植物生态学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (6): 833-846.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0263
李卫英1,2, 章正仁2, 辛雅萱1, 王飞1, 辛培尧1,*(), 高洁2,*(
* (Xin PY, 作者简介:
ORCID:李卫英: 0000-0003-1055-2522
LI Wei-Ying1,2, ZHANG Zheng-Ren2, XIN Ya-Xuan1, WANG Fei1, XIN Pei-Yao1,*(), GAO Jie2,*(
* (Xin PY, Supported by:
研究近缘种复合体的针叶表型变异及其地理分布格局, 有助于从生理生态机制上理解针叶树种的地理变异、种群动态以及对区域气候的响应。云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)、思茅松(P. kesiya var. langbianensis)和卡西亚松(P. kesiya)是一个跨越了东南亚热带和亚热带地区的近缘种复合体, 具有典型的地理替代分布特征, 拥有丰富的表型变异和遗传变异。该研究在3种松树分布区采集了31个代表种群, 每个种群选择10个样木, 测量了针叶长度、气孔密度、气孔保卫细胞长度和宽度、木质增厚层长度和宽度、气孔腔长度和宽度等共8个性状。采用巢式方差分析计算性状在树种间和种群间的差异, 通过主成分分析和聚类分析揭示针叶性状的种群变异结构; 分析针叶性状随纬度的变化规律, 运用多元线性回归模型来确定影响针叶性状变异的主要环境因子。结果表明: (1)针叶性状在种群间的变异系数为12.01%-34.08%, 气孔保卫细胞长度、木质增厚层长度和宽度、针叶长度和气孔密度的表型分化系数较高; (2)云南松和卡西亚松在大多数性状上存在显著差异, 思茅松介于二者之间, 聚类分析结果表明3种松树针叶性状的种群变异结构与其地理区域分布一致; (3)针叶长度和气孔密度与纬度正相关, 气孔腔长度和宽度与纬度负相关; (4)影响针叶性状变化的关键环境因子是最干季平均气温、降水量季节性变异系数、平均气温日较差、最湿月降水量和最干月降水量。3种松树针叶性状具有丰富的种间和种群间变异, 呈现显著的纬度梯度变异趋势, 反映了其对环境长期适应的结果。热带亚热带松树针叶性状变异及其对环境因子的响应可为造林育种的地理种源选择提供科学依据。
李卫英, 章正仁, 辛雅萱, 王飞, 辛培尧, 高洁. 云南松、思茅松和卡西亚松天然种群间的针叶表型变异. 植物生态学报, 2023, 47(6): 833-846. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0263
LI Wei-Ying, ZHANG Zheng-Ren, XIN Ya-Xuan, WANG Fei, XIN Pei-Yao, GAO Jie. Needle phenotype variation among natural populations of Pinus yunnanensis, P. kesiya var. langbianensis and P. kesiya. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2023, 47(6): 833-846. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0263
物种 Species | 种群地点 Population location | 种群编号 Population No. | 经度 Longitude (° E) | 纬度 Latitude (° N) | 海拔 Altitude (m) |
卡西亚松 P. kesiya | 老挝阿速坡 Attapu, Laos | ASPPk | 107.19 | 15.22 | 1 061 |
缅甸掸邦, 东枝 Dongzhi, Shan State, Myanmar | DZPk | 97.06 | 20.79 | 1 583 | |
老挝川圹, 丰沙湾 Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang, Laos | FSWPk | 103.12 | 19.50 | 1 070 | |
缅甸掸邦, 格劳 GeLao, Shan State, Myanmar | KLPk | 96.55 | 20.65 | 1 022 | |
菲律宾 Philippines | PHP1 | 120.85 | 16.19 | 1 201 | |
菲律宾 Philippines | PHP4 | 120.89 | 17.14 | 751 | |
菲律宾 Philippines | PHP8 | 120.89 | 18.10 | 50 | |
老挝华潘, 桑怒 Sam Neua, Houaphanh, Laos | SNPk | 103.96 | 20.22 | 1 399 | |
越南安沛, 拉潘滩 La Pan Tan, Yen Bai, Vietnam | V04 | 104.13 | 21.75 | 1 410 | |
越南得农 Dak Nong Vietnam | V08 | 107.43 | 12.15 | 847 | |
