金资助:
QIN Jia-Chen1,2, WANG Huan2,3, ZHU Jiang2,4, WANG Yang2, TIAN Chen1,2, BAI Yong-Fei2, YANG Pei-Zhi1,*(), ZHENG Shu-Xia2,*()()
* (YANG Pei-Zhi,Supported by:
放牧是草原生态系统最主要的人为干扰因素, 也是草原群落构建的重要“外部”过滤因子。然而, 关于放牧强度对草原群落构建的作用机制, 尤其是在这一过程中种内性状分化和种间性状差异的相对作用目前的了解还比较有限。为此, 该研究利用在内蒙古典型草原建立的长期放牧控制实验平台, 采用土芯法(环刀)取样, 系统分析了植物群落地上(株丛、叶片)和地下(根系)性状对放牧的响应。通过环刀-小区和小区-样地两个推绎尺度, 研究了基于种内与种间性状变异的放牧强度过滤作用。研究结果表明: (1)随着放牧强度的增加, 大多数地上性状的种内和种间变异呈增加趋势, 而根系性状的种内和种间变异则显著降低。(2)随着放牧强度的增加, 在环刀尺度上, 基于地上性状的种内变异和种间差异的放牧过滤强度先增大后减小, 在中度放牧时达到最大; 然而基于地下性状的种内变异和种间差异的放牧过滤强度逐渐增加。在小区尺度上, 基于地上性状的种内变异和种间差异的放牧过滤强度呈线性降低趋势; 而基于地下性状种内变异的放牧过滤强度增加, 基于种间差异的放牧过滤强度减弱。(3)随着空间尺度增大, 放牧强度对草原群落构建的影响由基于种间性状差异的过滤作用逐渐转变为基于种内性状变异的过滤作用, 此过程受土壤水分和养分的调控。这些研究结果为深入揭示放牧对草原群落构建的调控机制提供了科学依据, 也为正确理解长期放牧导致的植被景观异质性和尺度效应评估提供了重要参考。该研究中叶片和根系性状主要考虑了结构性状, 因此具有一定的局限性, 未来研究可结合叶片和根系碳氮含量等化学性状指标, 以全面理解放牧对植物地上、地下性状变异的调控机制。
秦嘉晨, 王欢, 朱江, 王扬, 田晨, 白永飞, 杨培志, 郑淑霞. 基于种内与种间性状变异的放牧过滤作用及其尺度效应. 植物生态学报, 2024, 48(7): 858-871. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0358
QIN Jia-Chen, WANG Huan, ZHU Jiang, WANG Yang, TIAN Chen, BAI Yong-Fei, YANG Pei-Zhi, ZHENG Shu-Xia. Grazing filtering effect based on intraspecific and interspecific trait variation and its scale effects. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2024, 48(7): 858-871. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0358
图1 放牧强度对内蒙古典型草原环刀尺度上种内(σIC2)与种间(σPC2)性状变异的影响。ARD-1st、ARD-2nd、ARD-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的平均直径; LA, 叶面积; PB, 植株地上生物量; PH, 株高; SLA, 比叶面积; SRL-1st、SRL-2nd、SRL-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的比根长。
Fig. 1 Effects of grazing intensity on intraspecific (σIC2) and interspecific (σPC2) trait variation at the auger coring scale in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second, and third order roots; LA, leaf area; PB, plant individual aboveground biomass; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots.
图2 放牧强度对内蒙古典型草原小区尺度上种内(σIC2)与种间(σPC2)性状变异性的影响。ARD-1st、ARD-2nd、ARD-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的平均直径; LA, 叶面积; PB, 植株地上生物量; PH, 株高; SLA, 比叶面积; SRL-1st、SRL-2nd、SRL-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的比根长。
Fig. 2 Effects of grazing intensity on intraspecific (σIC2) and interspecific (σPC2) trait variation at the plot scale in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second and third order roots; LA, leaf area; PB, plant individual aboveground biomass; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots.
图3 基于内蒙古典型草原环刀尺度种内性状变异的放牧过滤作用(TIC/IR)。ARD-1st、ARD-2nd、ARD-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的平均直径; LA, 叶面积; PB, 植株地上生物量; PH, 株高; SLA, 比叶面积; SRL-1st、SRL-2nd、SRL-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的比根长。
Fig. 3 Effect of grazing filtration based on intraspecific trait variation (TIC/IR) at the auger coring scale in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second and third order roots; LA, leaf area; PB, plant individual aboveground biomass; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots.
图4 基于内蒙古典型草原环刀尺度种间性状差异的放牧过滤作用(TPC/PR)。ARD-1st、ARD-2nd、ARD-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的平均直径; LA, 叶面积; PB, 植株地上生物量; PH, 株高; SLA, 比叶面积; SRL-1st、SRL-2nd、SRL-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的比根长。
Fig. 4 Effect of grazing filtration based on interspecific trait variation (TPC/PR) at the auger coring scale in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second and third order roots; LA, leaf area; PB, plant individual aboveground biomass; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots.
图5 基于内蒙古典型草原小区尺度种内性状变异的放牧过滤作用(TIC/IR)。ARD-1st、ARD-2nd、ARD-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的平均直径; LA, 叶面积; PB, 植株地上生物量; PH, 株高; SLA, 比叶面积; SRL-1st、SRL-2nd、SRL-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的比根长。
Fig. 5 Effect of grazing filtration based on intraspecific trait variation (TIC/IR) at the plot scale in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second and third order roots; LA, leaf area; PB, plant individual aboveground biomass; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots.
图6 基于内蒙古典型草原小区尺度种间性状差异的放牧过滤作用(TPC/PR)。ARD-1st、ARD-2nd、ARD-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的平均直径; LA, 叶面积; PB, 植株地上生物量; PH, 株高; SLA, 比叶面积; SRL-1st、SRL-2nd、SRL-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的比根长。
Fig. 6 Effect of grazing filtration based on interspecific trait variation (TPC/PR) at the plot scale in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second and third order roots; LA, leaf area; PB, plant individual aboveground biomass; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots.
图8 内蒙古典型草原环刀尺度(A)和小区尺度(B)上植物性状TIC/IR、TPC/PR与土壤属性的相关性。ARD-1st、ARD-2nd、ARD-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的平均直径; LA, 叶面积; PB, 植株地上生物量; PH, 株高; SLA, 比叶面积; SRL-1st、SRL-2nd、SRL-3rd分别表示1、2、3级根系的比根长。土壤属性: SOC, 土壤有机碳含量; STN, 土壤全氮含量; STP, 土壤全磷含量; SWC, 土壤含水量。TIC/IR, 基于种内性状变异的放牧过滤作用; TPC/PR, 基于种间性状变异的放牧过滤作用。+, p < 0.1; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01.
Fig. 8 Correlations between plant traits (TIC/IR and TPC/PR) and soil properties at the auger coring (A) and plot (B) scales in Nei Mongol typical steppe. ARD-1st, ARD-2nd and ARD-3rd represent the average diameter of the first, second and third order roots. LA, leaf area; PB, aboveground biomass of plants; PH, plant height; SLA, specific leaf area; SRL-1st, SRL-2nd, and SRL-3rd represent the specific root length of the first, second and third order roots. Soil properties: SOC, soil organic carbon content; STN, total soil nitrogen content; STP, total soil phosphorus content; SWC, soil water content. TIC/IR, effect of grazing filtration based on intraspecific trait variation; TPC/PR, effect of grazing filtration based on interspecific trait variation. +, p < 0.1; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01.
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