植物生态学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (8): 828-841.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0146
所属专题: 植物功能性状
刘润红1, 白金连2, 包含1,3, 农娟丽1,3, 赵佳佳1,3, 姜勇1,3,*(), 梁士楚1,3, 李月娟1,3
* yongjiang226@126.com基金资助:
LIU Run-Hong1, BAI Jin-Lian2, BAO Han1,3, NONG Juan-Li1,3, ZHAO Jia-Jia1,3, JIANG Yong1,3,*(), LIANG Shi-Chu1,3, LI Yue-Juan1,3
Supported by:
研究植物功能性状变异以及不同性状之间的关系, 有助于了解植物对环境的适应策略, 对揭示群落构建和生物多样性维持机制具有重要意义。本研究以桂林岩溶石山青冈群落18种主要木本植物为研究对象, 采用单因素方差分析、混合线性模型以及Pearson相关分析和主成分分析等方法探讨了不同生长型和生活型物种的9个枝、叶功能性状(叶绿素含量、叶片厚度、叶面积、叶干质量、比叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶组织密度、小枝干物质含量和小枝组织密度)的变异与关联。结果表明: (1) 9个功能性状的变异程度不同, 叶面积和叶干质量的种内和种间变异系数最大, 小枝干物质含量和小枝组织密度的种内和种间变异系数最小。(2)在生长型水平上, 乔木、灌木和木质藤本的绝大部分功能性状差异显著。(3)对于不同生活型植物, 除叶面积和比叶面积为落叶植物显著大于常绿植物外, 其余7个功能性状皆为常绿植物显著大于落叶植物。(4)不同生长型和生活型植物功能性状的种内和种间变异大小存在差异, 除部分植物功能性状在一些功能型上表现为种内变异高于种间变异, 其余功能性状的种间变异皆高于种内变异。(5)各功能性状之间关系在个体水平和物种水平大致相同, 但是个体水平上的显著相关比例高于物种水平。研究发现, 植物功能性状的种间变异基本高于种内变异, 但种内变异不容忽略。此外, 不同生长型和生活型物种采取不同的生态策略来适应喀斯特生境。今后的研究应基于个体水平采样并结合环境因子从生长型和生活型等不同功能型角度上深入探究植物功能性状在种内和种间等不同尺度上的变异与关联。
刘润红, 白金连, 包含, 农娟丽, 赵佳佳, 姜勇, 梁士楚, 李月娟. 桂林岩溶石山青冈群落主要木本植物功能性状变异与关联. 植物生态学报, 2020, 44(8): 828-841. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0146
LIU Run-Hong, BAI Jin-Lian, BAO Han, NONG Juan-Li, ZHAO Jia-Jia, JIANG Yong, LIANG Shi-Chu, LI Yue-Juan. Variation and correlation in functional traits of main woody plants in the Cyclobalanopsis glauca community in the karst hills of Guilin, southwest China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2020, 44(8): 828-841. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0146
物种 Species | 生长型 Growth form | 生活型 Life form | 样本量 Sample size | 叶片质地 Leaf texture |
青冈 Cyclobalanopsis glauca | 乔木 Tree | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
扁片海桐 Pittosporum planilobum | 乔木 Tree | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
千里香 Murraya paniculata | 乔木 Tree | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
岩樟 Cinnamomum saxatile | 乔木 Tree | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
子凌蒲桃 Syzygium championii | 灌木 Shrub | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
粗糠柴 Mallotus philippensis | 灌木 Shrub | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
白皮乌口树 Tarenna depauperata | 灌木 Shrub | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 纸质或革质 Papery or leathery |
网脉山龙眼 Helicia reticulata | 灌木 Shrub | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
老虎刺 Pterolobium punctatum | 木质藤本 Woody liana | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 纸质 Papery |
齿叶黄皮 Clausena dunniana | 乔木 Tree | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 薄革质 Thinly leathery |
紫弹树 Celtis biondii | 乔木 Tree | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 薄革质 Thinly leathery |
菜豆树 Radermachera sinica | 乔木 Tree | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 纸质 Papery |
干花豆 Fordia cauliflora | 灌木 Shrub | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 厚纸质 Thickly papery |
红背山麻杆 Alchornea trewioides | 灌木 Shrub | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 纸质 Papery |
一叶萩 Flueggea suffruticosa | 灌木 Shrub | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 纸质 Papery |