思茅松 P. kesiya var. langbianensis | 中国云南 Yunnan, China | ||||
景谷 Jinggu | JGPk | 100.50 | 23.49 | 1 707 | |
景洪贺建 Hejian, Jinghong | JHPk02 | 100.51 | 22.25 | 1 244 | |
勐腊 Mengla | MLPk | 101.67 | 21.25 | 921 | |
宁洱 Ning’er | NEPk | 100.97 | 23.19 | 1 004 | |
思茅 Simao | SMPk | 100.95 | 22.71 | 1 340 | |
景洪大渡岗 Dadugang, Jinghong | JHPk01 | 100.99 | 22.42 | 1 113 | |
勐海布朗山 Bulangshan, Menghai | MHPk01 | 100.24 | 21.66 | 885 | |
墨江 Mojiang | MJPk | 101.61 | 23.40 | 1 690 | |
镇沅 Zhengyuan | ZYPk | 101.14 | 23.88 | 1 109 | |
云南松 P. yunnanensis | 中国云南 Yunnan, China | ||||
宾川 Binchuan | BCPy | 100.35 | 25.97 | 1 809 | |
大理云龙 Yunlong, Dali | DLPy | 99.29 | 25.87 | 2 572 | |
景东 Jingdong | JDPy | 100.67 | 24.70 | 1 713 | |
昆明 Kunming | KMPy | 102.62 | 24.91 | 2 041 | |
丽江 Lijiang | LJPy | 100.22 | 26.88 | 2 651 | |
腾冲 Tengchong | TCPy | 98.58 | 24.91 | 1 776 | |
文山 Wenshan | WSPy02 | 104.63 | 23.97 | 1 573 | |
宜良 Yiliang | YLPy | 103.16 | 24.71 | 1 938 | |
玉溪 Yuxi | YXPy | 102.15 | 24.24 | 1 861 | |
中国广西 Guangxi, China | |||||
乐业 Leye | LYPy | 106.37 | 24.80 | 1 336 | |
西林 Xilin | XLPy | 104.62 | 24.59 | 857 | |
隆林 Longlin | LLPy | 104.96 | 24.69 | 1 294 |
表1 云南松、卡西亚松及思茅松采集信息表
Table 1 Sample informations of Pinus yunnanensis, P. kesiya and P. kesiya var. langbianensis
物种 Species | 种群地点 Population location | 种群编号 Population No. | 经度 Longitude (° E) | 纬度 Latitude (° N) | 海拔 Altitude (m) |
卡西亚松 P. kesiya | 老挝阿速坡 Attapu, Laos | ASPPk | 107.19 | 15.22 | 1 061 |
缅甸掸邦, 东枝 Dongzhi, Shan State, Myanmar | DZPk | 97.06 | 20.79 | 1 583 | |
老挝川圹, 丰沙湾 Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang, Laos | FSWPk | 103.12 | 19.50 | 1 070 | |
缅甸掸邦, 格劳 GeLao, Shan State, Myanmar | KLPk | 96.55 | 20.65 | 1 022 | |
菲律宾 Philippines | PHP1 | 120.85 | 16.19 | 1 201 | |
菲律宾 Philippines | PHP4 | 120.89 | 17.14 | 751 | |
菲律宾 Philippines | PHP8 | 120.89 | 18.10 | 50 | |
老挝华潘, 桑怒 Sam Neua, Houaphanh, Laos | SNPk | 103.96 | 20.22 | 1 399 | |
越南安沛, 拉潘滩 La Pan Tan, Yen Bai, Vietnam | V04 | 104.13 | 21.75 | 1 410 | |
越南得农 Dak Nong Vietnam | V08 | 107.43 | 12.15 | 847 | |
思茅松 P. kesiya var. langbianensis | 中国云南 Yunnan, China | ||||
景谷 Jinggu | JGPk | 100.50 | 23.49 | 1 707 | |
景洪贺建 Hejian, Jinghong | JHPk02 | 100.51 | 22.25 | 1 244 | |
勐腊 Mengla | MLPk | 101.67 | 21.25 | 921 | |
宁洱 Ning’er | NEPk | 100.97 | 23.19 | 1 004 | |
思茅 Simao | SMPk | 100.95 | 22.71 | 1 340 | |
景洪大渡岗 Dadugang, Jinghong | JHPk01 | 100.99 | 22.42 | 1 113 | |
勐海布朗山 Bulangshan, Menghai | MHPk01 | 100.24 | 21.66 | 885 | |
墨江 Mojiang | MJPk | 101.61 | 23.40 | 1 690 | |
镇沅 Zhengyuan | ZYPk | 101.14 | 23.88 | 1 109 | |
云南松 P. yunnanensis | 中国云南 Yunnan, China | ||||
宾川 Binchuan | BCPy | 100.35 | 25.97 | 1 809 | |
大理云龙 Yunlong, Dali | DLPy | 99.29 | 25.87 | 2 572 | |
景东 Jingdong | JDPy | 100.67 | 24.70 | 1 713 | |
昆明 Kunming | KMPy | 102.62 | 24.91 | 2 041 | |
丽江 Lijiang | LJPy | 100.22 | 26.88 | 2 651 | |
腾冲 Tengchong | TCPy | 98.58 | 24.91 | 1 776 | |
文山 Wenshan | WSPy02 | 104.63 | 23.97 | 1 573 | |
宜良 Yiliang | YLPy | 103.16 | 24.71 | 1 938 | |
玉溪 Yuxi | YXPy | 102.15 | 24.24 | 1 861 | |
中国广西 Guangxi, China | |||||
乐业 Leye | LYPy | 106.37 | 24.80 | 1 336 | |
西林 Xilin | XLPy | 104.62 | 24.59 | 857 | |
隆林 Longlin | LLPy | 104.96 | 24.69 | 1 294 |
性状 Trait | 云南松 Pinus yunnanensis | 卡西亚松 P. kesiya | 思茅松 P. kesiya var. langbianensis | 种群间 Among populations | ||||
平均值±标准差 Mean ± SD | 变异系数 CV (%) | 平均值±标准差 Mean ± SD | 变异系数 CV (%) | 平均值±标准差 Mean ± SD | 变异系数 CV (%) | 平均值±标准差 Mean ± SD | 变异系数 CV (%) | |
LSGC (μm) | 30.20 ± 3.41b | 11.30 | 35.45 ± 3.83a | 10.80 | 31.41 ± 3.86b | 12.28 | 32.28 ± 4.32 | 13.39 |
WSGC (μm) | 24.70 ± 2.78b | 11.26 | 27.32 ± 3.17a | 11.62 | 24.94 ± 2.53ab | 10.13 | 25.63 ± 3.08 | 12.01 |
WTLL (μm) | 16.94 ± 2.62b | 15.50 | 22.66 ± 4.64a | 20.49 | 18.31 ± 2.69b | 14.68 | 19.21 ± 4.23 | 22.01 |
WTLW (μm) | 13.84 ± 2.20c | 15.77 | 17.65 ± 2.00a | 11.35 | 15.58 ± 2.18b | 14.01 | 15.63 ± 2.64 | 16.87 |
LSC (μm) | 6.99 ± 2.17a | 31.01 | 8.07 ± 2.96a | 36.70 | 6.57 ± 1.90a | 28.84 | 7.23 ± 2.46 | 34.08 |
WSC (μm) | 5.88 ± 1.45b | 24.56 | 6.95 ± 1.82a | 26.12 | 5.67 ± 1.74b | 30.70 | 6.17 ± 1.74 | 28.26 |
NL (cm) | 21.34 ± 3.57a | 16.72 | 18.43 ± 2.87ab | 15.59 | 14.93 ± 5.45b | 36.53 | 18.53 ± 4.78 | 25.78 |
SD (600 μm-2) | 98.43 ± 25.28a | 25.68 | 68.92 ± 16.11b | 23.38 | 66.87 ± 17.41b | 26.04 | 79.62 ± 25.21 | 31.66 |
表2 云南松、思茅松和卡西亚松天然种群针叶的表型性状、变异系数和种间Tukey’s HSD多重比较
Table 2 Measurement values, variation coefficients and Tukey’s HSD test of the needle morphological traits among the natural populations of Pinus yunnanensis, P. kesiya var. langbianensis and P. kesiya