山麻杆 Alchornea davidii | 灌木 Shrub | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 薄纸质 Thinly papery |
龙须藤 Bauhinia championii | 木质藤本 Woody liana | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 纸质 Papery |
藤金合欢 Acacia concinna | 木质藤本 Woody liana | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 纸质 Papery |
表1 桂林岩溶石山青冈群落18种主要木本植物信息
Table 1 Information about 18 main woody plant species of the Cyclobalanopsis glauca community in the karst hills of Guilin, southwest China
物种 Species | 生长型 Growth form | 生活型 Life form | 样本量 Sample size | 叶片质地 Leaf texture |
青冈 Cyclobalanopsis glauca | 乔木 Tree | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
扁片海桐 Pittosporum planilobum | 乔木 Tree | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
千里香 Murraya paniculata | 乔木 Tree | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
岩樟 Cinnamomum saxatile | 乔木 Tree | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
子凌蒲桃 Syzygium championii | 灌木 Shrub | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
粗糠柴 Mallotus philippensis | 灌木 Shrub | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
白皮乌口树 Tarenna depauperata | 灌木 Shrub | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 纸质或革质 Papery or leathery |
网脉山龙眼 Helicia reticulata | 灌木 Shrub | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 革质 Leathery |
老虎刺 Pterolobium punctatum | 木质藤本 Woody liana | 常绿 Evergreen | 40 | 纸质 Papery |
齿叶黄皮 Clausena dunniana | 乔木 Tree | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 薄革质 Thinly leathery |
紫弹树 Celtis biondii | 乔木 Tree | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 薄革质 Thinly leathery |
菜豆树 Radermachera sinica | 乔木 Tree | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 纸质 Papery |
干花豆 Fordia cauliflora | 灌木 Shrub | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 厚纸质 Thickly papery |
红背山麻杆 Alchornea trewioides | 灌木 Shrub | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 纸质 Papery |
一叶萩 Flueggea suffruticosa | 灌木 Shrub | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 纸质 Papery |
山麻杆 Alchornea davidii | 灌木 Shrub | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 薄纸质 Thinly papery |
龙须藤 Bauhinia championii | 木质藤本 Woody liana | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 纸质 Papery |
藤金合欢 Acacia concinna | 木质藤本 Woody liana | 落叶 Deciduous | 40 | 纸质 Papery |
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表2 桂林岩溶石山青冈群落主要木本植物功能性状的描述性统计
Table 2 Characteristics of plant functional traits of main woody plant species of the Cyclobalanopsis glauca community in the karst hlls of Guilin, southwest China
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表3 不同生长型和生活型的植物功能性状(平均值±标准偏差)及(种内/种间)变异系数
Table 3 The mean (mean ± SD) and the variation coefficient (intraspecific/interspecific for plant functional traits on different growth forms and life forms
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CHL | LTH | LA | LDM | SLA | LDMC | LTD | TDMC | TTD | |
种间 Interspecific | 78.98 | 66.40 | 78.41 | 76.85 | 92.08 | 58.36 | 56.05 | 55.83 | 70.82 |
种内 Intraspecific | 13.37 | 30.15 | 17.92 | 23.04 | 4.21 | 32.28 | 36.01 | 28.36 | 23.72 |
随机误差 Random error | 7.65 | 3.45 | 3.67 | 0.11 | 3.71 | 9.36 | 7.94 | 15.81 | 5.46 |