性状 Trait | 云南松 Pinus yunnanensis | 卡西亚松 P. kesiya | 思茅松 P. kesiya var. langbianensis | 种群间 Among populations | ||||
平均值±标准差 Mean ± SD | 变异系数 CV (%) | 平均值±标准差 Mean ± SD | 变异系数 CV (%) | 平均值±标准差 Mean ± SD | 变异系数 CV (%) | 平均值±标准差 Mean ± SD | 变异系数 CV (%) | |
LSGC (μm) | 30.20 ± 3.41b | 11.30 | 35.45 ± 3.83a | 10.80 | 31.41 ± 3.86b | 12.28 | 32.28 ± 4.32 | 13.39 |
WSGC (μm) | 24.70 ± 2.78b | 11.26 | 27.32 ± 3.17a | 11.62 | 24.94 ± 2.53ab | 10.13 | 25.63 ± 3.08 | 12.01 |
WTLL (μm) | 16.94 ± 2.62b | 15.50 | 22.66 ± 4.64a | 20.49 | 18.31 ± 2.69b | 14.68 | 19.21 ± 4.23 | 22.01 |
WTLW (μm) | 13.84 ± 2.20c | 15.77 | 17.65 ± 2.00a | 11.35 | 15.58 ± 2.18b | 14.01 | 15.63 ± 2.64 | 16.87 |
LSC (μm) | 6.99 ± 2.17a | 31.01 | 8.07 ± 2.96a | 36.70 | 6.57 ± 1.90a | 28.84 | 7.23 ± 2.46 | 34.08 |
WSC (μm) | 5.88 ± 1.45b | 24.56 | 6.95 ± 1.82a | 26.12 | 5.67 ± 1.74b | 30.70 | 6.17 ± 1.74 | 28.26 |
NL (cm) | 21.34 ± 3.57a | 16.72 | 18.43 ± 2.87ab | 15.59 | 14.93 ± 5.45b | 36.53 | 18.53 ± 4.78 | 25.78 |
SD (600 μm-2) | 98.43 ± 25.28a | 25.68 | 68.92 ± 16.11b | 23.38 | 66.87 ± 17.41b | 26.04 | 79.62 ± 25.21 | 31.66 |
性状 Trait | 均方 Mean square | F | 方差分量 Variance components (%) | VST (%) | |||||
种间 Interspecies | 种内群体间 Populations within species | 残差 Residuals | 种间 Interspecies | 种内群体间 Populations within species | 种间 Interspecies | 种内群体间 Populations within species | 残差 Residuals | ||
LSGC (μm) | 770.50 | 43.80 | 10.40 | 17.59*** | 4.21*** | 34.66 | 16.40 | 48.94 | 67.88 |
WSGC (μm) | 209.53 | 31.04 | 5.71 | 6.75*** | 5.44*** | 17.78 | 25.97 | 56.25 | 40.64 |
WTLL (μm) | 914.30 | 50.20 | 7.80 | 18.21*** | 6.44*** | 41.77 | 21.06 | 37.17 | 66.48 |
WTLW (μm) | 363.60 | 9.30 | 4.00 | 39.10*** | 2.33*** | 43.89 | 6.67 | 49.44 | 86.80 |
LSC (μm) | 56.49 | 21.60 | 4.06 | 2.62*** | 5.32*** | 5.63 | 29.28 | 65.08 | 16.14 |
WSC (μm) | 45.31 | 6.77 | 2.33 | 6.69*** | 2.91*** | 12.24 | 14.50 | 73.26 | 45.79 |
NL (cm) | 1 005.90 | 61.00 | 11.50 | 16.49*** | 5.30*** | 36.54 | 19.68 | 43.78 | 64.99 |
SD (600 μm-2) | 32 767.00 | 1 112.00 | 345.00 | 29.47*** | 3.22*** | 43.03 | 10.72 | 46.25 | 80.06 |
平均值 Mean | 4 516.58 | 166.96 | 48.85 | - | - | 29.44 | 18.04 | 52.52 | 58.60 |
表3 云南松、思茅松和卡西亚松天然种群针叶表型性状变异方差分析
Table 3 Variance portions and differentiation coefficients of the needle morphological traits among the natural populations of Pinus yunnanensis, P. kesiya var. langbianensis and P. kesiya