表4 种内和种间变异对不同植物功能性状总体变异的贡献(%)
Table 4 Contributions of intraspecific and interspecific variations to the overall variation of different plant functional traits (%)
CHL | LTH | LA | LDM | SLA | LDMC | LTD | TDMC | TTD | |
种间 Interspecific | 78.98 | 66.40 | 78.41 | 76.85 | 92.08 | 58.36 | 56.05 | 55.83 | 70.82 |
种内 Intraspecific | 13.37 | 30.15 | 17.92 | 23.04 | 4.21 | 32.28 | 36.01 | 28.36 | 23.72 |
随机误差 Random error | 7.65 | 3.45 | 3.67 | 0.11 | 3.71 | 9.36 | 7.94 | 15.81 | 5.46 |
图1 桂林岩溶石山青冈群落主要木本植物功能性状值箱线图。图中的实心圆点为异常值; 百分数为种内变异系数。纵坐标代表物种, 从下至上分别为: 1, 青冈; 2, 扁片海桐; 3, 千里香; 4, 岩樟; 5, 子凌蒲桃; 6, 粗糠柴; 7, 白皮乌口树; 8, 网脉山龙眼; 9, 老虎刺; 10, 齿叶黄皮; 11, 紫弹树; 12, 菜豆树; 13, 干花豆; 14, 红背山麻杆; 15, 一叶萩; 16, 山麻杆; 17, 龙须藤; 18, 藤金合欢。其中, 1-9为常绿物种, 10-18为落叶物种。
Fig. 1 Boxplot of plant functional traits value for the main woody plant species of the Cyclobalanopsis glauca community in the karst hills of Guilin, southwest China. CHL, leaf chlorophyll content; LA, leaf area; LDM, leaf dry mass; LDMC, leaf dry matter content; LTD, leaf tissue density; LTH, leaf thickness; SLA, specific leaf area; TDMC, twig dry matter content; TTD, twig tissue density. The solid dots in the boxplot indicate the abnormal value; the percentage in the figure is the variation coefficient at the intraspecific level. The ordinate represents the name of the species, from the bottom to the top, the species number: 1, Cyclobalanopsis glauca; 2, Pittosporum planilobum; 3, Murraya paniculata; 4, Cinnamomum saxatile; 5, Syzygium championii; 6, Mallotus philippensis; 7, Tarenna depauperata; 8, Helicia reticulata; 9, Pterolobium punctatum; 10, Clausena dunniana; 11, Celtis biondii; 12, Radermachera sinica; 13, Fordia cauliflora; 14, Fordia cauliflora; 15, Flueggea suffruticosa; 16, Alchornea davidii; 17, Bauhinia championii; 18, Acacia concinna. 1 to 9 are evergreen species, and 10 to 18 are deciduous species.
图2 桂林岩溶石山青冈群落主要木本植物功能性状在个体(A)和物种(B)水平上的Pearson相关系数。*, p < 0. 05; **, p < 0. 01; ***, p < 0. 001。图中各功能性状缩写同表3。
Fig. 2 Pearson correlation coefficients at the individual (A) and species (B) levels between plant functional traits of the main woody plant species of the Cyclobalanopsis glauca community in the karst hills of Guilin, southwest China. The abbreviations of plant functional traits are shown in Table 3.
图3 桂林岩溶石山青冈群落主要木本植物功能性状在个体(A)和物种(B)水平上的主成分分析。图中各功能性状缩写同表1。平衡贡献圈(图中黑色圆圈)的半径代表变量的向量长度对排序的平均贡献率。红色实线为向量长度超过平衡贡献圈半径的功能性状, 代表它对该排序空间的贡献大于所有变量的平均贡献。
Fig. 3 Principal component analysis (PCA) at the individual level (A) and species level (B) between plant functional traits of the main woody plant species of the Cyclobalanopsis glauca community in the karst hills of Guilin, southwest China. The abbreviations of plant functional traits are shown in Table 1. The radius of the equilibrium contribution circle (black circle in the figure) represents the average contribution rate of the variable’s vector length to the sorting space. The variables that have vectors longer than the radius of the equilibrium contribution circle are shown by red solid line, indicating that its contribution to the sorting space is greater than the average contribution of all variables.
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