性状 Trait | 均方 Mean square | F | 方差分量 Variance components (%) | VST (%) | |||||
种间 Interspecies | 种内群体间 Populations within species | 残差 Residuals | 种间 Interspecies | 种内群体间 Populations within species | 种间 Interspecies | 种内群体间 Populations within species | 残差 Residuals | ||
LSGC (μm) | 770.50 | 43.80 | 10.40 | 17.59*** | 4.21*** | 34.66 | 16.40 | 48.94 | 67.88 |
WSGC (μm) | 209.53 | 31.04 | 5.71 | 6.75*** | 5.44*** | 17.78 | 25.97 | 56.25 | 40.64 |
WTLL (μm) | 914.30 | 50.20 | 7.80 | 18.21*** | 6.44*** | 41.77 | 21.06 | 37.17 | 66.48 |
WTLW (μm) | 363.60 | 9.30 | 4.00 | 39.10*** | 2.33*** | 43.89 | 6.67 | 49.44 | 86.80 |
LSC (μm) | 56.49 | 21.60 | 4.06 | 2.62*** | 5.32*** | 5.63 | 29.28 | 65.08 | 16.14 |
WSC (μm) | 45.31 | 6.77 | 2.33 | 6.69*** | 2.91*** | 12.24 | 14.50 | 73.26 | 45.79 |
NL (cm) | 1 005.90 | 61.00 | 11.50 | 16.49*** | 5.30*** | 36.54 | 19.68 | 43.78 | 64.99 |
SD (600 μm-2) | 32 767.00 | 1 112.00 | 345.00 | 29.47*** | 3.22*** | 43.03 | 10.72 | 46.25 | 80.06 |
平均值 Mean | 4 516.58 | 166.96 | 48.85 | - | - | 29.44 | 18.04 | 52.52 | 58.60 |
图2 云南松、思茅松和卡西亚松针叶性状指标的主成分(PC)分析(A)和31个天然群体的针叶性状聚类图(B)。LSC, 气孔腔长度; LSGC, 气孔保卫细胞长度; NL, 针叶长度; SD, 气孔密度; WSC, 气孔腔宽度; WSGC, 气孔保卫细胞宽度; WTLL, 木质增厚层长度; WTLW, 木质增厚层宽度。群体编号信息见表1。
Fig. 2 Scatter diagram of the first two principal coordinates from principal component (PC) analysis (A) and ward cluster (B) for the 31 populations based on needle traits of Pinus yunnanensis, P. kesiya var. langbianensis and P. kesiya. LSC, length of the stomata cavity; LSGC, length of stomata guard cell; NL, needle length; SD, stomatal density; WSC, width of the stomata cavity; WSGC, width of the stomata guard cell; WTLL, length of the woody thickening layer; WTLW, width of the woody thickening layer. See Table 1 for abbreviations of population ID.
图3 云南松、思茅松和卡西亚松针叶性状与纬度梯度相关性分析。LSC, 气孔腔长度; LSGC, 气孔保卫细胞长度; NL, 针叶长度; SD, 气孔密度; WSC, 气孔腔宽度; WSGC, 气孔保卫细胞宽度; WTLL, 木质增厚层长度; WTLW, 木质增厚层宽度。
Fig. 3 Latitudinal gradients of the needle traits of Pinus yunnanensis, P. kesiya var. langbianensis and P. kesiya. LSC, length of the stomata cavity; LSGC, length of stomata guard cell; NL, needle length; SD, stomatal density; WSC, width of the stomata cavity; WSGC, width of the stomata guard cell; WTLL, length of the woody thickening layer; WTLW, width of the woody thickening layer.
图4 多元线性模型筛选出的重要气候变量与云南松、思茅松和卡西亚松针叶性状的相关性。LSC, 气孔腔长度; LSGC, 气孔保卫细胞长度; NL, 针叶长度; SD, 气孔密度; WSC, 气孔腔宽度; WSGC, 气孔保卫细胞宽度; WTLL, 木质增厚层长度; WTLW, 木质增厚层宽度。BIO2, 平均气温日较差; BIO9, 最干季平均气温; BIO13, 最湿月降水量; BIO14, 最干月降水量; BIO15, 降水量季节变异系数。r, 相关系数。所有值为基于lg转换。
Fig. 4 Significant correlation between the needle traits and climatic variables (selected by the multiple linear regression model) of Pinus yunnanensis, P. kesiya var. langbianensis and P. kesiya. LSC, length of the stomata cavity; LSGC, length of stomata guard cell; NL, needle length; SD, stomatal density; WSC, width of the stomata cavity; WSGC, width of the stomata guard cell; WTLL, length of the woody thickening layer; WTLW, width of the woody thickening layer. BIO2, mean temperature diurnal range; BIO9, mean temperature of driest quarter; BIO13, precipitation of wettest month; BIO14, precipitation of driest month; BIO15, precipitation seasonality. r, correlation coefficient. The values was lg transformed.
图5 云南松、思茅松和卡西亚松的针叶表型性状主成分分析中第一主成分的群体分值(PC1)随重要气候变量(多元线性模型筛选)的地理变异趋势。BIO2, 平均气温日较差; BIO9, 最干季平均气温; BIO13, 最湿月降水量; BIO14, 最干月降水量; BIO15, 降水量季节变异系数。所有值为基于lg转换后扩大100倍。
Fig. 5 Distribution patterns of the population score of the first principal component value (PC1) based on the analysis of conifer phenotypic traits of Pinus yunnanensis, P. kesiya var. langbianensis and P. kesiya was the geographical variation trend of important climatic variables (multivariate linear model screening). BIO2, mean temperature diurnal range; BIO9, mean temperature of driest quarter; BIO13, precipitation of wettest month; BIO14, precipitation of driest month; BIO15, precipitation seasonality. The values was lg transformed and multiplied by 100.
性状 Trait | 截距 Intercept | 平均气温日较差 BIO2 | 最湿季平均气温 BIO8 | 最干季平均气温 BIO9 | 最湿月降水量 BIO13 | 最干月降水量 BIO14 | 降水量季节变异系数 BIO15 |
LSGC (μm) | -0.000 8 | 0.1 759 | 0.7 516 | -0.3 924 | |||
WSGC (μm) | -0.054 6 | -0.5 432 | 0.6 846 | 0.3 786 | |||
WTLL (μm) | 0.007 7 | 0.2 861 | 0.6 523 | -0.4 449 | |||
WTLW (μm) | -0.008 3 | -0.3 561 | 0.9 913 | 0.1 731 | |||
LSC (μm) | -0.031 4 | -0.4 884 | 0.7 315 | 0.7 785 | -1.3 658 | ||
WSC (μm) | -0.027 5 | 0.4 550 | -0.3 918 | ||||
NL (cm) | -0.007 0 | -0.3 137 | -0.5 250 | ||||
SD ( 600 μm-2) | -0.018 1 | -0.8 011 | 0.1 918 |
表4 多元线性回归模型筛选的影响云南松、思茅松和卡西亚松种群针叶表型性状变异的气候变量
Table 4 Multiple linear regression models selected the climatic variables that predict variation in measured traits across all populations of Pinus yunnanensis, P. kesiya var. langbianensis and P. kesiya.
性状 Trait | 截距 Intercept | 平均气温日较差 BIO2 | 最湿季平均气温 BIO8 | 最干季平均气温 BIO9 | 最湿月降水量 BIO13 | 最干月降水量 BIO14 | 降水量季节变异系数 BIO15 |
LSGC (μm) | -0.000 8 | 0.1 759 | 0.7 516 | -0.3 924 | |||
WSGC (μm) | -0.054 6 | -0.5 432 | 0.6 846 | 0.3 786 | |||
WTLL (μm) | 0.007 7 | 0.2 861 | 0.6 523 | -0.4 449 | |||
WTLW (μm) | -0.008 3 | -0.3 561 | 0.9 913 | 0.1 731 | |||
LSC (μm) | -0.031 4 | -0.4 884 | 0.7 315 | 0.7 785 | -1.3 658 | ||
WSC (μm) | -0.027 5 | 0.4 550 | -0.3 918 | ||||
NL (cm) | -0.007 0 | -0.3 137 | -0.5 250 | ||||
SD ( 600 μm-2) | -0.018 1 | -0.8 011 | 0.1 918 |
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